
C#: Application without a window or taskbar item (background app) that can still use Console.WriteLine()

I'm trying to create an application that adheres to the following: No Taskbar No console or form window Can utilize Console.WriteLine(). (i.e. If someone executes the app from command prompt it will actually write to that console.) The problem is if I create a Windows Form (or WPF) application I can have it so that there is no taskba...

command prompt error messges for md 'prn', 'con', and 'nul'

Im curious about the error messages the command prompt returns for the following commands: C:\>md prn The directory name is invalid. C:\>md con The directory name is invalid. C:\>md nul C:\>cd nul The parameter is incorrect. Why doesn't "md nul" return an error? Edit - I understand why this is wrong, what with reserved words and s...

Why can't my Perl script find the file when I run it from Windows?

I have a Perl Script which was built on a Linux platform using Perl 5.8 . However now I am trying to run the Perl Script on a Windows platform command prompt with the same Perl version. I am using this command perl however it gives me one whole chunk of errors which looks to me like it has already been resolved in the script it...

Is there any alternative to Process in .NET for running commands in the command line?

In my previous question I detailed the problem I encountered. One of the solutions is to simulate a user typing the command in the prompt. I don't know how to do it in .NET, since the usual way of doing this is by using System.Diagnostics.Process which causes the error. I wonder if there is any alternative to that class? What are the ...

Simple Batch File Turns "é" into a Different Character

I have a batch file with a single line in it: src/Filé.txt When I run the batch file (either in the command prompt or by clicking it in Windows Explorer), I get the following: C:>src\FilΘ.txt 'src\FilΘ.txt' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. It turned my é into an Θ! I've a...

command prompt anywhere in Windows 7 (native functionality)

I got this tip from a website that "shift + right click" on a folder in explorer in win7 will give us a context menu option by which I can open command prompt right there. I am looking for a hack that can make this simpler so that whenever I "right click" on a folder in explorer, I always get that "shift + right click" effect. I am not...

Opening an external, non-java file with Java

I am trying to access the file "J:\Java\NetBeansProjects\List of forgoten things\list.eml" and open it using the OS-defined default application. This can be acomplished in the command prompt by calling cd "J:\Java\NetBeansProjects\List of forgoten things" "list.eml" so I decided to use Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cd \"" + System.g...

Control/Monitor Many Windows Command Prompts?

I need to make running multiple Perl scripts as easy as possible, and make all of their statuses easily known, to see if they are all still working. I'm thinking of having a single Perl script which runs and monitors the other scripts I have, and displays the data on a 'master' command prompt. Is this possible? Is there an easier way to...

Using App.Config from Command Line for C# Programs

Hello...I am learning log4net and currently testing out how to use App.Config for XMLConfiguration. The problem is that I do not have a .NET IDE such as Visual Studio 2008 or Express Edition at office (don't get me started on why/how :-)) I need to compile and run my code where log4net reads the configuration settings from App.Config....

C# - Process redirected output - Console different to CMD window

I have an application with a Process that use a cmd program. The Process's output is redirect like so: pr.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; pr.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; pr.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; pr.EnableRaisingEvents = true pr.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle....