
iPhone CodeSign failed

So - I am a registered iPhone developer (Having paid my $99/year). I have followed all the steps provided by Apple to get the provisioning and code-signing files. However, when I click 'build', it says: "Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19...

Help with submitting app to app store

This is my first app that I have developed and I had been using a book about iPhone development, and it had a chapter about this, but it doesn't fully explain it, or maybe it is outdated. What I need help with is: Getting the distribution certificate, because the way the book explained did not work Incorporating it into my code or asso...

I'm in an iPhone provisioning mess -- Insight needed

My app has been more or less ready to be submitted for a while now, but as usual, the overly complex provisioning nonsense that Apple forces developers to jump through is causing me an enormous amount of stress. Initially the problem I was receiving was Invalid Codesign. After trying every 'solution' i could find on the internet and fa...

What is an entitlements plist and why do I need one?

I have been following the instructions for app store distribution in the iOS Developer Program Guide, and I did everything it said to do, but when I try to build the app, it says "the entitlements file "path of file/entitlements.plist" is missing." I tried adding a template one and it says Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit cod...

Application failed codesign verification

This is my first app being submitted to the app store, and I did everything according to the apple guide, but when I finally tried to build with the distribution configuration, I get one error and one warning. This is my build log of the error and warning, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what is going on here. warning: Appli...

Cydia App quits right after launch, signing with ldid did not work.

Here's the deal, I had this app working since iPhone OS 3.0 came out, now I made some changes to take advantage of iOS4.x, and compiled against 4.0 with xcode 3.2.3, I have 4 jailbroken devices: 2 iPod touch 2G iOS 3.0 1 iPad iOS 3.2 1 iPhone 4G iOS 4.0 When I run & debug from xcode (with an Apple provisioning certificate) the app w...

XCode code signing menu has gone wonky -- how to fix?

I have one project where the code-signing popup is all whacked-out. On a "normal" (i.e., every-other) project, the popup looks something like "Good menu" in this picture, but on one project, it looks like the "Not-good menu": The "Not-good menu" is from the project about which I'm asking. I tried quitting & relaunching XCode, but th...

Upload iphone app error "The CodeResources file must be a symbolic link ...."

Hi, I have been working on this issue for over a week with no luck and tried every possible solution e.g. delete and reinstall certificates, profiles, and everything seems to be ok. My problem show up when I try to upload with Application Uploader where it shows ""The CodeResources file must be a symbolic link .... " error , so I check...

Blackberry Code Signing and OTA distribution

Hi, I have a Blackberry project developed in Eclipse using the Blackberry Plugin for Eclipse. The app works 100% fine in the simulators. I have a signing key set from Blackberry, and I can sign the application package fine (it goes off and does 70 odd signings with Blackberry, I get back no errors). However, when I try and use the OT...

SignFile task in MSBuild: Can we make it faster?

I have MSbuild task like this to sign all the output modules of our project. <SignFile Condition="Exists('$(OutputPath)\%(FilesToSign.identity)')" CertificateThumbprint="$(THUMBPRINT)" SigningTarget="$(OutputPath)\%(FilesToSign.identity)" TimestampUrl="" /> It ta...

iPhone Codesigning help?

Hey, What should the Bundle ID be entered as in iTunes Connect? I have my Bundle ID in the XCode project set to com.<mydomain>.<appname> I have my Provisioning Profile app id as <bundle seed>.com.<mydomain>.<appname> The project builds fine an I get the green verification that Codesigning and Validation went ok. But what bundle ID ...

codesign "The operation was cancelled by the user"

For some reason, whenever I try to codesign in xcode, I am getting this error (path to app): The operation was cancelled by the user. Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 ...