
test socket connection with Java

I'm using the following class to test if a host accepts connection from java My question is, what could be enhanced here? Thanks for the feedback EDIT I have added the optional parameter "timeout" in seconds. import; import; import; import; public...

What name will appear under my app in the app store?

When submitting an app, there is one option for the name appears under the app. Can I put something else instead of my real name. Say if my license is for individual, not under a company. ...

Code Review Tools for Transact SQL

I am looking for automated code review tools for transact sql ...

Successful code review strategy with SVN and ReviewBoard?

I've managed to introduce ReviewBoard to the coding workflow in my company, while "introduce" means having installed and presented it. We also have a general agreement that we need code reviews sorely, however, we are not quite sure how we'd like to do it. Our main revision control is SVN, so we rather limited in branching and merging. ...

How do you make people accept code review?

All programmers have their style of programming. But some of the styles are let’s say... let’s not say. So you have code review to try to impose certain rules for good design and good programming techniques. But most of the programmers don’t like code review. They don’t like other people criticizing their work. Who do they think they ...

svn diff for a complete file?

Given: an SVN repository, a bin directory inside it and a inside this bin. Some revisions ago, bin and has been added to the repository in one commit. Since then, some revisions has been applied to Needed: a diff command which would return a complete diff for from zero to HEAD, i.e. a diff with a...

How often should code reviews be done?

I'd like to know how often people are doing code reviews and how often you think it is right to do a review. Also, I would like to hear how you perform your code reviews. I'm using TTC for now and I'm quite satisfied with it, but I do not think it is covering all the parts of the code. ...

Redundant Code Checking

Are there any tools that can find any private functions without any references? (Redundant functions) Reason being, that a function may have been created and called from a couple of areas, but as the project expands and grows, these two calls may have been removed and swapped with a better alternative. But the method may still remain. I...

Doing the same things over and over to stop it?

After developing some web apps i tend to have some routines/best practises for my apps. For example to create an common Login Controller/Views etc for my app. I try to talk about it with my colleagues and test some different apps how they do it. After a while it gets a bit boring. Usally there are new features in a application that real...

How does this Python code work?

I don't know if it is feasable to paste all of the code here but I am looking at the code in this git repo. If you look at the example they do: ec2 = EC2('access key id', 'secret key') ...but there is no EC2 class. However, it looks like in libcloud\ there is a dict that maps the EC2 to the EC2NodeDriver found in libclou...

html basic standards document for peer review.

Where can I find the most basic html "coding standard document". This is for an individual unfamiliar with html to peer review the document. Looked around w3c but validators and detailed information is not what I'm looking for. Also looking for JavaScript and CSS documents. Thanks. ...

Any valid reason for code duplication?

I'm currently reviewing a very old C++ project and see lots of code duplication there. For example, there is a class with 5 MFC message handlers each holding 10 identical lines of code. Or there is a 5-line snippet for a very specific string transformation every here and there. Reducing code duplication is not a problem in these cases a...

Is it ethical to post my TopCoder solutions to my blog?

I recently joined TopCoder and have been solving a few problems on the site. Now, I want to publicly post my solutions onto my blog and have others go over it, suggest improvements, better design, etc. wherever applicable. Would this be ethical? ...

How to to analyze your app design?

During the implementation, or even after it I sometimes find a better design solution. I think it`s quite common thing for all developers as software once written can always be done better. But how to analyze your mistakes to prevent similiar mistakes in future? I know 2 things for that: Code reviews and post mortal meetings. Can you...

A mock code editor program for C# code

Hello everyone, Can someone advice me an editor which indents code? I need an editor for just writing code syntax and mock code...but it should get formatted. I'm not looking for advanced editors like Visual Studio or Eclipse that look through the meaning of the code to show compilation errors. I just need auto formatting and coloring ...

Who should perform code review?

I have heard two opposite views on this: It should be done by the people who know the overall architecture but doesn't know the intricacies of that particular component (i.e. people from same project but with different component). The argument here they don't have any preconceived notions about how things work and may be able to take ...

Reading others' code: Top-down or bottom-up approach?

While reading someones code I usually prefer a bottom up approach ... That is I try to have some familiarity with the classes in the project creating a abstract whole picture of the project then dig down deep inside the code for details. However most people argue to me that a top down approach i.e. start from the entering point of the p...

What was trickiest code you've ever written?

Hi, As a programmer, I know sometime all has to write some code which they think -"Thank God! It's done" or "Ohh, how did I write it?"... Do you have any such piece of code. ...

Security Review of JavaScript Library

Hi, Can anyone suggest tools or an approach to doing a source code “Security Review” of some JavaScript libraries. Particularly Cross-site scripting (XSS) activities potentially left by an unscrupulous individual. Ideally a something like the “RATS - Rough Auditing Tool for Security” which can be used for JavaScript, which parses th...

Has anyone managed to get groogle working on windows?

Hi, Has anyone managed to install Groogle on a Windows server? I get all sorts of problems installing the PEAR and PECL extensions that are needed, and as there are no instructions on how to do the installation it is non-trivial. ...