
Latex command with line break

Hello all, I am trying to create a command in latex that, when invoked such as \test{\ab}{TEST}, will create a new command defined as \ab[1]{\raggedright TEST: \\ \hspace{0.5in} #1}. What I am trying to do is something along these lines: \newchar{\ab}{TEST} \ab{This is a line TEST says.} That would execute to yield TEST: This ...

PowerShell "echo on"

This is a duplicate of I thought it would be more appropriate to ask this question here. I am playing around with PowerShell scripts and they're working great. However, I am wondering if there is any way to also show all the commands that were run, just as ...

longest line in vim?

Is there a command to determine length of a longest line in vim? And to append that length at the beginning of the file? ...

About the forward and backward a word behaviour in Emacs

I don't know if there's something wrong with my settings but when I press M-f (forward a word) it doesn't matter where I am, it never place the cursor in the next word (just between words). This doesn't happen with M-b which place my cursor in the beginning of the previous word. Is this a normal behavior? How do I place my cursor at the...

I'm trying to program a unique app, and use voice command to trigger specific functions within the app

If anyone can help me with this, I'd be eternally in their debt. Without getting bogged down in details, I'm trying to program an app so that, for instance, while the application is currently launched, if I say the words, "activate function A", a specific function which already exists in my app, is activated. Have I explained myself ...

WPF - how do I extend (or work in parallel with) the built-in command mechanism?

Please excuse me if this is a dumb question - I have read a dozen articles on the WPF command infrastructure and I am more confused than ever. I understand that I can use the built-in commands to implement (for example) a toolbar that will apply standard cut/copy/paste functionality to any focused textbox: <ToolBar> <Button Command...

Overriding a templated Button's Command in WPF

I have a ControlTemplate that I'm using to change the appearance and behavior of several Buttons. I only want part of the Button to be clickable and to execute the bound Command, so I added a Button within the ControlTemplate and bound it to the template's Command property. The problem I'm having is that since I am defining the Command ...

Using diff and supressing entirely different files

I have two copies of an application source code. One copy is encoded, while the other is not. There are config files scattered through-out the application's directory structure, and this is what I would like to compare. Is there a way to use diff where-by I can ignore the wildly different files (ie: An encrypted file and an unencrypted ...

How best to control (issue command signals to) a PHP-based Daemon script?

I've created a PHP Daemon script to continually monitor a particular directory on the server's file system for new files, and then process and archive them. Note: I'm using a php Daemon class provided at: I've got the script running, but I need a way to interface with the daemon and issue...

question on linux command

What do the two ampersands in the following command do: (make foo&)& ...

How to make Vim return from insert mode to normal mode after a command is finished?

When Vim is in Insert mode and you press Ctrl-O it switches to normal mode for one command, then switches back to insert mode when the command is finished. Is there the opposite command? To switch to insert mode for typing a word (or a number of letters or a line), then switch it back to normal mode when the typing is finished? ...

How to get file's modifed date on windows/dos command

I have been using the following command to get the file date, however the fileDate variable has been returning blank value ever since we moved to a different server (windows 2003) FOR /f %%a in ('dir myfile.txt^|find /i " myfile.txt"') DO SET fileDate=%%a Is there any other more reliable way to get the file date? ...

java Runtime.getRunTime().exec & wildcards?

i'm trying to remove junk files by using Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(); it works fine as long as i do not use wildcards, i.e. this works: Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/bin/rm -f"); while the following throws back "No such file or directory": Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/bin/rm -...

WPF datatemplate command

I've got a datatemplate for a tabcontrol's itemtemplate as follows; <DataTemplate x:Key="TabItemTemplate"> <DockPanel Width="120"> <Button Command="{Binding Path=DataContext.DeleteTimeTableCommand, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}}" Content="X" Cursor="Hand"...

Besides F1, F2, F3, (Ctrl + Fs and so on), which are good (available) keys to create custom commands on Vim?

Besides F1, F2, F3, (Ctrl + Fs and so on), which are good (available) keys to create custom commands on Vim? Some plugins use , and \. For instance, \be and ,cc. Which are other good available keys to create custom commands on Vim? ...

About the composition of Linux command

Assuming: the path of file f is ~/f "which f" shows "~/f", Then, which f | cat shows ~/f. So cat here is applied to the quotation of ~/f, which is different with cat ~/f. My question is: how I could use one command composed of which and cat to achieve the result of cat ~/f? When I don't know the result of which f in advance, using ...

What are the advantages of having customized commands with the <Leader> key on Vim?

I think its self explanatory. How it is more efficient to use that key? ...

How to execute a custom command against a typed dataset

I want to execute a custom command against a typed dataset I created using the dataset designer. For this I need to get a reference to the underlying connection, right? How to go about this? In which autogenerated file can I find the connection? ...

How to Add a command/SQL statement to a strongly typed TableAdapter's Update/Insert command?

See this question. I have the following code that executes against a SQLIte database using a strongly typed dataset. messagesAdapter.Update(messages);//messages is a DataTable var connection = messagesAdapter.Connection; var retrieveIndexCommand= connection.CreateCommand(); retrieveIndexCommand.CommandTex...

ICommand Implementation Question

I am doing the following tutorial, to learn about the MVVM pattern in WPF. There's something I don't understand about the following seemingly partly given implementation of ICommand interface. In the code below the _canExecute variable is used as a method and a variable. I was thinking it's some event of some kind, but ICommand alrea...