
How do you reset an AS3 list component so that nothing is selected (NOT selectedIndex=0)

I have a list component on the stage in an AS3 movie. I populate it with values at runtime and the user can select multiple values. When a button is clicked I want the list to reset to a state where nothing is selected, all I can figure out is to set the selected index to 0 and have the first position on the list either blank or readin...

How to populate combo box in resource template ?

I'm trying to populate a combo box, by filling in the Data field in the combo box property page in the resource template, but the values I type don't show up in the field. Whats happening ? I've already increased the list box size by dragging its handles, but still the data doesn't show in the Data field ! I'm using VS2008SP1 Professio...

Combobox with a ListView as DataTemplate (WPF)

Hi, I have a combobox which should have a datatemplate to hold several columns (along with its headers). I have created a simple DataTemplate, but I can't seem to display a ListView in it. All I can do is have the DataTemplate hold a StackPanel which then binds to my individual rows. But this way I cannot add Headers to each 'column...

C# Windows Form ComboBox Array Code.

I am using C# with a Windows Application Form. In this I have a combobox. What is the code to add the dropdown selections? From my googling so far I presume I need to setup an arraylist for the details? ...

C# Windows Form ComboBox Drop Down Contents.

I have a XML file with my data in it. I want to populate the drop down options in a combobox with 2 of the fields in that xml file - FirstName and LastName. In the xml document I am using GUID for the unique ID format, so the combobox dropdown would need the FirstName + LastName for each unique GUID variable. What I have so far is the ...

how to dataBind a comboBox to result function call in Domain Sevices Class?

Hello, background: very new and limited knowledge on C# / Silverlight / .Net RIA Services Situation: I have a function in my Domain Service Class, which by calling a function in a Referenced DLL builds an ArrayList. But due to inability to pass ArrayLists to silverlight when using RIA Services i cast it and return a List to the client...

Values not showing in Access form combo box

Hi, I have an application in Access 2003 that I am working on. In it, I have an employee table, which is connected to two other tables. The two connected tables are tables that hold a few fixed KeyWords. In my main employee table, I just have the ID from the other table, rather than having the whole word. I wanted to make a form for e...

C# Combobox Selection.

I am populating a combobox dropdown with node fields from an Xml document. I have that working. Now I have the text in the dropdown menu of the combobox. I want to be able to press a 'Go' button and use the selected text. What are the commands please? ...

C# ComboBox Selected Text To Multiple Strings

I have a combobox that has the entries of a full name, eg: John Smith, Mark Tall, etc. I have written the following: string FullName = StudentSelectStudentComboBox.Text; This gets "John Smith" as the string 'FullName'. Is it possible to break down 'FullName' string into 2 strings; FirstName and LastName? ...

Why is my owner-drawn combobox shown empty?

I'm subclassing a WTL combobox and I'm owner-drawing the items of the combobox. The control has the attributes CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_HASSTRINGS | CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE and I'm using the mix-in class COwnerDraw to implement DrawItem() and MeasureItem(). When the drop down list is down, the items are drawn correctly. However when the drop...

Problem with setting the xml dataprovider for combo box

I am trying to get the drop down list of combobox by using a php file. That php file returns an xml string which has been used as data provider for combobox. I followed this thread too but in vain. Details I have set the creationComplete attribute of mx:Application to init(). In the init() function i have sent the following HTTPService...

WPF - Combobox with a Prompt

I'm looking for a way to add a "SELECT An Item" to a combobox that does not have an item selected. This would be different than a selected item as a default. I want the combobox to say "SELECT an Item" and be bound to one list for the possible selections and another model for the selected item. I'd prefer a style that I can apply to mu...

C# ComboBox Text.

At the moment I have a combobox that is populated from the name fields of a xml database. I have the following code to do this: XmlDocument xmlReturnDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlReturnDoc.Load("Data.xml"); XmlNodeList xnList = xmlReturnDoc.SelectNodes("/Students/Student"); foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList) { string firstName = xn["FirstName...

SelectionChanged not triggered when using ItemTemplate in Silverlight 3 ComboBox

I'm experiencing som strange behaviour by the Silverlight ComboBox. I started out with some simple code: xaml: <ComboBox Name="drpInstallation" SelectionChanged="drpInstallation_SelectionChanged" /> cs: List<string> installations = new List<string>(); installations.Add("Testing 123"); installations.Add("Antoher test"); installation...

AjaxControlToolkit, ComboBox style

Hi again! I am with a little problem with the arrow image of a ComboBox control (AjaxControlToolkit). I define this style: .WindowsStyle .ajax__combobox_inputcontainer .ajax__combobox_buttoncontainer button { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-image: url(../icons/windows-arrow.gif); background-position: top left; bor...

How do I disable the opening and closing animation of the DropDown of a ComboBox in WPF?

When I put a combobox in my WPF app, at runtime, when I click it, it rolls down the included items. After selection, it rolls the DropDown up again. Is it possible to prevent the rolling animation from happening? Instead I'ld like to just have it open and closed immediately. - Marc ...

WPF ComboBox DropDown arrow color

Hello I am trying to work out a style for a combo box that has a navy background with white text, so I want the drop down arrow to be white also (the xaml I have so far is below). How can I do that? Cheers, Berryl <Style x:Key="ComboBoxStyle" TargetType="ComboBox"> <Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource header...

Wpf Combobox Limit to List

We are using Wpf Combobox to allow the user to do the following things: 1) select items by typing in the first few characters 2) auto complete the entry by filtering the list 3) suggesting the first item to match the letters typed as the selected item The challenge is handling the scenario when the user enters characters that are NOT in...

How do I update the ItemsSource for a WPF ComboBox without losing the Text typed into the ComboBox

I have a WPF ComboBox (IsEditable = True) that is being populated with items based on the Text entered. I have a property that is bound to ItemsSource. This property is updated in a KeyUp event handler on the ComboBox. The issue I'm having is that when all the text is selected and a new key is pressed - replacing all the highlighted...

Flex 3 scrollToIndex Help

Hello, I'm attempting to search a combobox based on text entered via a keyboard event. The search is working and the correct result is being selected but I can't seem to get the scrollToIndex to find the correct item which should be the found result (i). It's scrolling to the last letter entered which I believe is the default behavior o...