
Create/Read/Update/Delete to an XML file

Are there a set of commands used to perform CRUD on an XML file? I'm envisioning a component (myData.cfc) that has a Save function (Insert/Update), a Delete function and a Read function. ...

ColdFusion speed cost of FileExists

I want to: on every page, check if a file exists include that file if TRUE i.e.: <cfset variables.includes.header = ExpandPath("_inc_header.cfm")> <cfif FileExists(variables.includes.header)> <cfinclude template = "_inc_header.cfm"> </cfif> Is this a good idea? edited to use just "_inc_header.cfm" as the template Alternati...

If a secondary database crashes, will it crash the primary coldfusion server?

Right now we are dealing with a bit of a conundrum in my corporate environment where we are being blamed for a server crash, but I'm not 100% sure we are the culprit. Here's the server environment: We have a primary Coldfusion and its MSSQL database. We then also have a secondary database (MySQL) hosted on a different cloud which is used...

Nested pound sign problem

I'm having an issue when I try to nest pound signs in my ColdFusion code. I keep getting the following error message: Invalid CFML construct found on line 57 at column 26. ColdFusion was looking at the following text: # Here is the code: <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="12"> <cfset needRecord.setNeed#i#(#form["need#i#"]#)...

The best way to deploy one site for two companies in ColdFusion?

My client has multiple companies; different names/logos etc, but all the content on the sites are identical with the exception of said names/logos. In a ColdFusion environment, what would be the best way for me to serve up identical content and swap out the logos/company names on the fly so I can keep everything in one spot? Is this a j...

Is it possible to have function-specific variables viewable by extending components?

In Adobe Flex, it is possible to declare a public function, which can be overridden in a class that extends that function's class: public class class1 { public function method1 { public var var1:string = "hello world"; } } public class class2 extends class1 { override public function method1 {

POST an xml API call (for Intuit) using Coldfusion

UPDATE: I managed to get this thing working! Turns out, you NEED to send a secure ticket with the call to get a proper response. I have no idea why it worked in Poster without it. There are a couple other parameters that are required which ColdFusion apparently doesn't send by default. Here is a working call: <!---MyTicketValue is sen...

How to format columns using ColdFusion?

Hi, I am using SpreadsheetFormatColumns() to format the columns in a spreadsheet to "text", but I don't know how to do this, all the formats in the livedocs are for numbers, currency or dates... is there something like SpreadsheetFormatColumns(mySpreadsheet, {dataFormat="text"}, "1-15") out there? this is really bugging me... Thanks ...

Twitter, oauth and coldfusion

I am trying to post to twitter. I have the app already authenticated and now want to post an update. This is what my http post is at: <cfhttp url="" method="post"> <cfhttpparam type="header" name="status" value="#urlEncodedFormat('my test post')#" /> <cfhttpparam type="header" name="oauth...

Join Two Arrays in ColdFusion

Is there a built-in way to join two arrays in ColdFusion, similar to JavaScript's array.concat()? ...

Coldfusion Ajax - Form Submission

I Need help with ColdFusion, I want to use the CF9 ajax library, I've got <cfajaximport tags="cfform"> in my header, and included a form using <cfdiv bind="url:domainchecker.cfm"> This however replaces the entire form with the "Loading" ajax wheel then shows the results. What I need, is for the form to submit, but the a separate result...

How to call a php function within <script> tag from coldfusion 9

I have this nice big Dev Kit written in PHP, but the application I'm currently developing is in CFML. In an attempt to avoid rewriting the PHP, I'm going to try to just wrap the PHP in CF <script> tags and call the PHP functions when I need them. Does anyone have any idea how to call one of those PHP functions inline in CF? ...

Date time exception in coldfusion query in cfc and mySQL

I'm moving from an MS Access backend to mySQL. This used to work but now doesn't and I can't figure the problem. <cfargument required="false" name="expiry" type="any" default="" /> <cfquery datasource='#arguments.dsn#'> INSERT INTO users(expiry) VALUES (<cfqueryparam value="#arguments.expiry#" cf...

Troublesome coldfusion union query in CFC with mySQL database

This works with a mySQL backend In the form... <cfselect name="to" size="1" bind="cfc:cfcs.messages.getOrganisations()" bindonload="yes" value="organisationID" display="organisationName" required="Yes"> </cfselect> in the cfc <cffunction access="remote" name="getOrganisations" output="false" returntype="query" displayname="G...

Coldfusion and mySQL - seeking recommendations for general and off site backup strategy

CF9, Windows Server 2008 Standard, IIS7, mySQL 5.1.48 community. I have managed to get CF to take a database mySQLdump which I was going to run as a nightly cfschedule task, with a server time based lock on the application controlled in application.cfc That will get me a local copy, but whats the best strategy to encrypt the datadump....

Queueing with cflock on Coldfusion 9

We've been dealing with a problem with our event gateways since we upgraded from ColdFusion 8 Enterprise to ColdFusion 9 Enterprise. We have an event gateway setup to establish a connection to a third party. They went us updates at least every 10 seconds and sometimes many times a second. We have a Java class configured as the Event ...

Coldbox and cfschedule...

How should I add a cfschedule task to an app using the Coldbox framework? Should I: a.) write an event that does what the task, and point cfschedule to that URL with Coldbox? b.) write a simple .cfm outside of coldbox? Is one better than the other? Thanks. ...

How do I disable Coldfusion for one site?

I have multiple sites on my coldfusion webserver. I want to make a new site that does not allow coldfusion to run. At the same time I do not want to disable coldfusion on the other sites. I am running coldfusion standard edition. ...

How do I pass an element ID into my jQuery function.

I'm using Ben Nadel's iFrame Upload function for an editing tool on a site I'm working on. I'm learning jQuery. The function works beautifully. It's part of a reuseable modal window and everything works. But, I want to dynamically tell the function where the call came from so it loads the proper form into the modal window. How would I pa...

restart application without restarting server?

Is there a way to restart a coldfusion application without starting the entire server? There are two coldfusion applications running on a server and I only want to restart one of them. ...