
How much trust can I put behind a computer system? How can I measure trust?

How much trust can I put in a standard computer running windows? To what certainty can I be sure it will run my code the way I wrote it? How can I be sure that if I declare something like "int j = 5;", j will alway be 5? Is there a way to measure trust in a standard x86 computer system? What kind of protections are there to make sure...

Running Python code contained in a string

I'm writing a game engine using pygame and box2d, and in the character builder, I want to be able to write the code that will be executed on keydown events. My plan was to have a text editor in the character builder that let you write code similar to: if key == K_a: ## Move left pass elif key == K_d: ## Move right pass ...

.NET WinForms: suspend code until mouse move or keyboard press

In .NET WinForms I want to display message in a status bar and suspend the program execution until user moves mouse or presses keyboard. How can I do that? ...

Recursion inside while loop, How does it work ?

Can you please tell me how does this java code work? : public class Main { public static void main (String[] args) { Strangemethod(5); } public static void Strangemethod(int len) { while(len > 1){ System.out.println(len-1); Strangemethod(len - 1); } } } I tried to debug it ...