
What database is a good progression from MS Access for Coldfusion?

All my (home) CF learning has so far been done using Access as a database, and as far as the DB goes I "get it". There's no database server, and no need to log on to the database or anything, and setting up table relationships is easy and visual. Oh and its essentially free to deploy. However, I'm now working on an application that's li...

Flex 4 app, coldfusion help

I have some* experience using the flex framework for building web apps. But I have no experience with server side languages, I have heard the saying "choose one and stick to it" several times in reference to programming. I have chosen coldfusion. Now I have no clue what to do or where to start. Now to the details: It will be a site...

Flex RemoteObject Intermittently Failing to Invoke CFC

I have a Flex app that uses Flash Remoting and the RemoteObject to pull data from a ColdFusion CFC. About 75% of the time it works, but the other times I get a message using Charles (a debugging tool) that says faultString = "Unable to Invoke CFC". FaultCode = "Server.Processing". Here's my RemoteObject: <mx:RemoteObject id="carsSvc...

save a cfdocument as an excel file

is there a workaround to use the cfdocument tag to save a page/file as an excel sheet instead of a PDF file? I already have a process set up to make pdf files and email them out and would like to give my customers the option of getting an excel file instead. It would be nice if I could reuse the code I already have instead of having to ...

Coldfusion Web Service Response Problem

I have a problem with the Web Service I recently developed. The problem is about the Web Service response. More precisely sometimes the Web Service sends back the following response: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="

How can i split up a component using cfinclude and still use inheritance?

UPDATE: Seems that railo doesn't have this issue at all. UPDATE: I'm voting to close this issue as i as feel people are focusing more on the whole "does someone have a better idea splitting up large components" part of this question (which i should never have put in) then the real problem of using cfincludes with cfcomponent. Note: thi...

Building a custom CMS, how to handle page settings?

Not a coldfusion specific question so answer however you can. I've inherited a ColdFusion project where at the top of every page various page-setting specific variables are set, such as: <cfset = "Example Page"> <cfset = "example_page"> <cfset = 1> <cfset re...

Passing an array of structures to an Oracle stored procedure (CFMX)

I'm looking to write a Oracle stored procedure where I would pass in (from ColdFusion) an array of structures and loop over each iteration to insert the bits and pieces within the structures to the DB., I haven't written this type of procedure / package before. I am planning to do an sp / package similar to what is sketched out in the...

IIS Flash Remoting Request Limit introduced with Coldfusion 9

Hi all We've just been our Coldfusion servers from Enterprise CF 8.01 to CF 9. They are running Win 2008. We ran into trouble on those servers that provide the Flash remoting back-end for a Flex application we provide. Once the CF 9 upgrade was complete we noticed that during busy times when many Flex clients were connecting, we app...

Format date on x-axis in cfchart

I want to format the date on the x-axis of my cfchart as mm/yyyy as opposed to the full datetime value that is returned from sql server (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss). How do I do this? ...

Using cachedwithin attibute inside cfquery

When you use the cachedwithin attribute in a cfquery how does it store the query in memory. Does it store it by only the name you assign to the query? For example, if on my index page I cache a query for an hour and name it getPeople will a query with the same name on a different page (or the same page for that matter) use the cached res...

Insert a Coldfusion struct into a database

If I wanted to save a contact form submission to the database, how can I insert the form scope in as the submission? It's been some time since I used Coldfusion. The contact forms vary depending on what part of the site it was submitted from, so it needs to scale and handle a form with 5 fields or one with 10 fields. I just want to stor...

Coldfusion 8: Array of structs to struct of structs

I've got an array items[] Each item in items[] is a struct. item has keys id, date, value (i.e.,,, item.value) I want to use StructSort to sort the item collection by a date Is this the best way to do it in ColdFusion 8: <cfset allStructs = StructNew()> <cfloop array = #items# index = "item"> <cfset allStructs[it...

Improve SQL Server 2005 Query Performance

I have a course search engine and when I try to do a search, it takes too long to show search results. You can try to do a search here At that page you can also see the database tables and indexes, if any. I'm not using Stored Procedures - the queries are inline using Coldfusion. I think I...

structDelete doesn't affect the shallow copy?

I was playing around onError so I tried to create an error using a large xml document object. <cfset XMLByRef = variables.parsedXML.XMLRootElement.XMLChildElement> <cfset structDelete(variables.parsedXML, "XMLRootElement")> <cfset startXMLShortLoop = getTickCount()> <cfloop from = "1" to = "#arrayLen(variables.XMLByRef)#" index = "varia...

Can CFHEADER values be read by other code?

The code <cfheader name="Test" value="1"> <cfheader name="Test" value="2"> results in the header "Test: 2" being sent to the browser (as seen using HttpFox). Is there a way for the second line of code to determine if a header with the same name has already been written using CFHEADER? Thanks! ...

regex find content question

Trying to use regex refind tag to find the content within the brackets in this example using coldfusion joe smith <[email protected]> The resulting text should be [email protected] Using this <cfset reg = refind( "/(?<=\<).*?(?=\>)/s","Joe <[email protected]>") /> Not having any luck. Any suggestions? Maybe a syntax issue, ...

coldfusion class path for multiple services - only recognizing first directory

Hi, I am trying to use multiple web services on a single CF page. I have entered the stubs directory for each of the web services in the ColdFusion Class Path within administrator > server settings > java and jvm paths are listed separated by commas: c:\coldfusion9\stubs\ws1,c:\coldfusion9\stubs\ws2 for some reason, only the web ser...

ColdFusion 9 / Win Server 2008 - Incorrect Perfmon Values

Hi all We've recently upgraded from CF 8 Enterprise to CF 9 Enterprise with hotfix 1. What we have noticed is that some CF 9 counters accessed via perfmon are now giving crazy values. I recall something very similar happening when we upgraded to CF 8, but that was addressed by the following hotfix:

how to set expiration date on a cookie in cfscript

don't seem to be able to set the expiration date of a cookie within cfscript. any hints? it's coldfusion 9 btw. ...