
how can I get test coverage statistics for VS2008 C# project

Hi, I am using Visual Studio 2008 for a C# WinForms application and I am using the MSTest unit testing framework. It doesn't seem to have test coverage (I think it's in Team System?). What is the easiest (cheapest?) way to get some test coverage statistics for my project here? Effectively just an indication of for each *.cs file the...

Highlight text from Visual Studio 2008 add-in

Hi, guys! I'm writing another code coverage tool for .NET with Visual Studio 2008 integration. Everything goes well except one thing: I can't find a way to highlight some code chunks. I need it to inform user about covered and not covered blocks. You can see example of the feature I want on the next screenshot (from native VS code cove...

Clover coverage with Phing

Is there a way to get Phing to output it's coverage report in clover format? I know phpunit has --coverage-clover but I don't know how to enable this option from Phing. I do not want to manually use the <exec command - it defeats the point of Phing. I am using Phing 2.4RC2 Thanks. ...

open source c++ code coverage for dynamic linked libraries in linux

I'm recently looking for some tools for code coverage, lcov satisfied my needs until I discovered that it doesn't cover dynamic linked code, there are some commercial products but I'd rather stick to free solutions, does somebody know a tool to achieve that? ...

Running genhtml using cygwin Perl.exe in Windows

Hi all: I'm trying to run genhtml using perl.exe from Cygwin in Windows. I have installed cygwin and placed genhtml in the bin directory of cygwin. I went to that directory and used the command line in Windows: perl genhtml abc.dat where abc.dat is the name of the lcov file for genhtml. However I got an error saying: Reading data...

Can I merge Emma coverage data from unit and integration test targets?

We have our TeamCity builds set up using a build chain, so that our unit tests and and integration tests can run in parallel when triggered by a commit: Build Chain - dependant on: Unit tests Integration tests I am looking for a way that we can combine/merge the coverage data generated by the unit and integration tests in the build...

SEVERE warning from JsTestDriver when running too many tests

Hi all: Just wondering whether there are people out there using JsTestDriverCoverage (a javascript code coverage tool used alongside with JsTestDriver) to calculate javascript code coverage? I'm getting a SEVERE panic error from the captured browser every time I ran a lot of tests with it, and am still looking for ways to get around thi...

Error on syntax for generating coverage data from multiple files using lcov in Windows

Hi all: I would like some help... I'm having trouble coming up with the syntax to generate coverage data from multiple files using lcov in Windows. I have gcov, lcov and genhtml installed on cygwin (I'm running this under Windows). All of those files are inside cygwin/bin directory. The coverage data I flush through I believe are per...

How to handle code coverage of both Perl scripts and modules?

I have a unique requirement of handling code coverage of my Perl scripts. I have written a few Perl scripts which in turn uses a few Perl modules. My requirement is to use run these Perl scripts with different options they support and assess the code coverage of both Perl scripts and Perl modules. So I am using Devel::Cover, Module::Bu...

State based testing(state charts) & transition sequences

Hello I am really stuck with some state based testing concepts... I am trying to calculate some checking sequences that will cover all transitions from each state and i have the answers but i dont understand them: Now the answers i have are : I dont understand it at all. For example say we want to check transition a/x from s1, wo...

Unable to merge coverage data using genhtml

Hi all: I'm using genhtml (in Windows under cygwin) to generate a unit test coverage report from 2 coverage data files. They are all coverage data from the same unit test source file. However, when I entered the following command: perl genhtml /home/administrator/coverage1.dat /home/administrator/coverage2.dat I got the following o...

How to package Maven 2 generated-classes by Cobertura?

Hi there, i have a Maven 2 project setup which nicely packages a war file using a pom.xml now i want to introduce Cobertura to that. I can succesfully instrument the classes but when i want to package the instrumented classes and deploy them to my jboss server the wrong files are being packaged. My target tree looks like this: \target ...

Using Undercover with ScalaTest and Mavern

hi :) I'm having major problems getting Undercover to work using Mavern I'm using ScalaTest for unit tests and this is working perfectly When I run Undercover though it simply creates empty files I think it's probably a problem with the configuration in my pom.xml (but the documentation for Undercover is a little sketchy) Help :) Tha...

Getting Coverage for Windows Explorer Context Menu Application!

I have an application which runs using the context menu of windows explorer. I create an ATL based DLL and register it to Windows Registry under HKCR\AllFileSystemObjects\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers. I am able to run my application. I want coverage for my code present in the DLL which is being registered in the registry. I am currently ...

How to instrument a multiproject Maven 2 with Cobertura?

My Maven 2 project consists of several sub-modules. It s structured containing and EJB, WAR and Jar sub modules.. Now i want to instrument the packaged EAR that contains all submodules as mentioned. Example: Interface Maven Project consists of several modules: - InterfacePOM --> parent pom - InterfaceEAR --> EAR module which does not a...

How to change the default output from a Maven 2 / Cobertura instrument goal?

Hi there, when i instrument my classes using Maven 2 using the command mvn cobertura:instrument The output (the instrumented classes) are put in \target\generated-classes. Is there a way to change the output location to \target\classes? I checked the instrumentation tasks of the cobertura-maven plugin but this does not give me a ...

Useful/Realistic code coverage goals for a brownfield ASP.NET application

Let me qualify this question. I'm working on a "classic" ASP.NET application (Web Forms) that doesn't use Model-View-Presenter and was not written using TDD. It's also using an antiquated data access strategy (hand written DAO layer that invokes stored procs to populate and persist objects) that is unlikely to be upgraded to an ORM desp...

Missing code coverage tab in VS localtestrun.testrunconfig ?!

Hello, I am relatively new to unit testing and was attempting to add some code coverage to my unit tests. Yet i can't find the code coverage tab in Visual Studio 2008 in the localtestrun.testrunconfig, is there any missing Add-in or tool? Thanks, DMS ...

How do I get TFS to list Code Coverage for all the tested dlls? Currently it lists only a few assemblies.

Hi all, We have a tradtional layering architecture with business layer, service layer, model layer, etc. We have unit tests which test at least part of every production code assembly. I can see that they execute on TFS (see below). When I look at the coverage provided by TFS (formatted when opened from Visual Studio), it lists just thr...

Hudson build failed using Python & Coverage

I completed this tutorial from Joe Heck to set up Hudson for Python. Everything worked perfectly except the Coverage section. My build failed with this output: [workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + coverage run tests/ --with-xunit You must specify at least one of -e, -x, -c, -r, or -a. I tried to includ...