
targetting a new page for a link on a pdf.

I've got a html form submitting to a pdf using cfdocument. Within that pdf, I have a link at the bottom that goes to another policy. I need that link to open up on a new page, rather than _self. I've tried using Jquery to open the window and not sure if that is even possible, but wasn't successful to say the least. So basically, I'v...

ColdFusion 8 always opens .XLS, want .XLSX

I am using ColdFusion 8. Doing something like this: <cfheader name="content-disposition" value="attachment; filename=abc.xlsx"> <cfcontent type="application/msexcel"> <html> But I get a file like abc.xlsx.XLS. The reason I'm trying to get an XLSX is because sometimes the XLS version is so large and Office 2007 gets stuck opening it o...

Not enough Storage is available to process this command when running java utilities from command line

I'm on Windows Vista 64 bit, with a 64 bit jvm installed. I'm trying to use jstack and jmap -- two utilities that come with the JDK -- to peek into an application server's guts. This works fine on a windows xp machine, 32 bit. However, when I run these commands against the processid for a ColdFusion application server on this vista64 ma...

Flexigrid for jQuery - How to Edit/Update records in the grid?

Hello, I'm looking to create a form which will populate with data from my MYSQL database and allow me to edit/update the data in the form and have the updates saved in the database. Flexigrid looks like a great solution to output results but I'm not seeing how Flexigrid can be used to modify data and save the updates to the database. ...

Coldfusion + JSON issue for jqGrid

I'm working to setup a jqGrid JSON web service to populate JQUERY's jqGrid plugin. Currently I am outputting the following with my code: Current: {"total":2,"records":13,"page":1, "ROWS":{"arrUsers":[{"1":1,"4":"bgf","3":"faaff","5":"ASD","2":"asd","7":"1231231233'","6":"123asd"}]}} The desired output which is what jqGrid expe...

Where do you do validation in a webapp (backend)?

Where do you do validation in a webapp (backend)? Option #1: Service layer? UserService.validate(FORM); // verify and returns struct of errors Option #2: Object layer, on setter? e.g. user.setEmail(email); // throws invalid/used e-mail Option #3: Object layer, validate()? e.g. user.init(FORM); // accept any values, no ty...

CFFEED component/custom tag for ColdFusion MX 7?

I'm working on a client's site, and updating to ColdFusion 8 isn't an option. What I'm looking for is something similar to CF8's CFFEED functionality via a custom tag or component, and I'm not particularly keen on writing my own reader/parser if something already exists. I need to read in the RSS2 feed from a blog and display the title,...

Why isn't the default for cflocation addtoken equal to no?

Is there any good reason why the default for this tag would be yes? It seems to be that it should almost always be no. I am missing something? ...

Can you reassign the default <cfargument in a cfc?

I'm invoking a cfc, the cfc has a default set of arguments like so: <cfargument name="EMAIL_TEMPLATE_CODE" type="string" required="yes" hint="EMAIL_TEMPLATE_CODE is required."> <cfargument name="EMAIL_TEMPLATE_SUBJECT" default="" type="string" required="no" hint="EMAIL_TEMPLATE_SUBJECT is NOT required."> <cfargument name="EMAIL_TEMPLATE...

sql syntax error while cflooping in cfquery INSERT INTO

CF8 and MySQL5, for loop within INSERT INTO. I am getting form data and trying to optimize an insert statement to loop within the cfquery. The best case scenario would be that the loop is just around the VALUES in order to have a single INSERT, but I had issues in trying to ID the second iteration and put a comma at the beginning of th...

Is there a shortcut in ColdFusion for converting undefined value to empty string?

I find myself writing code like this in ColdFusion a lot: <cfset inputval = "" /> <cfif IsDefined("Form.Releases")> <cfset inputval = Form.Releases /> </cfif> This is very cumbersome. I just want an undefined value to be converted to an empty string. Is there any kind of shortcut? For example, in PHP I do this with strval funct...

Wrap URL within a string with a href tags using Coldfusion

I have a Coldfusion site that is pulling in a feed that contains urls. I have some control over the urls so I know they will always start with http://. I want to wrap those urls in a href tags so they are clickable but I'm having trouble figuring it out. Any info you guys could give me would be amazing. Eric ...

ColdFusion Error: The system has attempted to use an undefined value

I am a graduate student and new to ColdFusion. I started working on this already developed project by someone couple of years ago, and the client wants some changes to be done. So I went ahead and did some small modifications to the appearance of the form (insertdata.cfm), like adding some more options to a drop down menu, changing the ...

Multiple form names to get values using Coldfusion -- form to pdf -- cant use JS

My apologies if I worded the title wrong. I've got a large table with multiple input boxes and need to get the values of the internal cells. I am able to get the dates, gas amounts/totals, and the totals, but not the rest. I need still to be able to get every other input box's value. I am not too sure where to go with this one, but...

Is it possible to do string concatenation in a ColdFusion Query of Queries?

I'm familiar with this sort of syntax in SQL Server, to concatenate strings in my result set: SELECT 'foo' + bar AS SomeCol FROM SomeTable I would like to do something similar inside a ColdFusion Query of Queries: <cfquery name="qOptimize" dbtype="query"> select image_id AS imageId, '#variables.img_root#' + image_id + ...

Coldfusion ORM EntityLoad

When I call EntityLoad does it load ALL the data in the table or just sets up a reference or something, because say if i do this: <cfset test = EntityLoad("Table") /> and then do: ArrayLen(test) I get the number of rows in the database. If its doing that then it should be loading all the data, and that is really inefficent, say I h...

Viewing a list of locks in Coldfusion

Hi there, Is there anyway to see a list of the current locks in Coldfusion (particularly locks on files or directories). Through a non documented call is fine as this is more for debugging some errors we're getting on our server. Thanks, Tom ...

How to obtain the FINAL redirected URL using Coldfusion

Given a URL like: before: which redirects eventually to: after: Using Coldfusion, how can I obtain that final (after) URL? I believe CFHTTP will redirect automatically up t...

Cold Fusion Google Adwords Business Component Error....

I am using Martin Orth's Cold Fusion API for Google Adwords. I have been able to fix some errors to get the API working in most cases, but am running into a roadblock when I try to use the business.cfc component. I try to create the component the same way I have successfully created them for other components of the API with the syntax: ...

Trying to use coldfusion to pass form data around for a poast/redirect/get

I have to fix a security vulnerability on a coldfusion page containing a FORM where we do not want the user to be able to press back+reload on the browser, and see the fields filled in with what they had typed prior to submitting the form. The site has a .dfm page which loads a template for another .cfm page. The 2nd .cfm page has the F...