
How to set two column unique in SQL.

I am creating a table ,in the table two column is unique, I mean columnA and columnB do not have same value: such as : Table X A B 1 2(RIGHT,unique) 2 2(RIGHT, unique) 1 3(RIGHT, not unique) 2 3(RIGHT, not unique) 1 2 (WRONG, not unique) How to create such a table? many thanks! create table X ( [ID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREASE ...

WPF MvvM DataGrid Dynamic Columns

Hi, I am searching about how to create the columns of the DataGrid from the ToolKit dynamic in MvvM way. But looks like it is impossible ! Is there some one that had to do the samething ? there is no need to create a usercontrol or another control that comes from DataGrid, I just want to set de ItemSource of the grid to my custom obje...

How can i get Created date of a column in SQL server Table ?

I use the following query to get information about columns of a SQL Table : SELECT * from information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'userpersonalinformation' but I can't find any data about creation date for each column ... Is there any way to get creation date of a column in a table ? ...

Problem in finding next / previous row in mysql

SELECT id ,MAX(status) AS status FROM Mail WHERE status < (SELECT status FROM Mail WHERE id = 1000) GROUP BY status ORDER BY status DESC LIMIT 1; I am using this query to find the previous row of the current row 1000.Here i am getting NULL values if i use the status column which is not unique.where as it gives proper values...

MATLAB combine data

How to combine two data columns into one file. These code should produce a new file which have 2 column. Although it produce 2 column but, the data isn't right where all the data of a were written first followed by data duration fid=fopen('data1.txt'); A =textscan(fid,'%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f'); % read a txt file in = cell2mat(A); %ch...

MATLAB create a new column my question is related to the above link. With the code below (thanks gnovice), it will create a new file with 3 column (overwrite column time). Instead of overwrite column time I want to add the modified time as a new column..which makes the new file =4 colu...

How can I find the underlying column and table name for an Oracle view?

This sounds like it should be simple to do but not so! There is no Oracle (meta-data) view that I can find that gives the underlying column and table name for an Oracle view column. The only way I have found of doing it is to parse the view source SQL (which is far from and exact science). Just to explain what I want, consider the follo...

SQL Variable Column Name depends on Row data

I am tryin to get a column from DB that returns Variable Column Name which depends on Row data. I know I can have variable Column name with using Dynamic SQL, but what if the name actually depends on the row's information. SELECT name,age FROM dbo.Names --Reurns 'name' as column name SELECT name as [xyz],ag...

Keeping a single column static inside a JTable

Is there a way to keep the first column of a JTable embedded inside a JScrollPane static on scrolling the mouse horizontally.The table contains more than 50 columns. ...

CSS3 column element should break earlier and centerized for Moz/Webkit

Hallo everyone. I'm trying to fit many small boxes in a big one. They should fit perfectly, the gaps between each small box should be optimized and everything without Javascript (later alittle for optimization). Tho, my question regards the CSS3 Column attributes. I've tried several things but can't find any good solution. There are two...

Is it possible to create a mediawiki table where the columns are filled in by multiple templates?

Wikimedia explains how you can create a table based on multiple templates, where each row is formed from a single template. Is there anyway to do the same for columns? It sounds easy but I could not get it to work. Instead my page displayed multiple tables instead of multiple columns. Here's some code: Row page {|class="wikitable sort...

How can I use CSS to create a middle column that fills the height of the page?

I'd like to create a 3 column layout, with the middle being for all the content and menus and the other two being a solid background color. I have something like this set up already, but the middle column doesn't extend to the bottom of the page. How can I get this middle column to extend to the bottom of the page? ...

Access bindingsource column value

How can I update a column value in a binding source with code? I am trying for something similar to this: CustomersBindingSource.AddNew(); CustomersBindingSource.Current["CustomerID"] = Guid.NewGuid(); This code currently errors stating: "Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'object'". Any help re-writing this is g...

Search for column format

This is a bit of a difficult problem for me to word, and I may be going about it in the completely wrong way. I'm storing a set of options in a database, where each option is its own column. The user can change the number of options, however, so I need a way of allowing PHP to always select all the options. Let's say I have these colum...

JQGrid - Create grid without column names

Hi, I trying to create grid that contains rows with the following structure: item name, icon for delete, icon for sharing. I'm trying to use JQGrid, and i can't find way to hide the column names (it's not necessary and i need only the data which comes from the server). Do you know it it's possible to create JqGrid without dis...

C# ListView First Column Too Large

I have this: lvPalette.Columns.Add("Code", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Center); lvPalette.Columns.Add("Attendu", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Center); lvPalette.Columns.Add("Chargé", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Center); lvPalette.Columns.Add("Validé", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Center); lvPalette.Columns.Add("Description", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Cente...

BindindSource.EndEdit() throws error because one Column does not allow NULL values

Hello, after the EndEdit I want to do some validation like is data entered null... if there is no endedit, the data I get could be the old/unchanged value... My BindingSource has a DataSet bound. What can I do? ...

Insert value into a column in PostgreSQL

I am trying to figure out how to insert the same value into the entire column of a table? The table already exists and I have an empty column into which I would like to insert a certain value, for example, today's date. I have only found sources explaining how to insert values into an entire row. ...

Convert/Format a column in a select statement sql server 2005..

I have a sql query which is select DateOfBirth from people and it shows up in the result pane as DateOfBirth 07/07/2010 5:08:02 07/09/2010 5:08:02 07/13/2010 5:08:02 I want to format, 07/Jul/2010 09/Jul/2010 13/Jul/2010 NOTE: DateOfBirth column has datatype nvarchar(50) not datetime... ... MVC 2: Scaffolding & Hiding Table Columns in the View

The partial class: using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; namespace CSR.Models { [MetadataType(typeof(SO_Validation))] public partial class SO { //__ } public class SO_Validation { [ScaffoldColumn(false)] public Int16 soID { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Full Name")] ...