
ColdFusion MVC frameworks & RESTful Service mismatch?

Most CF MVC Frameworks use the front controller pattern. Usually Search Engine Safe (SES) plugin together with URL Rewrite are used to construct friendly URLs. However, when it comes to implementing RESTful services, using a MVC framework seems like a layer of complexity added on top of another layer of complexity. How should one tame...

Image not showing in Chrome

I am attempting to set the source of an image. The image shows up correctly in IE and Firefox, but it doesn't show in Chrome. The error message that shows up in the console is: "Resource interpreted as image but transferred with MIME type text/html."'loading'); image = <cfoutput>#randrange(1,numImages)#</cfoutput...

Saving the modified contents of a pdf

I've got a form that I downloaded, I'd like to prefill some content on the form (this is easy using cfpdfform). Where it gets tricky is I would like to allow the user to modify the contents of that form, and then somehow have those modified contents accessible to me. I didnt build the source PDF so I dont know how to allow the user t...

HMAC SHA1 ColdFusion

Please help! I have been pulling out my hair over this one. :) I have a site that I need to HMAC SHA1 for authentication. It currently works with another language but now I need to move it to ColdFusion. For the life of me I cannot get the strings to match. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Data: https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Etestwe...

How to use custom1,custom2,custom3,custom4 in <cfsearch> w/ Solr?

do custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4 attribute of <cfsearch> work with Solr? The documentation said they're only for Verity MATCHES operator. How to use customX with Solr in <cfsearch>? Thanks ...

CF Client Variables: is the CDATA - CGLOBAL relationship always 1:1?

Hi We've noticed something odd with our Coldfusion 8 client variables DB. We have many more (about 3 times as many) CGlobal entries as we have CData entries. I would have assumed that the relationship would be 1:1 on the cfid column. Has any one else noticed this before? I have ruled out old data, my sample is less than 3 hours old. W...

Is jQuery forcing Adobe ColdFusion to abandon the dead flash product line?

I have been reading a lot about how flash development/design had died, and as jQuery and in the near future html5 comes out, will this start to push Adobe/Coldfusion away from flash towards less product linking? I mean, I love coldfusion, and want that to continue to grow, however, if Adobe only bought Coldfusion from Macromedia, so the...

Using nested cfloop queries

I have 2 tables. One is for categories, the second is for Questions. category table: category_id category_name questions table: question_name question_id category_id How can I loop though all the category names and show the questions grouped under each category name? Using Coldfusion, so I am assume I should use CFLOOP Th...

Transperant Windows In windows mobile using C#

Hi all, I am trying to create a windows mobile application in which i want to show a confirmation window on the top of the main window ( Ex: Quit application / Updating Information). for this i want to put a transparent window on top of the current window. It's more of a Opacity effect. Can anyone give me some glue on how to do this? T...

CFHTTP Encoding Problem

I am trying to pull a page for parsing information out of it using cfhttp. The page headers that I am calling are: Content-Encoding: gzip Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 19066 Server: IBM_HTTP_Server Vary: Accept-Encoding, User-Agent Content-Language: en-US Cache-Control: no-cache="set-cookie, ...

regenerating url in cf9/Coldbox

Hi I am wondering if there is a way to regenerate the URL when any page is loaded in coldbox/CF9 when using event.buildLink ? Currently I get http://cawksd05.codandev.local:8080/entries/editor when using event.buildlink. But the correct url should have /index.cfm added to it as shown below: /index.cfm/entries/editor Is there a way to...

com.sun.mail.handlers.text_plain cannot be cast to javax.activation.DataContentHandler

I'm upgrading from ColdFusion 8 to ColdFusion 9. I have a Java class that I call from CF which reads and parses the contents of an mbox mailbox file. The class works fine with CF 8, but it's throwing an error in CF 9. The error is: com.sun.mail.handlers.text_plain cannot be cast to javax.activation.DataContentHandler The error is happe...

ColdFusion, Flex and XML - Funky Issue

So I've got this odd issue that I'm trying to narrow down... My application is a ColdFusion back-end with a HTML, CSS and Flex front-end. The Flex application loads in appVars.cfm as "cfoutput" XML, uses those variables to then populate the correct company and user libraries and naturally load those xmlVideo.cfm, xmlImages.cfm, xmlText....

Text Fade Effect in .NET Compact Framework

Hi all, I am creating a windows mobile application where i would like to do a fade In / Fade out of text which is getting displayed on a form. I am using C# for this purpose. Anyone can provide idea on this part? Thanks in Advance Regards Biju ...

checking if user is already logged in through cfloginuser

I'm using cfloginuser as a security mechanism in my application to secure web service calls that are being made. One thing I would like to do is stop a second user from logging into the same account when they are already logged into another computer. Essentially what's happening, is that since both share the same username, the first one...

Returning JSON in CFFunction and appending it to layer is causing an error

I'm using the qTip jQuery plugin to generate a dynamic tooltip. I'm getting an error in my JS, and I'm unsure if its source is the JSON or the JS. The tooltip calls the following function: (sorry about all this code, but it's necessary) <cffunction name="fGameDetails" access="remote" returnType="any" returnformat="JSON" output="false" ...

Dynamically resizing CFWINDOW to fit content

Hi all, Am currently working on a site that uses a lot of cfwindow objects and I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to dynamically resize the window so that all the content fits in without the need for scroll bars. I have tried using the overflow=visible configuration but it doesnt seem to make a difference. Thanks in advance for ...

SQL Injection Protection for dynamic queries

The typical controls against SQL injection flaws are to use bind variables (cfqueryparam tag), validation of string data and to turn to stored procedures for the actual SQL layer. This is all fine and I agree, however what if the site is a legacy one and it features a lot of dynamic queries. Then, rewriting all the queries is a herculean...

coldfusion flash form grid

I have a grid in a coldfusion flash form. Users do not enter information directly into the grid. They enter data into a "Details Section" which is a collection of form items (textbox, selectbox, etc) bound to the grid. I have actionscript which changes the values in the grid based on user entries. The actionscript works properly beca...

Possible to create an unscoped global in application.cfc?

I'm migrating an old app that uses application.cfm to use an application.cfc. The CFM sets a few globals such as <cfset dsn = "myDSN"> I've tried putting that line of code in onApplicationStart, onRequestStart, etc. but trying to print that value out in a test page results in an error. Setting a value in the application scope (e.g. ap...