
Can I get a query row by index in ColdFusion?

I want to get a specific row in a ColdFusion Query object without looping over it. I'd like to do something like this: <cfquery name="QueryName" datasource="ds"> SELECT * FROM tablename </cfquery> <cfset x = QueryName[5]> But it's giving me an error saying that the query isn't indexable by "5". I know for a fact that there are m...

Making a Javascript array of multiple CSS classes assigned to an element with jQuery

MY javascript: Updated Again. $('.calc').change(function(){ var classArray = $(this).attr('class').split(','); $.each(classArray, function(){ alert(classArray); }); }); And the input: <input type="text" class="calc R#r# C#i#" /> The pound signs are variables, I'm using ColdFusion. What I need to be able to do ...

In need of help - - Total of rows and columns of a table

Found the answer. Take a look if you're interested. Changed my approach to completing this project. Need to be able to calculate rows to "Total" on the right hand side and the columns to "Daily Totals" I've been able to get some of it working, but it's screwy with the calculations and can't be right. Grand total seems to be working,...

ColdFusion 8 connect to remote access MDB

I have an Access MDB file on a different server than my ColdFusion server, is there any way I can get ColdFusion 8 to be able to connect to it over the network? ...

Hibernate vs CFQuery

Recently CF9 released Hibernate Support. One thing that I cant grasp is the diiferences between Hibernate and CFquery. While i see that Hibernate is good for mapping out your tables to objects and then calling those objects like getTableName() etc. But say if i want to replicate this query SELECT SUM(tableVal) FROM mytable Dont i still...

Can CFTHREAD be used for LDAP housekeeping?

Can I keep two records in LDAP in sync using CFTHREAD? I need to check if a record is still valid by looking up a cn elsewhere. So if it is invalid I want to delete it. This means getting all current records of the type I want, deleting them all and adding them all again (minus the one I dont want) ...

Using maskMoney input pluging -- still need some assistance

Ok, considering the regular expressions aren't working properly and there are no errors, I'm going to try and use the money mask. The goal is still to only allow numeric characters and a decimal. With maskMoney, that does the work for you. Also, I need to be able to successfully calculate each cell. As of right now, the masks are wo...

Trouble creating calendar in Google API via Coldfusion

I am trying to create a caledar using the Google API, and it just returns the list of calendars in my account, just like I sent a GET request. Here is my code: <cfxml variable="locals.xml"> <cfoutput> <entry xmlns="" xmlns:gd="" xmlns:gCal="http:...

What is proper encoding for converting a string to a byte array

I am having some sort of problem with encoding in my ASP.NET HTTPHandler, which uploads a file. The file content is passed in a hidden form variable from a ColdFusion web page which is using something called "ToBase64". In ColdFusion, the code used to place the file content into a form is as follows: <cffile action="readBinary" file="#...

Javascript multiplication w/value stored in another cell.

Update: Final Fix: $('.gasamount').sum(); var num = $(this).attr("id").replace(/[A-Za-z$,-]/g, ""); $('#gasmoney'+num).val(<cfoutput>#mileage#</cfoutput> * $(this).val()); $('.gasmoney').sum(); What I've been trying to accomplish: Create a set value for a row of cells. Multiply the user's value by a stored amount. Get th...

ColdFusion 8 Performance & Load Monitoring

Question: What are tips and tools you can give us to help troubleshoot & monitor performance on ColdFusion 8 & the JRE? What we're currently doing: We currently use a combination of the following to help us, but feel like we're not really getting anywhere. I'd love to be able to have a peak into the JRE to see what's going on. Fusion...

ColdFusion Client Storage

In a high load application, is it better to put the client storage in the Registry or in a database? I am concerned that my high load will cause more database connections for client storage information and slow everything down. FYI: We use ColdFusion on Linux Thoughts? ...

Executing ajax component http://path/to/my/component.cfc?method=something is not executing the method

Hello: I have a CFC with a remote function and am trying to populate it into my cfm page's cfselect element. But I am not getting anything in the select. I tried executing the cfc directly, but the method that I call does not execute. Here is the code for the CFC: <cfcomponent output="false"> <cffunction name="getYear" acces...

How do I monitor ColdFusion in Resin?

I have ColdFusion 8 installed on resin-3.1.9 (Linux). On my standalone ColdFusion server, I can use /opt/coldfusion8/bin/cfstat to monitor active and queued requests. On Resin, with ColdFusion 8 installed as a multi-server install, I don't know how to get this information. Can someone help me? I have tried server monitor through Cold...

What makes verifyClient in cffunction secure?

What does verifyClient in <cffunction> actually do that makes it secure? secure from what? Doc said: A Boolean value that specifies whether to require remote function calls to include an encrypted security token. For use with ColdFusion AJAX applications only. encrypted security token? who generates that? Client-side by ...

use a startdate on a <cfinput type= "datefield"> in ColdFusion

Hello, I am using the <cfinput type="datefield"> and I need to limit the dates that can be chosen. I cannot allow a date that can be selected in the past. Any help here? Thanks! ...

CFMail with catchall email addresses

I can't believe I've never noticed this before, but it seems that CFMail won't send to an email address that isn't explicitly set up on the destination mailserver. This means that if I'm using '[email protected]' and have that set up to catch all email on the domain, CFMail won't send to '[email protected]'. This caus...

ColdFusion code parser?

I'm trying to create an app to search my company's ColdFusion codebase. I'd like to be able to do intelligent searches, for example: find where a function is defined (and not hit everywhere the function is called). In order to do this, I'd need to parse the ColdFusion code to identify things like function declarations, function calls, ...

How can I tell if a user belongs to an role in active directory - using ColdFusion

If I am using integration authentication in IIS, how can I determine if the current user is part of a specific active directory role, using ColdFusion. This would be analogous to using the IsInRole() method of the User object in .net - how can it be done in ColdFusion ...

Ajax call in ModelGlue ColdFusion Application without rendering a view

Hi All, I am using Ajax with ModelGlue in a ColdFusion Application. I want to make an Ajax call to return a value. I do not want to render any view. I just want a database interaction and bring back a value. My Ajax call: new Ajax.Request(root+'test.testFunction',{ method: 'post', parameters: {param1:paramval}, onSuccess: fu...