
How to print all the result without using Results.columnname in ColdFusion

How to print all the result without using Results.columnname in ColdFusion for ex:- I have <cfquery name="getProductId"> select productId from product </cfquery> In Product Table i have 2 columns with product_name and Product_id. How can I print them without using getProductId.product_name getProduc...

How do I handle null values from ColdFusion queries?

If one of the columns in the returned coldfusion query result set has a NULL, how do we check if the value of this column being NULL? Should we just say <cfif queryname.columnname[i] EQ ''> OR <cfif queryname.columnname[i] eq 'NULL'> ? ...

Decode Numeric HTML Entities in ColdFusion?

I need a way to transform numeric HTML entities into their plain-text character equivalent. For example, I would like to turn the entity: &#0233; into the character: é Through some googling around I found a function called HtmlUnEditFormat, but this function only transforms named entities. Is there a way to decode numeric entities ...

C# .NET Compact Framework, custom UserControl, focus issue

I have a custom UserControl (a label and a textbox). My problem is I need to handle the key down, key up events to navigate between controls in the form (.NET Compact Framework textbox, combobox, etc). With the controls provided by the .NET Compact Framework framework it works, but when I reach a usercontrol written by me, that control ...

Spooling Thermal Shipping Label Data From Web Site

I need help trying to get thermal shipping label data from a Web site to a local Zebra printer. The data itself is just plain text but spooling it from a Web site seems to be very difficult for some reason. Does anyone have any experience with this? I am using ColdFusion 8 and Windows Server 2008. ...

how to get Exception details from CFC file

I have a Function in CFC file, which will be called from .cfm file like below <cffunction name="cftest" access="public" returntype="query" output="true" hint="Function returns Records"> <cfquery name="qryTest" datasource="DBTest"> select * from emp_tab; </cfquery> <cfreturn selectRecordsResultSet /> ...

ColdFusion CRUD

For quite a long time now, I've been trying to write and have been in search of "a really good" CRUD application. Don't get me wrong - I didn't say "The ultimate" CRUD application. Just one that could be rated 1st class. What I'm saying is: Please don't respond to this plea with an answer like "Well, every situation is different..." ...

Coldfusion Session Cookie

I am trying to delete the clientside session cookie when I access a certain page. How do I do this? ...

AJAX to do Real Time DB Polls like Twitter's "Real Time Results" in Coldfusion

Hello All, I want to do something similar to the way twitter searches use AJAX to create the "Real-Time Results".. It seems that the database is polled every 15 seconds or so and the number of new records is displayed to the user after each pull. I am working on a Coldfusion 8 server with a MS SQL database and I need to implement some...

How do I pass an edited Flex datagrid to a CFC to insert to a database

I have a datagrid which is editable and I need to send that back to the database via a CFC for insertion into the database after all the editing is complete. Dumping the array collection to cfdump tells me that I have an array with items and a structure but i cannot understand how to "loop" through each and insert into the DB. There see...

Creating an efficient search capability using SQL Server (and/or coldfusion)

I am trying to visualize how to create a search for an application that we are building. I would like a suggestion on how to approach 'searching' through large sets of data. For instance, this particular search would be on a 750k record minimum table, of product sku's, sizing, material type, create date, etc; Is anyone aware of a 'plu...

ColdFusion scheduled tasks - how to secure when using <cflogin>?

I have a web-site written in ColdFusion that contains both the usual interactive web pages and some tasks run through the CF scheduler. The dir layout is / /app /scheduledTasks I'd like the tasks to be able to use all the same settings, etc. created in the application.cfc inside of /app so I'd like to move that entire /scheduledTasks ...

Coldfusion - XML formatting a string returned from API call

We call an API that returns a string of XML-formatted data. We'd like to convert this string into a ColdFusion XML object, via XMLParse(). A problem occurs when special characters show up in the data values. For example, characters like this: &nbsp; &mdash; &ndash; (yes, the raw data contains them in their HTML encoded equivalent). Whe...

How to force scheme.ini to be used for MS Text Driver?

I am creating this huge csv import, that uses the ms text driver, to read the csv file. And I am using ColdFusion to create the scheme.ini in each folder's location, where the file has been uploaded. Here is a sample one I am using: [some_filename.csv] Format=CSVDelimited ColNameHeader=True MaxScanRows=0 Col1=user_id Text width 80 Col...

Staging my Coldfusion app when using CFC inheritance/extends

I have an application.cfc in a subdir of my webroot: /app/application.cfc I recently added another application.cfc in a subdir of that and it extends the original application.cfc using the proxy method described here : /app/mysubdir/application....

Voting mechanism with IP validation and allowing only one by user: problem in getting user IP address with two app servers and apache in front.

Hi there. We have a voting mechanism that we want to restrict to only allow one vote by user. We've tried to validate by IP address, but the problem is that when we get the user's IP address in the applicational server it shows always the apache IP address (we have two applicational servers with apache in front of them). We are using ...

Possible to create JSR 286 portlet using Coldfusion?

I was just thinking this morning, since ColdFusion is essentially built on JAVA, is it possible to create JSR 286 portlets using coldfusion? A search revealed that it might be possible, but I cannot find any material on this? Reason I ask is because I would love to be able to create Liferay compatible portlets with ColdFusion, as I am ...

What's the best way to write engine-specific CFML code?

Sometimes it is necessary to write different code for Adobe ColdFusion vs Railo vs OpenBD, due to differences in implementation. Do people have a specific method that they use for this? For example, switching on ProductName is one option: <cfswitch expression="#Server.ColdFusion.ProductName#"> <cfcase value="ColdFusion Server"> ...

Running Excel Solver Macro in Coldfusion

Hi guys, I'm trying to run the excel solver in Coldfusion. However i'm running into issues like, the page hangs as if loading forever, similar to this. Is it possible to run excel solver thru Coldfusion? If not, are there other alternatives for Coldfusion? Thanks in advance. ...

Ways to remove the blue background of a visited cftree cftreeitem?

I have a CF8 html cftree that when you select each cftreeitem it is given a blue background. I have experimented with adding styles to the form and that does not work. I have tried marking up the display= attribute of the cftreeitem and that half works (can control color but not vlink, visited, or text-decoration). The closest that I hav...