
Is there an IDE that provides code completion for Python

I am quite fond of the Intellisense code completion baked into Microsoft Visual Studio. I find that I only type 2 to 4 characters of any given keyword which drasticaly speeds up my coding. Now that I have been spending time writing some Python code I find myself reaching for ctrl+space. Are there any IDEs that support code completion i...

How do I configure eclipse (zend studio 6) to hint and code complete several languages?

My dream IDE does full code hints, explains and completes PHP, Javascript, HTML and CSS. I know it exists! so far, Zend studio 6, under the Eclipse IDE does a great job at hinting PHP, some Javascript and HTML, any way I can expand this? edit: a bit more information: right now, using zend-6 under eclipse, i type in <?phpp //(a single ...

How to disable Notepad++'s annoying 'parenthesis completion'?

Whenever I type a (, [, or {, Notepad++ completes it with the corresponding closing bracket. I find this 'feature' annoying and would like to disable it. It doesn't seem to be listed in the Preferences dialog and a search of the online documentation didn't yield any useful result. Does anybody here know where the option for this is hidd...

Has anyone found a good set of python plugins for vim -- specifically module completion?

I'm looking for a suite of plugins that can help me finally switch over to vim full-time. Right now I'm using Komodo with some good success, but their vim bindings have enough little errors that I'm tired of it. What I do love in Komodo, though, is the code completion. So, here's what I'm looking for (ordered by importance). Code com...

Code completion / intellisense options

So I've been using Visual Studio for years and I've grown fully accustomed to Intellisense. At my new job, however, I've been using Xcode and it does a few things that Intellisense doesn't. For example, Xcode expands macros before checking, so (ok I'm only using a singleton for demonstrative purposes here) #define INST class::getInstan...

How many ways can I get Bash alias completion on a partial substring?

Question: I have a question that is apparently not answered by this already-asked Bash completion question on Stack Overflow. The question is, how to get Bash alias completion (for any alias) on a partial substring. Example: For example, assume I have the following aliases: open.alicehome="cd /usr/home/alice" open.bakerhome="cd /usr/ho...

Ctrl+Space for omni and keyword completion in vim

I Want to use Ctrl+Space for omni-completion (and keyword completion if there is no omni-completion) in vim. I've tried this which I found somewhere on the web: inoremap <expr> <c-space> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<C-x>\<C-o>\<C-n>\<C-p>\<C-r>=pumvisible() ? \"\\<Down>\" : \"\\<CR>\"" however it's not working. Anyone who is using Ctr...

Make Vim completion work more like in Visual Studio

I want Vim's completion menu to work more like the one in Visual Studio. I want to be able to write the start of a variable (or something which completion is available), hit the omni-completion keys and get the completion menu. Now I want the completion menu to highlight the best match but not add it to the buffer. Now I want to be able ...

What is a good Linux IDE for code completion?

So far for C++ Linux development, I've used Eclipse CDT and Code::Blocks. Compared to Visual Studio on Windows, their code completion features aren't too great. Could someone please suggest an IDE that has better C++ code completion than what I have tried so far? A thread on the Ubuntu Forums suggests that Code::Blocks is actually super...

Why doesn't code insight in PHPEd work with the Zend Framework?

I am currently working with the Zend Framework and I use PHPEd as my favourite PHP editor. I have already seen that the IDE can trace my own functions and libraries and display them in the code insight. How can I add the libraries of Zend Framework to the code insight? They are loaded with a internal autoload function of the Zend Frame...

NetBeans PHP code completion

Hi folks, Rrecently I started using NetBeans 6.7 beta for PHP development instead of Textmate and MacGDBp. I am rather amazed with it's feature set and most everything worked out of the box, or was easily configured to my liking. I am having an issue with the code completion features though; they work for build-in functions, SPL and so...

How to implement content assist's documentation popup in Eclipse RCP

Hi, I have implemented my own editor and added a code completion functionality to it. My content assistant is registered in source viewer configuration like this: public IContentAssistant getContentAssistant(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) { if (assistant == null) { assistant = new ContentAssistant(); assistant.setDocum...

How to configure code completion for Django based projects in PyDev?

I am playing with a simple project based on Django framework. My IDE is PyDev/Eclipse. I cannot make code completion work for Django code, but it works fine for standard Python libraries. I tried to add Django dir (in my case C:\Program Files\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django) to PYTHONPATH both on PyDev level (Window->Preferences->PyDe...

Word / Code Completion in VIM

I know that I can get word completion through CTRL+N & CTRL+P and code completion through omnifunc with CTRL+X CTRL+O. I additionally tried Supertab (very nice), because I'm used to TAB-completion. That all worked all right. I would like to see possible matches while I'm typing, so I also tried autocomplpop.vim, witch does just that. W...

Where does Visual Studio get the data intellisense and name-space completion

I admit...I am posting this question because I still don't have an answer to my other question and thought I would take a different tact. Can someone explain to me WHERE the values for intellisense and namespace/class/member completion works. I figured if I can drill into where/how it is deriving that data I can try to reconfigure my...

How does code completion work?

Lots of editors and IDEs have code completion. Some of them are very "intelligent" others are not really. I am interested in the more intelligent type. For example I have seen IDEs that only offer a function if it is a) available in the current scope b) it's return value is valid. (For example after "5 + foo[tab]" it only offers function...

Wanted a tool for decompiling obfuscated .NET code

Hello. I need a tool to decompile obfuscated .NET code. Yes, I know about Reflector and its plugins (FileDisassemble, FileGenerator). But they create VS project which won't compile. For an example the decompiled code contains: private sealed class d__0 : IEnumerator, IEnumerator, IDisposable { private int <>1...

Using Eclipse 3.5 PDT, how do I stop it from automatically converting <? into <?php ?> ?

I just upgraded to Eclipse 3.5 PDT, and everytime I type <?, it converts it into <?php ?>. How do I turn that off? ...

Emacs code completion for C/C++?

Emacs wiki Xrefactory CEDET ? What can you recommand me ? ...

Does intellisense work in XCode?

I am a noob to XCode, so forgive what could be a dumb question. It seems like XCode kind of does intellisense (or code completion). When I type in: [self setT it suggests the setTitle because its the first matching one. Is there a way to make it work a bit more like Visual Studio where you get a dropdown of available methods/proper...