
Ignoring modules other than own in testoob coverage reporting

I use testoob in the following way: def suite(): import unittest return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromNames([ 'my_module.my_unittest_class', 'my_module.my_other_unittest_class', ]) if __name__ == '__main__': import testoob testoob.main(defaultTest="suite") And then run the unittest suite wit...

Zero code coverage with cobertura 1.9.2 but tests are working

I run the code coverage target: <junit fork="yes" dir="${basedir}" failureProperty="test.failed"> <!-- Note the classpath order: instrumented classes are before the original (uninstrumented) classes. This is important. --> <classpath path="${instrumented.di...

Are there code coverage tools that can tell me about just the code that I wrote during my last sprint?

I'm looking for a tool that can give me more meaningful metrics about code coverage for my team. For instance, two things I'd like to see: How much code coverage did we have as a team for the code written during our last sprint? How much code coverage did new code get broken down by developer? Has anyone done anything like this befo...

Hudson doesn't recognize that I executed any tests after build - any ideas why?

I'm using Hudson to build a Java project w/ Maven. The project includes two different sets of unit tests: (1) a plain-old Surefire plugin execution that includes unit & database integration tests, and (2) a profile-activated suite of tests that are necessarily invoked using the JUnit ant task*. I can understand why Hudson does not recog...

XSLT for MS Test code coverage result file

Do you know some nice XSLT for transforming the code coverage XML output from the Visual Studio (I'm using the 2010 Ultimate Beta) into an HTML report that I could put on a webpage ? I have found an article which could get me started but their example is just a simple one that doesn't contain all the hierarchical drill-down information a...

Rcov: Why is this code not being considered covered?

Here's my controller: class MyController < ApplicationController include MyHelper def index get_list_from_params do |list| @list = list respond_to do |format| format.html format.xml { render :xml => @list } format.json { render :json => @list } end end end end ...the helper tha...

How to aggregate code coverage report in Hudson?

Hi, I have project build with hudson CBS. and i am using cobertura for test coverage. Reports are generated and i am happy about it. but i cannot find the delta of coverage %. for e.g. check-in #1 - code coverage is 90% check-in #2 - code coverage is 75% i.e down by 15%. can i achieve this in hudson cobertura plug-in? is there an...

Code Coverage of ASP.NET

I recently inherited a nice size projects with about 100k lines of code and would like to find out what code is actually being run. I've found a number of routines that are not called at all and looking for a fast and automated way to explore the Business Layer to see what other code can be refactored out quickly. This is an ASP.NET we...

Is structured basis testing different from code/logic coverage testing

When people speak of structured basis testing, do they just mean code coverage or logic coverage testing, or is there another angle to it which covers more than just those principles? ...

How to get unit test coverage results in Eclipse + Pydev?

I know Eclipse + PyDev has an option Run As => 3 Python Coverage. But all it reports is: Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK And it says nothing about code coverage. How to get a code coverage report in Pydev? ...

How can I run Devel::Cover under mod_perl2?

Unfortunately, Devel::Cover does not yet work with threads. It doesn't work with prefork either. Being use'd in, Devel::Cover issues Not a CODE reference. END failed--call queue aborted. perl 5.8.9, Apache 2.2.13. My OS is FreeBSD, if that matters. The same problem is reported for win32. Update: Here's output for PerlTra...

phing versus phpunit codecoverage results

I have created a build.xml file for phing to create code coverage reports. It uses phpunit codecoverage="true" and is pointed to the same file(s) as done with phpunit --coverage-html. The result differ, however. With phing I have 100% code coverage for all files, which I have not. There is probably something I don't know about running...

Hudson "Source code is unavailable."

I'm using Hudson to continuously build a Python project. Unit tests and code coverage work great, but this message appears when drilling into the Cobertura Coverage Report for my files that are not unit tests: Source code is unavailable.Some possible reasons are: * This is not the most recent build (to save on disk space, this plugin ...

Test results and code coverage status on LCD Screen

HI, We are a small TDD team. We have a LCD screen mounted on the wall which we would like to have display the status of our builds together with current code coverage. Are there any tools that will provide this out ot the box? If not is this pretty straight forward to develop on our own? We are using TFS 2008. Cheers! ...

How do I generate coverage xml report for a single package?

I'm using nose and coverage to generate coverage reports. I only have one package right now, ae, so I specify to only cover that: nosetests -w tests/unit --with-xunit --with-coverage --cover-package=ae And here are the results, which look good: Name Stmts Exec Cover Missing -----------------------------------------...

How to change Ant script with EMMA code-coverage so it can find runtime coverage data?

I have following script: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <taskdef resource=""> <classpath> <pathelement location="lib/emma.jar" /> <pathelement location="lib/emma_ant.jar" /> </classpath> </taskdef> <target name="compile"> <mkdir dir="build"/> <!-- vytvori adresar bu...

Is there a way to determine code coverage without running the code?

I am not asking the static code analysis which is provided by StyleCop or Fxcop. Both are having different purpose and it serves well. I am asking whether is there a way to find the code coverage of your user control or sub module? For ex, you have an application which uses the helper classes in a separate assembly. Inorder to ensure the...

Getting automated code coverage to work in MSBUILD

I've got a build agent running builds for TFS and I want to enable code coverage. My build file looks like this <PropertyGroup> <RunTest>true</RunTest> <RunConfigFile>$(SolutionRoot)\CITestRun.testrunconfig</RunConfigFile> <RunCodeAnalysis>Default</RunCodeAnalysis> <TreatTestFailureAsBuildFailure>true</TreatTestFailure...

Code coverage in production

Any good tool/experience/story about using some code-coverage tool at early beta to early gold deployed applications? Platform is .net 2.0 ...

google-test: code coverage

Is it possible to get code coverage done by tests using google test framework? ...