
getting previously typed commands in python

I'm using python 2.5 in windows on a macbook pro with IDLE. How do I get previously typed commands in the python shell? In other operating systems I've managed to do this using 'ctrl' + 'up arrow' or a similar combination. I've tried all likely combinations without success. Thanks. ...

Run command pipes with subprocess.Popen

How to run the following command using subprocess.Popen? mysqldump database_name table_name | bzip2 > filename I know os.system() can do the job but I dont want to wait for the dump to finish in main program. ...

J2ME, LWUIT (V. 1.2) - Menu bar from bottom to the right of the screen!

I'm working with the mobile graphic framework LWUIT (V. 1.2) to develop an application for Nokia N97. Results are striking and elegant but I have a problem: when I rotate mobile screen, menu bar doesn't switch from bottom to the right of screen. Commands remain on the bottom while correspondent mobile buttons are now on the right... Is...

Visual Studio pre-build scripts can't find exe files in windows/system32

I'm stumped. All of a sudden Visual Studio cannot find exe files in the Windows/System32 directory (such as xcopy, attrib etc). I have some pre-build and post-build events that execute batch files that use xcopy and attrib. Previously they were working fine but today, during the build process, Visual Studio cannot find them. The error i...

WPF Commands Buttons ListBoxItems

Hi, I Have a listbox defined like below : <ListBox x:Name="lstMedias" ItemsSource="{Binding Medias}" Width="Auto" Height="Auto"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Button Content="{Binding Name}" Tag="{Binding Name}" Click="Button_Click" Command="{Binding Path=LoadSimpleMoviePopupCommand}"> <...

Commands for making a photo movie

Are there any commands similar to FFMPEG commands which can be used to make a photo movie? ...

second previous command execution

hello in unix command line !! will execute th eprevious command on the command line like below indibm202 21: date Tue Nov 10 17:38:13 IST 2009 indibm202 22: !! date Tue Nov 10 17:38:16 IST 2009 indibm202 23: what is the command to execute the second previous command? ...

List of commands of linux which can be helpful for php develpment

Hello. Every one. Actually I would like to know the list of commands & there use, which can be helpful for php development. Say for example, Crop Command => May be used to crop an image, Cut image I know very few commands of linux like "ls", "pwd" just the basic ones. I am not much interested to learn all linux programs. But The com...

Cocoa shell command permission

Hi I'm developing my first Mac App have some issues with shell commands... I'm trying to find out how to get the permission windows that the user can enter his password. I want to copy a picture in a system folder, and change the name of another picture too. I try to change the Login window background. Command 1: "sudo mv DefaultDes...

Which command in VBA can count the number of characters in a string variable?

Let's say I have this variable: word = "habit" which command in VBA will allow me to count how many characters are there in this variable (in my case it's 5). Important: the variable "word" contains only one word, no spaces, but may have contain numbers and hyphens. ...

Weird behaviour of h:commandLink action (MethodExpression)

Hey there, I have two JSPs where I am displaying some info from database in a h:dataTable. One of them is showing all the info, and one of them user specifically. I have showXML.jsp that shows the "XML" column of a dataTable row detailedly, since a String that big wouldn't be nice in the dataTable. So what I'm doing is passing the row i...

How to create new command in visual studio ?

Visual studio has predefined command that are accessible by type ctrl + /. For example >of myfile.cs will open the file named myfiles.cs I would like to have a command to go to definition of any type. For example >gotodef TextBox would do the same as if I pressed F12 on the word "TextBox" in the source code editor (view it shows all mem...

FTP error on Quit command

Hi, I'm using a ftp library that causes an error sending the quit command. It seems that the character before QUIT is not recognized. I took a look at the code but didn't find anything. 500 '?QUIT': command not understood Does anyone know what this character can be? ...

Win7 'Next Desktop Background'

Does anybody has an idea how to invoke 'Next Desktop Background' command in Windows 7. This is when you have a slide show desktop wallpaper and this command in on the context menu of the desktop? Command line option will be great. ...

Folder comparions on Command line

Hello, I want to compare two folders on Windows(Vista, XP) which have large number of huge size files, which i need to compare. If i use beyond compare or such tool to compare the folders it is taking lot and lot of time if i do it manually. I need to add that folder comparison to batch file. So, On a Windows(XP, Vista), Is there any c...

Is there any difference between java run.exec of a command and shell execution?

Hi all, I have a program which calls a shell command. When I executes the command using java's run.exec, it is not working but when I executes the command directly in terminal, it works like charm. ex: pdf2swf "3bbba47.pdf" -T 9 -o "3bbba47.swf" didnt worked from java program but worked directly executing it in terminal. But when...

How to add Command Binding to an Items control that does not have the command binding property

I use the MVVM pattern and I have the following code: <DataTemplate x:Key="ActivityEditTemplate"> <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ActivityList}"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <CheckBox Margin="2,0,2,0" Content="{Binding ActivityDescrip...

EXCEL 2007 - Need Help creating a button which takes the contents of active worksheet and pastes it in a new worksheet

Hello! I have search throughout this site to find a answer to my problem and most of the related solutions are for a far more complicated problem. Here is what I need to have done. I created a simple form in Excel 2007. I am looking for the ability to add a button at the bottom of the form which allows the user to click on the button...

Using arguments in XCode

I am trying to do something similar to this tutorial Where I get the title of the file to be opened, and the number of lines of that file to be printed at a time. I am having trouble on what I would put in my command line arguments. For example, do I need to put the name of my progr...

How can I bind a command of a control in template to my ViewModel

Hi guys, Right, what I have is: <Window x:Class="WpfGettingThingsDone.View.MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" AllowsTransparency="True" Background="Transparent" WindowStyle="None" Title="{Binding Title}" Height...