
Code coverage tools for Symbian C++ and Maemo

What code coverage tools have you used with Symbian C++ and Maemo? What are the pros and cons of the tool you are using? ...

Code coverage tools in Java

Are there any such code coverage tools in Java that give the different paths in the program. Basically the idea is to ensure that all loops and nested loops are covered during execution. That is to be able to ascertain if all the loops in a code base have been executed at least through one iteration. ...

FlexCover 0.81 throws ServicesDepdendency Error no matter what

I've used FlexCover quite a bit before so this is absolutely absurd to me. No matter what version of the flex sdk (3.0, 3.2, or 4) that I apply the appropriate patches too, I get the following error when trying to compile: mxmlc Error: flex/messaging/config/ServicesDependencies java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: flex/messaging/co... exclude files

How do I exclude entire files from reports? According to the documentation you can exclude code by matching lines. I want to exclude entire files, so that the reports don't include 3rd party libraries. Am I missing something? Can it be done? ...

Acceptance Tests and Code Coverage

What is the best way to measure coverage for your Acceptance Tests?? How do you define how much your acceptance tests cover and when they are enough?? ...

Setting up gcov in Xcode 3.1

I'm trying to setup my Xcode project to be instrumented with gcov so I can determine the code coverage of my unit tests. All of the documentation I find online talks about settings that I don't find in Xcode 3.1, though. An example: To work with Coverstory, first you need to set up your target to work with gcov. This requires turning...

How to decorate a class as untestable for Code Coverage?

Hi, Background: Visual Studio 2008, C#, .Net 3.5. I have a number of utility classes that are simply not unit-testable. This is mainly because they interact with resources (e.g. databases, files etc). Is there a way I can decorate these classes so that the Visual Studio Code Coverage engine will ignore them, so not decreasing the code...

Where is CoverageEye ? Or another free code coverage tool for .Net ...

Hi all, I was looking for CoverageEye that was available on gotdotnet. But after closing, I'm unable to find it elsewhere. Do you know more about it ? Or another good code coverage tool for .net ? Thanks for your help, ...

Full code coverage

I'm trying to obtain full code coverage for the following line of code... stringWriter.Write(HtmlEncodedString.Format(string.Format("{0,-10:C}", x + y))) The line above this one is showing as fully covered and is just writing out a string but this one is only showing as partially covered. Anybody have any ideas how I can make this l...

Is it possible exclude test directories from reports?

I'm kind of a rookie with python unit testing, and particularly Is it desirable to have coverage reports include the coverage of your actual test files? Here's a screenshot of my HTML report as an example. You can see that the report includes tests/test_credit_card. At first I was trying to omit the tests/ directory from...

Code coverage using mono and nunit tests

Hello, I'm trying to test a file (Account.cs) using testfile (AccountTest.cs). I run OSX 10.6 with Mono Framework (and nunit-console). Below is Account.cs namespace bank { using System; public class InsufficientFundsException : ApplicationException { } public class Account { private float balance; ...

is there a code-coverage tool for the TSQL sproc unit tests?

I am looking for a unitttest and code-coverage tool for TSQL sprocs. Can anyone recommend a good one? Commercial or free. ...

What is a good, free C# unit test coverage tool?

I'm looking for a tool that I can run against my code base to determine which areas of my code are covered by NUnit tests I've written. I would appreciate any suggestions at all, and example usage if needed. Thanks! ...

Java: measure code coverage for remote scripting tests

We have an application which is deployed on JBoss 5.1, JDK 1.6. We also have scripts written in PowerShell for testing. These scripts access the application using a web-service. I would like to check the code coverage of the scripts. Any ideas? Most of the tools I saw are checking a JUnit test coverage and I don't see how we can use them...

run unit tests and coverage in certain python structure

Hi, I have some funny noob problem. I try to run unit tests from commandline: H:\PRO\pyEstimator>python src\test\python\ Traceback (most recent call last): File "src\test\python\", line 2, in <module> import src.main.python.power_estimator as power ImportError: No module named

Code coverage with nUnit?

Is there a way to see the code coverage when using nUnit? I know there's such a feature in visual studio but can you use it with nUnit or only with the built-in vs unit tests? ...

Getting suggestions on how to get the best code coverage in java

Several tools exists that allow to calculate path coverage for a set of tests, but is there a tool (or an algorithm) that could suggest values to get the best path coverage with the smallest number of tests possible? For example with the following classes: public class User { private boolean isAdmin = false; private String nam...

How to omit using python coverage lib ?

I would like to omit some module that are in some particular directory : eggs and bin coverage -r -i --omit=/usr/lib/,/usr/share/,eggs,bin Name Stmts Exec Cover ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bin/test ...

Cobertura ant script is missing Log4J classes

I tried to get Cobertura running inside my ant script, but I'm stuck right at the beginning. When I try to insert the cobertura taskdef I'm missing the Log4J libraries. Ant properties & classpath <property name="cobertura.dir" location="/full/path/to/cobertura-1.9.3" /> <path id="cobertura.classpath"> <fileset dir="${cobertura.dir}">...

Dead code detection in PHP

I have a project with very messy code - lots of duplication and dead code here and there. Some time ago there was zero code coverage by unit-tests but now we're trying to write all new code in T.D.D. manner and lowering technical debt by covering "old" code by unit-tests as well(test-last technique). Business logic's complexity is quit...