
Command Binding in UserControl used as ListBox.ItemTemplate

I have a Listbox with a UserControl as the DataTemplate. This UserControl has a button to remove that item from the list. <ListBox x:Name="FileList" ItemsSource="{Binding Files}" > <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Views:FileItem/> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate> </ListBox> The ItemSource is ...

wpf command custom control binding xaml

Hello there, i'm building a Videoplayer custom control (Project called WpfCustomControlLibrary1) and want to add a Load Command. This is what i have added in my class to get this Command: Public Class VideoPlayer Inherits Control ... Public Shared ReadOnly LoadCommad As RoutedUICommand .... Shared Sub New() 'This OverrideMetadata...

What is the accepted pattern for WPF commanding in MVVM?

I'm working on a WPF app and I understand the command pattern pretty well, but I've found that there are several different implementations of the command pattern for MVVM. There's Josh Smith's implementation in his WPF sample app, the DelegateCommand from Prism, and the CommandBindings implementation. My question is, what is the general...

How can I pipe input into a Java command from Perl?

I need to run a string through a Java program and then retrieve the output. The Java program accepts the string through standard input. The following works: my $output = `echo $string | java -jar java_program.jar`; There is one problem: $string could be just about anything. Any thoughts on a good solution to this problem? ...

retrieving logs from mercurial using api

I would like to retrieve logs from a mercurial repository using mercurial commands api. Unfortunately, mercurial.commands.log prints the messages to the stdout, instead of returning some nice list of revisions, like e.g. pysvn does. Can the be achieved easily? I would like to add mercurial support to my program and would like to do this ...

Copy from search mode to ex mode

While in the "/" mode to search, what should I do if need to copy it to the ex mode. E.g. I searched for /ab.*xy, now I need it as %s/ab.*xy/.../g. My intention is to test my search and then use that for a search replace ...

SilverLight - Binding a command to button within control template

I have a datagrid. Within that datagrid, I have bunch of column headers styles. Inside the control template of this style, there is a button. I need to bind a command to that button. Note that, there is also a TextBlock within the header style which I bind using element to element binding, as I will not have my viewModel in the header'...

JSF CommandButton onclick does not call Javascript function

I am using a command button from JSF. I don't know why I can't call my javascript function. NO alert will show when I click the button. <h:commandButton id="login" value="Login" action="login" onclick="return checkPasswords();" type="Submit" /> My Javascript function: function checkPasswords() { alert("test"); return false...

UNIX System commands for iPhone to control services

I am looking for SpringBoard commands to control jailbroken iPhone programmatically, but theres hardly any information out there, or its pretty well hidden! I would like to be able to talk to the ComCenter programmatically. Now I know this is not approved by Apple, but I dont care, I dont follow rules ;-) Anyone know of a good referen...

Command Binding in hierarchical datatemplate

Hello! I have Menu in my app. I'm visualizing it using hierarchical data template: <MenuItem Header="Main menu" ItemsSource="{Binding ApplicationMenu}" > <MenuItem.ItemTemplate> <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type tm:RMenuItem}" ItemsSource="{Bind...

using Ubuntu commands in php

Is it possible to use ubuntu terminal commands in php program.for example i need to create a folder and compress (.zip) it using php program. How to code this need? ...

Please suggest a secure way to transfer data from one computer to another.

I want "A" computer to responsible for execute the command, and "B" computer will send the command to "A" computer. I have some ideas on the implementation. Way1: The "A" computer have a while true loop to listen for "B" computer's command, when it is received, it execute. Way2: Using a FTP Server, that store information that about ...

Commands are disabled in WPF application when data source is empty

Hi I have a simple WPF with a menu, a toolbar and a ListView in a GridView. the menu and toolbar actions are bound to commands. I have that defines when commands should be executed ("CanExecute"). Some commands, such as "Create New Item" should always be executed, so they are bound to a "e.CanExecute = true;" function. However, when th...

Library to send SMS messages via IP connected device

Hello, I'm looking for a library (win32) to be used in a Delphi project that will enable me to send and receive SMS (text messages) via GSM modem devices connected via Ethernet (listening on an IP address). All the libraries I found until now support devices connected via COM/USB/bluetooth/InfraRed, but non of them support a direct co...

MVVM/Commands and ControlTemplates

Hi, I'm currently playing around with a MVVM/Commands and ControlTemplates. What I'm trying to do is quite simple. I want to have a list of e.g. Persons, where the user can trigger an action on each of them. But the event/commandhandler needs to be executed not on the person object e.g. because I want remove it from the list with a but...

XAML/WPF: How do I bind a command to a comboboxitem.

I want to bind a command to a comboboxitem much like a typical command (either application or custom) is bound to a button. I can't seem to find an example. EDIT: The ComboBoxItem exists as part of a ContentControl that also contains a button. The button has an associated command that works well. How can I bind a command, in a simil...

how to delete mysql database through shell command

I use the pylons and sqlalchemy. I constantly update the schema files and delete the old db content (means db itself) and recreate the database so that new schema shall take place. Every time I do this by opening the MySql Query Browser and login & delete the database/schema. How to delete the mysql db/schema thorough linux shell comma...

help for gdb's stepi command

I need to trace all instrutions of a program using gdb. After every execution of a instruction, I want gdb invokes a specified function. Is it a possiable work? How to achieve this? I searched internet and found "stepi arg" command in gdb could step arg instructions. But how to find total number of instructions? After e...

Intermittent Command CanExecute Firing

Hi, I hope someone can help me with this one... Unfortunately to put all the code in is just not feasible, however.. I am implementing the MVVM pattern, I have a content presenter that displays a UserControl. The UserControl has a number of items on it with some basic CRUD functions, e.g. Edit, Delete, etc. I have set up the Control, ...

Zip function junk directory paths

Wow I feel silly asking this question but here goes. I'm creating a zip file by relatively specifying file locations. Here is an example of the command I'm running: zip priv/purchases/ priv/audio/5001.mp3 priv/audio/5002.mp3 When the file compresses it maintains the relative paths of the files. Thus I get a file hierarchy of: ...