
Unlock/lock form objects with vba

Hello, I have an excel worksheet with 2 comboboxes, and 3 scrollbars. I want to protect all the sheet except this form objects (and one cell). When i try to protect the sheet, i can't use the scrollbars and comboboxes. How can i unlock them, keepin the protection for the rest of the sheet with vba ? I tried to unlock the cells linked to...

selected index of a vba combobox

The title is enough i think. I used to code VBA 2 years ago and I suppose I have forgotten lot of stuff. How Do I access the SelectedIndex of a activex combobox object in Excel? I need an integer :( ...

How can I set selected value of a XAML Combobox?

Why in the following example is the combobox set to blank instead of "Mr."? XAML: <Window x:Class="TestComb82822.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"> <StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Lef...

C#: Binding hashtable to combo box question

public class FontType { ... public String Name { get { return _name; } } public String DisplayName { get { return _displayName; } } public Font UseFont { get { return _font; } } } bindFontTypes.DataSource = availableFonts; comboFontType.DataSource = bindFontTypes; comboFontType.ValueMember = ...

How to bind a ComboBox to generic dictionary via ObjectDataProvider

I want to fill a ComboBox with key/value data in code behind, I have this: XAML: <Window x:Class="TestCombo234.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:TestCombo234" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300...

WPF ComboBox SelectedItem not Updating

I am facing a problem while working with a WPF ComboBox. My situation is that I have a ComboBox that is displaying some values. I am adding ContentControls to ComboBox' Items property. I have bound the Content of these ContentControl to some datasource so that I can change the Content dynamically. The problem is if the Content of item wh...

Still no OPTGROUP?

I read in the dojo trac from 3 years ago a concern that dojo combobox needs to implement option groups. I am using version 1.3.2 and my combo is failing. Are the option groups still not supported after all this time? Thanks. ...

C# Winform; Possible? ComboBox with 2 DataSources, Diffrentiated by Colored text

Can a c# combobox have two datasources diffrentiated by sorting (Source 1 entries at the top) and Text color (Source 1 entries colored blue for instance)? ...

In WPF, is it possible to have a combo box control, that looks like a RadioButton?

I have a whole bunch of code that is dependent on the ComboBox type, and I want to be able to use it on a new UI, but the UI that I want to use it for needs to look like a RadioButton for usability reasons. Is it possible to have a ComboBox control look like a set of RadioButtons? ...

Greyed out buttons in MXML file even though it says enabled="true"

In the main Canvas of a ViewStack I have a few combobox and a two buttons. Each is coded appropriately. In one of my canvases the buttons and comboboxes are enabled. But, on the main canvas all are greyed-out and disabled. I have put enabled="true" on each of the elements. I am new to Flex and have been trying to troubleshoot this fo...

jquery search / combobox combination?

I wish the following: a text input a "go" button You type in the text input. If you hit enter or the "go" button, it puts (remote) search results in a drop-down for you to select (each item has an image and some text). If you start typing again, it clears back to original state (i.e. no drop-down). I'd like it to be jquery or a jq...

Combobox binding and empty item

I am writing a search form for desktop application and I have a problem with combobox binding. The user can search for properties by various criteria (city, price, etc). I want to bind combobox to list of all possible cities, but I want to leave the user the option not to choose anything so it can search properties in all cities.How can ...

how to express this xaml combobox data-binding in c# code

ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource stringResources}, Path=MyProp}" I tried and got so far but I don't get it compiled: comboBox.ItemsSource = new Binding { Source = new StringResources(), ElementName = "MyProp" }; comboBox.DisplayMemberPath="Value"; comboBox.SelectedValuePath="Key"; It says that it cannot convert Binding t...

Zend Dojo comboBox not finding

I am trying to get a dojo comboBox working in Zend, with the following code: $url = '/db/autocomplete/table/suburbs'; $element = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_ComboBox('suburb1'); $element->setStoreId('suburbsStore'); $element->setStoreType(''); $element->setStoreParams(array('url' => $url)); $element->setDijitPa...

WIX ServiceInstall - Using comboBox to conditionally install service

Hi All, I have created a WIX setup script to allow the install of a Windows Service. I would like to give the user the ability to choose whether they would like to install under one of the standard accounts (Network Service, Local Service) or whether they would like to install under a user account with which they must supply a username...

Set the text and value of a ComboBoxItem

I'm trying to populate a ComboBox programatically. I am creating ComboBoxItems and would like to set their text (the text that is visible for the end-user) and their value (the object that I will handle in the background after the user has selected it. However the ComboBoxItem seems to only have one member for these two requirements: th...

Get display value from combobox in radgridview

Hi, I am using Telerik's RadGridView to display some data. One of the columns in this gridview is a combobox, which is populated like so: DataTable dtContractorName = A133DB.GetContractorsForCombo(true); GridViewComboBoxColumn contractorNameColumn = new GridViewComboBoxColumn(); contractorNameColumn.UniqueName = "ContractorID"; contra...

WPF Listview/Gridview setting selected item when combobox is clicked

I'm having issues using a GridView as a ListView's View, what I want to do is fire an event when a user makes a selection from a combobox within the Gridview and pass the selected item within the event. My first issue is that when the user clicks the combobox within a row, the row isnt selected (meaning the selecteditem stays null unle...

How do I get a ComboBox SelectionChanged event to fire from a nested ListBoxItem?

This is a rather complex problem that has me really confused right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The Setup: ListBox of Type A UserControls ->ListBoxItem of Type A UserControl -->ListBox of Type B UserControls --->ListBoxItem of Type B UserControl ---->ListBox of Type C UserControls ----->ListBoxItem of Type C UserCon...

Filter a dataGrid with a comboBox in flex

How can I filter a datagrid based on the value in the combo box? Can anyone show me some good examples on it? In my application, I already filter a datagrid based on the text entered by the user. I check if the entered string matches the column entry of the datagrid and if a match is found,the filterFunction on the dataprovider is calle...