
convert data from many rows to many columns in R?

I have data that comes out of a DB in a normalized way with a field for year, state, and value. I would like to do analysis on the data and need it formatted where each year is a field and not a record.So I would like the data where each record is a state and then theres a field for each year and each value for those fields are the value...

Use unicode(255) for all column types in postgres?

I do not understand when to use the different lengths for calling unicode. I have been using types.Unicode(255) for all my columns in my postgres database such as address, name, description, etc. Is it unwise to do this? ...

Importing HTML Table into Excel via clipboard

I want to copy tabular data to Excel from my app. The most simple way I found so far was using HTML as the intermediary format. After reading this question, I could preserve the formatting of my data. Is there a way to keep the width of the columns, too? I tried to set the style in various ways: <td style="width:100;">...</td> <td style...

Does column exist and how to rearrange columns in R data frame

How do I add a column in the middle of an R data frame? I want to see if I have a column named "LastName" and then add it as the third column if it does not already exist. ...

Apache POI xls column Remove

I dont find how to remove a column with the Apache POI API. I would appreciate a sample code or help on this point. Thank you ...

VB.NET WinForms ListView Question

Hey. I have a ListView with 3 columns, how do I add specified text to the specified column I want? I've looked at the ..Add function, but it doesn't take the column index.. Thanks! ...

RadGrid Specify ComboBox skin on edit?

I have a grid and a skin specified for that and it works fine. However, on the contained GridDropDownColumn columns, when it shifts to edit mode, the combo box is created nicely, but does NOT inherit the skin of the grid as the text boxes do. This results is a mixture of font sizes in the edit row (inline edit). How can I tell the cre...

WPF - is it possible to change the opacity of a GridColumn?

I want to have a grid of values with the headers in the left column and the databound results in the right column. When the values change, I want them to fade in. Is it possible to animate the Opacity of the right Column? Or would I have to animated the Opacity of each separate TextBlock that's in each row of the right column? ...

Flex Datagrid Query-how to make it sortable

Hi guys.. m using the osflex treegrid component for my project . Although i am able to use it in my code and populate data,i am not able to get the sort functionality of the treegrid working fine.Why is it ? The demo given in the link above has the sort functionality which works fine ....what may...


Given the following table: Length | Width | Color | ID =========================== 18 | 18 | blue | 1 --------------------------- 12 | 12 | red | 1 --------------------------- I want to produce a single column/row: SIZES ================= 18 x 18, 12 x 12, I can do this in SQL as follows: DECLARE @SIZES VARCH...

Aggregate function and other columns

Hello it is possible for a SQL query to return some normal columns and some aggregate ones? like : Col_A | Col_B | SUM 5 6 7 ...

c# How to sort a sorted list by its value column

Hi, i have a generic sorted list "results" with key = some filename and value = boolean. I would like to sort the list by the boolean entry or value column. does anyone know how i can do this? Thanks! ...

Synchronizing N Values Accross Tables in SQL.

Disclaimer: I just started with databases, so I'm probably missing something extremely trivial. I have two (somewhat related, but not enough to be a single table) tables: table_one and table_two. table_one has two columns of significance: name of type varchar(n) intersects of type bit table_two has one column of significance: n...

Is it possible to write in a two-columns style in restructuredtext?

I would like to write a research paper using restructuredtext, is it possible to have the two-column style inherent to this kind of document? I looked at the specifications but appart using a table wich will be a real pain I haven't be able to find an alternative. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! ...

join between two tables with linq to datasets

i want to create a join between two tables and that the result will include all the two tables columns. i want to do this without specifying the specific column names, just do select all, because i won't know how many columns will the two tables include and won't know their names. I JUST WANT TO CREATE JOIN BETWEEN TWO TABLES AND THAT T...

MySQL use column names from another table

I'm wondering if it is possible to return a result set with column names which are stored in a separate table. Is this possible or do I need a stored_procedure with variables. See link for mysql_dump and description of required resultset: ...

Fluent nHibernate no identity column in table...

How do I specify with fluent nHbiernate mapping for a table that doesn't have an identity column? I want something like this: public sealed class CustomerNewMap : ClassMap<CustomerNew>, IMap { public CustomerNewMap() { WithTable("customers_NEW"); Not.LazyLoad(); Not.Id(); // this is invalid... Ma...

Determine when a winforms datagridview column type has changed in

I have a custom datagridview column with some extra properties that, in order to improve performance, need to be set only when the column type changes. It's not possible to override the ValueType property and I can't see any relevent events for a datagridviewcolumn. Is there a workaround? ...

WPF ListView with column names?

I have this ListView and I'm using a DataTemplate (as you can see) for items. How can i add column names to the ListView with this ItemTemplate definition? I cannot use that GridViewColumn definition, because this ListView uses lazy data loading, so when there are too many rows, it fetches them on demand. GridViewColumn somehow does not ...

Automatic multi-page multi-column flowing text with QtWebkit (HTML/CSS/JS -> PDF)

I have some HTML documents that are converted to PDF, using software that renders using QtWebkit (not sure which version). Currently, the documents have specific tags to split into columns and pages - so whenever the wording changes, it is a manual time-consuming process to move these tags so that the columns and pages fit. Can anyone ...