
Creating a Combobox in HTML

Actually I have a CGI form which consists of textfields and I need a combobox in which I can enter my own data dynamically. May be it seems very silly question but I am new to cgi-perl as well as HTML so no idea what to do. Here is my form: #!C:\perl\bin\perl.exe use CGI; use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatal...

Flex Binding ComboBox to XML children

Hi All I am having some problems with my data binding and I hope somebody can help me. I have created a really simple example for what I am trying to achieve, which you can see below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" ini...

Why in C# , in the control combobox , i can't change the property SelectedItem ?

I have a simple class called Tuple. which looks like this : class tuple { string name; string code } i inserted few of these items into a combobox, now when i want to select through the code some item, i try to write myComboBox.selectedItem = new tuple("Hello" , "5"); and of course it doesn't work at all and the selected ...

ComboBox "New Option" Option w/ Popup Input to add option

I'm learning so be nice. I'm developing a web app for a product management system. My office purchase wholesale from multiple vendors and direct. My web app needs to accommodated basic "new vendor" creation within a product insert/update form. Is there a simple way to have an option in my combo box "New Vendor" that opens an input bo...

type-bound custom ComboBox deriving from ComboBox

I am supposed to create a custom ComboBox by deriving a class from ComboBox in my WinForms application. I have never done this before and not able to find many good example from Google. I am required to derive a custom combobox so that I can make the custom combobox type-bound to a particular object. Could you please point me into ...

Combobox style edit control in winAPI

Hi again, In my winAPI project done in C++ (no MFC, no .net...), I am creating comboboxes in place of edit controls, because of the nice blue border. In many windows forms and dialogues, edit controls also have this look. There are two problems: This doesn't seem like like "proper" way to make an edit control look that way. What if I ...

Problem with combobox

Whenever I resize my controls in my window, in resopnse to a WM_SIZE message, they resize and redraw themselves fine. But my combobox control (a dropdown list) disappears whenever I give it a resize message, until I hover over it to bring it back. There are two possibilities, either it is not redrawing when I resize it, or it is being h...

How to create a combo box in swish max?

Please help me create a combo box in swish max. I searched for ready-made components, but it's not there in swish. How can I do this? ...

WPF distinguish between coding-SelectionChanged and the mouse-SelectionChanged.

Hi everyone! I have a machiavellian question (for me). In my WPF application I have a ListBox that has in the ItemTemplate a Combobox. When the user select a ComboBoxItem, I have to do some complex operations on the ObservableCollection that is the ItemsSource of the ListBox, then I have to show the ListBox with the changed data. The pro...

ComboBox AutoComplete on SubString

Hello, In one of my WinForms applications, I have a window with a ComboBox for the user to select a customer from. The customers in this list box are in this format : "CustomerID - CustomerName", for example "004540 - NorthWind Traders" The native WinForms combobox has an autocomplete feature built-in and it works well: the problem i...

dynamically change ComboBox in advancedatagrid - Flex

All, I am trying hard to get this simple thing done. When i change the header combobox, all the combobox in that group should be updated with the same value as that of selected header combo box please let me know any quick solution for this ... ...

Constraining combo box rows to field entry of the same entry

I have three related tables: People has ID fields for both Organisations and Locations. Locations has an ID field for Organisation. I want the Locations combo box in my People table to show only the Locations that have the Organisation_ID that was entered previously. I tried WHERE but it doesn't seem to recognise the [People].[Organisati...

How to get value from Combo Box PHP?

Hi there! I am using PHP 5 to create a query page for a MySQL database with 2 tables "students" and "teachers". I have created a combo box which can allow users to view and select the 2 tables from the combo box via a "submit" button after selecting from the combo box. However the problem with the script is that I want to verify if the ...

how can i make combobox in a datagridview cell editable?

i have a combo box in a data grid view cell.i need to make it editable. how can I do so. ...

How to load combobox items on window load

I have 4 comboboxes bound (via an observable collection) to 4 separate folders containing about 200+ items each. When the window first loads, the filenames are stored in 4 separate observable collections, the datacontext of each combobox is set to its respective collection, then I'm using a converter to convert the uri to an image (with ...

Adding to Access combobox that is based on table/query

I have an Access 2003 database that makes use of a combobox that contains a list of possible status codes. The codes are derived from a table and a stored procedure is used to return them as a recordset which is assigned to the combobox via code. The problem I am running into is how to add an additional status "ALL" to the combobox progr...

Hooking event handlers to jQuery Autocomplete Combobox

Hi All, I would like some advice on how to set event handlers for the jQuery Autocomplete Combox: Code examples from the jQuery doc are as per below: // Supply a callback function to handle the select event as an init option. $( ".selector" ).autocomplete({ select: function(event, u...

How to bind and retrieve information in a dictionnary<Tkey, TValue> to a ComboBox?

Hello all, I am able to bind a "MyDictionary.Value" to a ComboBox and see the Values in it: Dictionary<string, Friends> friend_list = new Dictionary<string, Friends>(); Friend_chat_list.ItemsSource = friend_list.Values; And here is the XAML code: <ComboBox x:Name="Friend_chat_list" Width="90" ItemsSource="{Binding}" SelectionChanged...

what is the event which fire when a selected value of a combo box in a data grid view is changed?

i have a combo box cell in a data grid view, and when its selected value get changed some values should be automatically added into other cells in the same row.but i couldn't find an event for this. Is there an event which fire when a selected value of a combo box in a data grid view is changed? If not so, how can i manage this? ...

How do I set the selected item in an MSI combo box that has been filled from a custom action?

I'm creating an web site MSI using WiX. I have a custom action (written in C#) that fills a combo box with the descriptions of the web sites in IIS so the user can select an existing web site to install to. Works fine - apart from the fact that there's no item selected when the dialog page is first shown. I'd like the first site in the ...