
variable not being passed on when making a call through cfajaxproxy to a cffunction

function getStateInfo(state){ alert(state); var f = new funcs(); f.setCallbackHandler(updateFormFieldStateInfo); f.setQueryFormat('column'); f.qry_getLenderEvictionStateInfo(<cfoutput>#request.Lender_Id#</cfoutput>,state); } doesn't pass the state value to the ColdFusion function ...

Errors running Coldfusion 9 under Liferay 5.2 to serve portlets

So this all began in trying to get Coldfusion9 portlets to run under Liferay, just like examples that I've seen running JBOSS: I followed those steps, but my application server would be TomCat 5.5 (bundled w Liferay 5.2.3). I wanted to cre...

Consolidating a COUNT query

I have a page where I am running an initial SQL query to get a list of subjects, then I loop over this query and run two additional queries for each record returned from the original subjects query (I happen to be doing this in ColdFusion, but not sure that really matters). These two additional queries do COUNTs for that specific subjec...

cfquery oracle stored procedure

I had to change the SQL stored procedure to ORacle stored procddure.I am able to successfully execute my modified stored procedure in oracle. But unable to obtain the query result in CF for the Oracle stored-Procedure.I have used <cfquery>. Any suggestions or tips to for using an Oracle stored proc/CF-8? ...

Data clean-up; what layer?

I have an app built on Model-Glue: Unity that contains some search forms. I need to trim leading and trailing spaces from search strings before using them to query the database. I'm also keeping the search terms in a bean that a user can save and re-use. My problem is that I am unsure where to perform that trim(). The bean seems to be t...

Display source code in a textarea component

I am putting together a presentation on flex for adobe user group that specialize in coldfusion. In my example I would like to display the text of the cfc being called from the webservice tag in my flex application. Is there a simple way to load the actual text for the cfc instead of the html that coldfusion is passing back to my URLlo...

Locking a queue while re-ordering it in Coldfusion

Hi all, please consider the following: I have a queue of objects represented as an array. I process them off the top of the array (at position 1) before calling arrayDeleteAt() to remove it from the array. I add new queue item at the top of the array using arrayAppend(). This works fine. However, I now wish to re-order the array im...

Best Coldfusion Library for OpenID

I am getting ready to start a project that requires using OpenID within Coldfusion 8. I have found a number of different options and was wondering what has worked the best, get's the most support, stays up to date, etc... OpenID CFC CFOpenID CFKit OpenID ...

Web service is expecting a DataSet object, how can I provide that via ColdFusion or in raw XML?

I need to make a call to a web service written in .NET. The application making the call is written in ColdFusion. One of the parameters the web service expects is a DataSet object. I can't instantiate a .NET DataSet object in ColdFusion, how can I pass the web service something it will accept? I have no problem writing the SOAP request i...

JQuery AJAX .load - flash chart doesnt load in IE

Hello, An IE issue has me completely stumped. I have a coldfusion page that uses JQuery's AJAX .load function to load in a new flash file that is generated by coldFusion's cfchart tag. This works completely fine in firefox: the new flash file and new html elements load. However in IE: all of the html elements that are geneated with the ...

open project has encountered a problem

i am trying opening adobe coldfusionbuilder coldfusion , and it is throwing error "open project has encountered a problem" Problems occurred opening the selected resources.The project description file (.project) for 'dev - work' is missing. This file contains important information about the project. The project will not function p...

Big Table Advice (mssql)

Hey all, I'm experiencing massive slowness when accessing one of my tables and I need some re-factoring advice. Sorry if this is not the correct area for this sort of thing. I'm working on a project that aims to report on server performance statistics for our internal servers. I'm processing windows performance logs every night (12 ser...

How do you globally modify page output sent from IIS without modifying the page source?

A couple sites of mine recently got "hacked". Someone was able to add a line of JavaScript to the bottom of every page on the site. The server is a Windows Server 2003, and has Cold Fusion 8 and MySQL 5.x installed and running. Looking into the code on each page shows that none of the pages were modified. The JavaScript is not in the ...

ColdFusion Hibernate Generated Database

Is the database generated by Hibernate when using ormsettings.dbcreate = "dropcreate" good for production use? My Case: Basically were designing the database, and i thought it would be cool to design the objects and have hibernate create the database for me. ...

Determining dev vs production

What method should I use to determine if I'm on the dev system vs. production? In this post from Ray Camden, he shows how to see what folder you're in, so that could be an indicator. While in dev, I want to have error trapping turned off, missing template turned off, debug="yes" for cfstoredproc and cfquery, as well as always reload the...

ColdFusion9 and scripted components and hql syntax

How can this be rewritten using the new scripting syntax along with the hibernate query language in CF9? <cfcomponent output="no"> <cffunction name="Login" output="no"> <cfargument name="UsrName"> <cfargument name="UsrPassword"> <cfquery name="local.qry"> SELECT * FROM UsrView WHERE UsrName = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype...

To ColdFusion (from PHP) for Flex/Flash backend?

I'm starting to learn about Flex/Flash and come from a PHP background. It seems that ColdFusion has been the language of choice for Flash/Flex backend. But (the big but for me) I don't plan to build websites that will heavily depend on Flash (for SEO etc.), just websites that will incorporate Flash in small parts of them. I'm thinking fo...

.Net CF wait for application to display window before sending key strokes

A change in a vendor's WinMo application forces me to jump through some hoops to avoid forcing my users to log in every time. This is highly inconvenient as A) my users are farmworkers who aren't highly sophisticated and B) the application is not sensitive in the sense that there is any meaningful data associated with running the app on ...

Coldfusion 9, Coldbox, Coldspring, Transfer, and the missing functions in CFDump.

My company has haphazardly upgraded the production server of our website to CF9, and while we were relatively lucky with very few incompatibilities, I am running into one problem that over the last week has caused me a considerable amount of grief. Our sites use the Coldbox framework with the Transfer ORM, with function inheritance thro...

Is actionscript 3.0 strong enough to finally be my sole server-side language?

Actionscript 3.0 is much more powerful than its previous versions. Does this mean that I can start using it as my sole server-side language? can it connect to the database just like coldfusion or php? What is it that it can't do on the server-side? Thanks ...