What's the proper column type to save urls in MySQL?
I've been using varchar(300),but I've also noticed longer urls. ...
I've been using varchar(300),but I've also noticed longer urls. ...
Like accountId -> accountid Has anyone met this kind of problem? It doesn't happen every day,though. ...
Does anyone know how to make angled column headings (e.g. at 45 degrees) in a table inside a PDF file, using the iText library? The best I can do is to use images for the column headings. Each image consists of a column heading rotated by 45 degrees, against a transparent background. For each column heading, I create a PdfPCell containi...
I have a wxStyledTextCtrl and I want to find the column number of a given position in the document. Basically I want a function like GetColumn but I don't want tabs to be expanded. Does such a function exist? ...
For any two values a and b of such type,(a<b)there always exists a c satisfying: a<c<b ...
What is a method of determining if there is a default constraint on a column and its name, and the names of any indexes in order to drop them before dropping the column? ...
I am populating a DataGrid with the following LINQ code : Dim myClients = From p In dc.Persons _ Select p I can navigate my DataGrid, make changes and then click on a button that calls dc.SubmitChanges() All of this works well and updates SQL Server. I then wanted to add a single additional colu...
Hi, I'm using Fluent NHibernate and have two tables; Customer [ID, Name, LanguageID] Languages [ID, Description] I have a Customer entity with the following properties; ID, Name, LanguageID, Language What I would like to do is to join to the Languages table to get the language description and put it in the language property of the c...
Can't remember / driving me crazy - how to hide the upper-left-most cell/column of a Telerik WPF RadGrid (so all column headers are flush-left?) I know it's something ridiculously easy/ simply forgot. ...
Hey there, I have a CATEGORIES table that links to an ITEMS table (one to many). Each item table could have multiple barcodes in the BARCODES table (one to many). The idea is that a new barcode may be added against an item at some point, but the old data is stored in the BARCODES table so that if a search is done with an order with las...
Is it possible to show a "Row Count" column in SQL Server Profiler? For example there are CPU and Duration columns but can it show how many rows a query returns? ...
Hi, I need to populate a couple of tables from a db that was created when the grails app was run. I kept the "version" column for hibernate's locking strategy, so I need to know what value is safe to put in that field when importing the data to those tables. ...
Is there a way to configure a subclassed listbox to arrange items into multiple columns? http://i50.tinypic.com/2n9vozc.png I've considered using a listview, but it seems overkill for what i'm trying to do. Clarification: I want to put multiple items in the same row, rather than giving each item more than one column. ...
I have a WPF datagrid and it works great but I notice some sort of very tiny column before the first column ...I want to remove it ....How do I do it ? Take a look at the picture: http://i45.tinypic.com/2d177f9.jpg ...the thing I want to remove is what I surrounded in the red rectangle. ...
Hello, Now i have 3 tables which are: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS experience( experience_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, salarie_id int(11), consultant_id int(11), post varchar(255), entreprise_name varchar(255), start_time varchar(255), end_time varchar(255), description varchar(10000), PRIMARY KEY(experi...
I am just wondering how can we set a JQGrid column width to auto? colModel: [ { name: 'MyDescription', index: 'description', align: 'left', width: 150, sortable: false },..... for the above statement how can I specify an auto width for the column so that it fits to the size of the maximum content in it. ...
I have a sql issue with column names in a subselect im guessing its because it has yet to be assigned that name but I cannot work out how to rearange it. select Distinct Captains.Name, Captains.Team, (select count(Winners.Name) from (select HomeTeamCaptain As Name from fixture where fixture.HomeTeamCaptain = Captains.Name And fixture.ma...
Hi, i would like to replace the following xaml code : <Custom:DataGridTextColumn Header=" " Width="*"/>in codebehind. This xaml code fills my header to the end with my style.. this is what i want to get |name | number | this area uses "mystyle" end of grid ->| this is what i now get : |name | number | unstyled area! ...
I've created a grid of super headers that bind to a datagrid. The super headers stay positioned over their respective datagrid columns during resizing of datagrid columns. The XAML binding is great and everything works fine. The only problem however, is that I need to be able to construct this dynamically in C# code. Tried a number of...
I want to rename columns in a PowerDesigner LDM/PDM according to the state of the Primary checkbox. To be more specific, I want the column renamed from "oldname" to "id_oldname" if Primary is checked. I think it is possible with a custom check/autofix script like the one in "MSSQLSRV2008::Profile\Column\Custom Checks\Identity Seed and I...