
Calling NAnt from a .Net Application

I am working on a prototype project and need to put a new layer of abstraction over my existing NAnt scripts, for which I'd like to use .Net, possibly even WPF. What I have at present is a NAnt script which I call from a Command window (a DOS box, for the old-skoolers). As I said, I'd like to wrap this inside a WPF application that I c...

Printing to terminal while using output buffering in CLI PHP scipts

I'm using command line PHP to build some files offline. To capture the script output I use the standard ob_start stuff: ob_start(); // Echo lots of stuff $content = ob_get_contents(); // Now the $content can be written to a file However, I also want to print some messages to the terminal (for instance, warnings) while collecting the "...

Multiple grep search/ignore patterns

I usually use the following pipeline to grep for a particular search string and yet ignore certain other patterns: grep -Ri 64 src/install/ | grep -v \.svn | grep -v "file"| grep -v "2\.5" | grep -v "2\.6" Can this be achieved in a succinct manner? I am using GNU grep 2.5.3. ...

Java println formatting so I can display a table?

How can I utilize System.out.print(ln/f) in a way that will allow me to format my output into a table? If I'm to use printf, what formatting should I specify to achieve the below results? Example table I'd like to print: n result1 result2 time1 time2 ----------------------------------------------------- 5 ...

C# Command Line Parser that is GPL-compatible

I am looking for a rather basic command-line parser class/library for C#. All I really need it for is opening passed files, and it is not something I really feel like writing, considering it is such a small part of a much larger project that is GPL, anyways. I've seen a bunch of stuff on Code Project, but they all either have no licens...

What do these cut commands mean?

What do these successive cut commands do? cut -f2 -d'"' | cut -f1 -d':' ...

Why are a visual studio project's command-line settings stored per user? Is it OK to check-in (and share) a .user setting file?

We're creating an application that understands some command-line parameters. There are some default's we would like to supply on the command-line when debugging, and these are easily set in the project settings as explained here. The thing is visual studio stores these settings in a *.csproj.user file, and the default settings for ...

How do I get grep to keep the file/pipe open?

I am trying to debug some errors in a live Merb app. There are a lot of lined of error code running by, but I jut need to see the first one. I can use grep to select these lines and print them but it closes as soon as it reached the end of the file. What I would like to do is use grep like the shift-F mode in less where it will keep t...

Running a command with specific environment settings - one-liner

To run a program with custom env settings, we do this on Linux $ MYVAR=23 ./ On Windows, the only way I know of is: C:\> set MYVAR=23 C:\> .\ C:\> REM unset MYVAR here (but how?) But can't this done be as an one-liner? ...

7-zip commandline

I'm creating a backup utility that zips all the files listed in a textfile. I am using MS ACCESS as my front-end and 7-zip for compression. Everytime i execute this command. 7zG.exe a c:\BAckup\ @c:\temp\tmpFileList.txt All the files are compressed without its path. Is there a way to assign the path for each file? so t...

Checking Nameserver setup from command line

Is there a way to check if my domain is setup correctly on the nameservers? Ideally I'd like to run a command from command line, alternatively can use a third party tool. for example, I'm trying to register a domain that's to be hosted on I have set up the domain and can see it in my DNS list. The servers that are supposed ...

VSS: Useful command-line diff?

Is there a useful command-line diff utility for VSS 2005? I tried this but if wants to compare my current directory with, it seems, some randomly picked path from the project. ...

IIS 6.0 command line set execute permissions

Hi all, I am looking for a way to set permissions on a virtual directory through command line. I have a website setup with scripts only permission, but one of the child virtual directories needs to have scripts and executables. So far, I haven't found a command line option to change the permissions for 6.0 - I saw the chacess comman...

How do I optionally require a command line arguement for Ant?

I'm new to ant, and I want to require a file name if something other than the default target is used, so the calling syntax would be something like this: ant specifictarget -Dfile=myfile I'm using the ant contrib package to give me additional functionality, so I have this: <if> <equals arg1="${file}" arg2="" /> <then> ...

Multiple fork() Concurrency

How do you use the fork() command in such a way that you can spawn 10 processes and have them do a small task concurrently. Concurrent is the operative word, many places that show how to use fork only use one call to fork() in their demos. I thought you would use some kind of for loop but i tried and it seems in my tests that the fork()...

Detect the presence of a wireless capability on PC/Mac?

I'm working on a project that requires that I can reliably detect the presence of a wireless capability on both a PC and a Mac. Ideally I would want to achieve this through an existing command line tool I could package with my application or that perhaps already exists on the OS. By wireless capability I mean the presence of a wireles...

How to change the compression style of a TIFF image using sips?

I am a Mac guy, How to get the PackBits compression using sips? Below one for LZW works fine. sips -s formatOptions lzw /DefaultGroup.tif But this fails: sips -s formatOptions packbits /DefaultGroup.tif Any idea why? ...

Building from the command line to produce a binary for Mac OS 10.5 (and 10.6)

I am referring to the following source: Build process is the standard: ./configure followed by make If I build on 10.5 I get a binary whose file contains: Mach-O executable i386 If I build on 10.6 I get a binary whose file contains: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 How can I build from the command line on ...

What GNU make substitute do you recommend?

Imagine you're free to choose a tool like GNU make for a new C++ project. What would you choose? Are any usable substitutes out there? It shall have/be a command line interface "easy" to understand ;) easy to set up for a default c++ project may support src/bin seperation as common for Java may not add too much dependencies to other s...

How to pass an integer as command line argument in turbo c++

I am unable to pass integer value through the command line in turbo c++. Please help me. ...