
Coldfusion XMLFormat() not converting all characters

I am using XMLFormat() to encode some text for an XML document. However, when I go to read the XML file I created I get an invalid character error. Why does XMLFormat() not properly encode all characters? I'm running CF8. ...

How to precompile a ColdFusion application under Websphere/Solaris 10

I am in the process of installing a ColdFusion application on Solaris 10 64-bit (Sparc) running with WebSphere 6.1. The cfcompile script that comes with CF makes a reference to jrun.jar however this library is not available when CF is installed as an ear file. An abstract of is the following: su $cfuser -c "${_JAVACMD} ...

ColdFusion COM error

I am upgrading from CF4.5 to CF8. Calls to COM dll's that used to work in version 4.5 now throw a "Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values.." error. The COM object has a few arrays defined as output parameters. These variables are being defined as arrays in Coldfusion. Any idea as to what has changed in CF to cause thi...

Can i use cfif in cfquery?

Is it possiblt to Use <cfif> inside <cfquery>? I have a <cfquery> in a Function like below <cfquery name = "UpdateRecord" dataSource = #arguments.dbSource# username = #arguments.dbUser# password = #arguments.dbPass# result="updateResult" > <cfoutput>#preserveSingleQuotes(arguments.updateQuery)#/cfoutput> </cfq...

Is anyone using a ColdFusion framework that has specific path requirements without mapping or locating resources in the server root?

Let me first say I am aware of this faq for Mach-II, which discusses using application specific mappings as a third option when: locating the framework in the server root is not possible and creating a server wide mapping to the Mach-II framework directory is impossible Using application specific mappings would also work for other Co...

Does Flash remoting keep the NetConnection Object open?

Hi, I've built a application that communicates with Coldfusion cfc functions via Remoting. I've noticed that the NetConnection object disconnects after each call, is this expected behaviour? For some reason I was expecting the NetConnection object to stay connected until I closed it myself (I'm making about 1 request per second and had ...

cflogin in cfscript

I'm trying to learn the new cfscript syntax, as well as use cflogin. I'm guessing I can't mix cf tags in cfscript, and I don't see a script equivalent to cflogin, cflogout, cfloginuser. Should I call a component that is written in the CF8 syntax in order to use cflogin? public void function onRequest(required string Page) output="true"...

Ajax with coldfusion8

I am very new to Ajax technique Is there any site or online documents where I can learn from basics of Ajax with coldfusion? Thanks- ...

ColdFusion, CFDirectory and the French

We have a ColdFusion file library management system that is being taken off an old ColdFusion 4 server and moved onto the new system which is based on ColdFusion 8. All our files and folders are in English, French and Spanish. Using CFDirectory in CF8 to load and display these files and folders is causing two issues with the French and...

Socket Programming -Java - Many Clients One Socket Question(s)

Essentially Im trying to get many many java clients connect to a socket on my ColdFusion server (Using the Socket Gateway). However before i even start to code this, Im a little confused about sockets and their performance. First of all, are sockets meant for many(1000+) clients connecting to one socket (say port 2202) on one server? How...

Dynamic Variable Names Coldfusion

Hey Guys, I'm having a tad of an issue dealing with Dynamic Variable Names. What is happening is I have a CFC that builds part of form for me using some data in a table. Then the cfc sends the form's code back to the page as a string. Well I need to assign values to these form fields so people don't overwrite the data. I'm pulling the da...

Potential impact of resetting ColdFusion admin password

It seems there is a way to reset the Admin password for a ColdFusion installation. What are the potential pitfalls to be aware of before doing so? ...

Weird behaviour with Chrome browser and data bound button.

I've noticed some strange browser specific weirdness with Google Chrome with some data bound buttons, in that when you navigate away from the page then use the browsers back button the data bind displays different data. If you then hit refresh it resets to the correct data. It doesn't happen in Firefox or Explorer 7. I had actually ente...

How can i get Ajax to work with coldfusion using the Facebook FBML api?

I am trying to make a facebook FMBL application for a client, not iframe or FAcebook connect app. I am having trouble using CF PROXY and Jquery for my synchronous data connections. I know how to use it for typical web pages but the Facebook version is incredibly difficult to work with. I understand that Jquery cannot be used but what ab...

CFDIV, and CFFORM not working right inside a CFWINDOW.

Hey guys I am having an issue when I'm trying to display a cfdiv inside a cfwindow. It just doesn't show up. No errors, nothing to tell me I'm doing something wrong. The div works just fine if I display it in the page outside of the cfwindow. The cfdiv binds to a page that displays notes. If I try to do a cfinclude with the page the cfdi...

Strange mySQL Coldfusion Problem

Hey guys well I'm working on this system and it giving me sooo much trouble. I just want to quit at this point. Long story short I made a few changes to how a mySQL table works, I went from storing a comma separated list for a few different fields to storing the same data each in its own field. I then rewrote the code to work with the ne...

coldfusion decrypt in php

Hello. I'm not english speaker, sorry in advance. I have a ColdFusion 6.1 application, and now I'm trying to migrate to another enviroment. In the ColdFusion application the passwords of my users are crypted with a ColdFusion function: password_encrypted=toBase64(encrypt(text,key)); any one knows how can I decrypt it in PHP? I don't k...

Find ColdFusion Generated ID

Is there a way to find the elements generated by ColdFusion's CFLayout and CFLayoutArea tags? These tags: <cflayout type="tab" name="MyAccount"> <cflayoutarea name="OrderStatus" title="P" source="/o.cfm" /> Generate this code: <td id="ext-gen31" style="width: 174px;"> <a id="ext-gen28" class="x-tabs-right" href="#"> <span class="x-t...

TSQL SELECT then UPDATE in one transaction, then return SELECT

I am really having trouble with a query in my ColdFusion application (backended to MS SQL 2008). I keep getting DB deadlock errors on this transaction: <code> <cftransaction> <cfquery name="selectQuery"> SELECT TOP 20 item_id, field2, field3 FROM Table1 WHERE subject_id = #subject_ID# AND lock_field IS NULL AND ...

Paypal integration in coldfusion

I am trying to integrate paypal into my website using coldfusion, everything is working fine except the "return to merchants" url :( .. The date displayed as the button is getting ad the return url :( Please give me an idea what is happening there :) ...