
Subversion: Review changes

I'm used to VSSConneXion, and love the feature 'Review Changes' where I can go through every changed file and comment the change while looking at it: Now I'm trying to get used to SubVersion and Tortoise. Is there a similar feature available? I can get a list of changed file, and I can diff each file for changes, but I can't find a wa...

SmartBear Code Review -- Sys reqs

I just bit the 5 for $5 bait add here on StackOverFlow... Has anyone used or installed it yet? I can't find system requirements anywhere. I assume I need a PHP web server with MySQL, but in my rushed search couldn't come up with anything. Any best practices I should plan for? I did order the free book as well. ...

Code execution path checker?

I recently had the opportunity to shadow a developer for a day. (I'm currently working on my CS degree.) He showed me a tool for generating all possible execution paths through a C program, but I can't remember what it's called, nor have I had any success finding it. I believe it was an open source tool, but I'm not certain. ...

Django python path with Apache and mod_python

I'm trying to set up Review Board, which uses Django, on WinXP with Apache 2.2 and mod-python. I have a default Python install, but I want to use a different instance. The default is c:/python25, but I want d:/xxx/python25. mod-python has a config option to change the path, but I don't want to have to recompile mod_python (as the code i...

Need help on determining segementation fault occuring in loop?

On running the following script, I get segmentation fault. The output consists of "here 5a". But nothing beyond it. Any suggestions on what might be going wrong? if(model==1) fptr3=fopen("","r"); if(model==2) fptr3=fopen("","r"); if(model==3) fptr3=fopen("","r"); printf ("here 5a\n"); for (i=0;i<20...

How to find a mentor/code reviewer for freelancer?

About 6 moths ago I switched to fulltime freelance job. Before that I worked in enterprise environment with highly professional craftsmen :) I'm striving in improving my skills in Object Oriented Design and software architecture. I read lots of books about OOD, T.D.D., patterns(implementation, design, architectural). I like to research...

is this allowed by apple review process?

Is the following allowed by the app store review process? - (NSString *) platform { size_t size; sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0); char *machine = malloc(size); sysctlbyname("hw.machine", machine, &size, NULL, 0); NSString *platform = [NSString stringWithCString:machine encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; ...

Java Code Design Question and Example

Hey everyone, I've been writing code in Java for awhile now, however I feel as though I lack in code "design" - that is, creating packages and separating classes and such. I'm just not sure when to create what. So, I'm practicing :) I am setting out to write a Calculator (with a Swing GUI), and I want to create a really good design for...

Trouble with simple PHP profanity filter

Hey everyone, I am writing a simple profanity filter in PHP. Can anyone tell my why, in the following code, the filter works (it will print [explicit]) for the $vowels array and not the $lines array which I constructing from a text file? function clean($str){ $handle = fopen("badwords.txt", "r"); if ($handle) { while (!feof($hand...

Optimizing Google Calendar PHP Code for speed (Zend_GData)?

Hey everyone, I am using the Zend_GData Package to connect to a Google Calendar and do various things such as add/edit/delete events. However, I find that these are pretty expensive operations, and can sometimes take a visible 4 seconds to complete. I was wondering if there is anything I can do to optimize my code and make it faster? Her...

C# instantiate in foreach loop?

Possible Duplicate: Loops and Garbage Collection foreach (ObjectTypeA typea in ObjectTypeACollection) { var objectTypeAProcessor= new objectTypeAProcessor(); objectTypeAProcessor.Process(typea); } I found the above similar code where a collection of objects was being processed at the BLL and the DAL processor was called.Will ...

How to find all files a particular user has ever changed in Team Foundation Server

I know there is an easy way to do this with SVN so there must be a similar way with TFS. Basically, I want to have a list of every file a particular username ever edited (IE: checked out & changed or added). This is on TFS 2008. ...

Web Based Code-Review tools for Team Foundation Server

Our team is looking to start utilizing a code review tool. I have used many in the past and I am very fond of a few options that are available for SVN. However, we are using Team Foundation Server for source control and I have found there to be a real lack in options. So far, through searching, I have found SmartBear's Code Collabo...

Will Apple reviewers check my app's coding structure?

Given that I've taken care of releasing all the allocated variables. I also went thru the HIG to make the app as much as possible like what they want it to be. Do they check the my complexity of the code in the approval process? thanks ...

Best practices for remote peer code review

I recently completed my first large project in a new framework (Django). To get feedback on my code, I am scheduling time for an expert programmer to review my code with me remotely. We plan to use VoIP for the voice communication; what is the best way for us to visually walk through my code together (e.g. a particular screen-sharing app...

TFS Tool for Peer Code review

Could any one suggest a tool for performing peer code review before check-ins that is integrated with Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio 2008? [Update]: Looks like there is no such tool. Can you suggest the best process for code-review after check in? ...

How to improve this code? (too many if)

I want to print the border of the square... It may print only one side, or more sides of the square, so , I write this method printBorder(N, E, S, W) { if (N) { square.printBorder(0,0,0,10); } if (E) { square.printBorder(0,10,10,10); } if (S) { square.printBorder(10,0,10,10); } if (W) { square.printBord...

Is it okay to refactor during a code review?

We all submit code reviews to our peers for code that we write. Is it justified for our peers to refactor our code while they review it? Should their response to the code review be a list of revisions to be completed and resubmitted, or a list of things they have changed and why? EDIT: I chose the accepted answer because it is most h...

How do you resolve traditional coding standard vs python idomatic code?

In my experience code clarity and readability are the primary concerns in traditional coding standards. PEP-8 would have been rejected by some of my previous customers. The idiomatic concepts such as, using dictionaries and lambda functions to emulate the behavior of a switch statement looks like something that would have clearly been f...

Security Code Reviews

Does anyone have a good checklist to use when doing a security code review? The majority of the focus will be on C# code with some TSql sprocs reviewed as well. ...