
WPF Commands - Doing it with no code-behind

I'm building a simple data entry app in WPF form using the MVVM pattern. Each form has a presenter object that exposes all the data etc. I'd like to use WPF Commands for enabling and disabling Edit/Save/Delete buttons and menu options. My problem is that this approach seems to require me to add lots of code to the code-behind. I'm tryin...

WPF Trigger a Command at end of animation.

How can I trigger a Command in my ViewModel at the end of an animation/storyboard using XAML only. ...

Textmate toggle collapse/expand CSS rule command?

Does anyone know of a command (not a macro) for Textmate / E Text Editor / Redcar / etc. that will collapse a multi-line CSS rule down to one line OR, if the rule is already on one line, expand it out to multi-line? I already know about code folding and that's not what I require - I need to be able to toggle the rules between single and ...

The Command "File.BatchNewTeamProject" is not available in VSTS 2010

Hi, I am trying to automate the creation of team projects using a command built into VS 2010 called File.BatchNewTeamProject using a project settings file as an argument, and executing this as a process silently in the background from my c# win app. I am aware of a requirement that Team Explorer has to be open and connected to TFS before...

How come when I run ruby.exe / IRB all I get is a blank DOS shell?

Hi, I installed ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175) [i386-mingw32] on my Windows XP laptop. When I run ruby.exe I get a blank DOS Shell window. No expected "irb(main):001:0>" at the top left of the command prompt. I can type into the shell but, any code I type in actually does anything when pressing enter. I should mention tha...

using ruby popen wrapped in a shell script

I finished my short file for a homework assignment which uses IO.popen("command").readlines to grab the STDOUT of that command. However, I need to write a shell script to wrap my ruby file in. No problem, but somehow putting it in the shell script makes readlines hang. ruby script.rb foo example > example.out this works foo...

command to format mount points in windows 2003

I need a command to format the mount point in windows 2003. Generally we use the following command to format a volume in windows type C:\sri.txt| FORMAT E: /v:volume /Q /fs:NTFS But by using the same command we can't format the mount points. So is there any command to format a mount point in windows ...

How to check for COMMAND key held down Java/SWT at startup on Mac OS X

My app is cross-platform, hence why SWT is being used. I can easily monitor for the Mac Command/Flower key press when the app is running using SWT (they have SWT.COMMAND as a key press). I want to know how to see if the command key is being pressed and held down as the app opens. I found a few examples on here, but those were for caps ...

Where to put Commands when injecting buttons into a ToolBar?

In my composite WPF application I am injecting some buttons into the shell's toolbar from a module. These buttons are injected using the region manager in the module's IModule Initialize function. Since I'm using MVVM and Commands, where would an appropriate place be to put the Command handlers (Execute and CanExecute) for the injected ...

WPF Built-in Commands

I'm looking for a complete list of built-in WPF Commands. The best list I've found so far is here, but it does not list all commands. Some nice-to-have details would be: Controls/components with support to the commands (for example, TextBox supports edit commands such as Paste, Copy, Cut, Redo, and Undo); Default Key Gestures and UI ...

WPF ContextMenu with ItemsSource - how to bind to Command in each item?

Hi, I have a collection of objects (viewmodels) that represent menu items. Each of them have a command that I would like to execute when a MenuItem is clicked. If I wanted to do the menu statically, I do it like this: <ContextMenu> <MenuItem Header="{Binding Text1}" Command={Binding Command1}> <MenuItem Header="{Binding Text2}"...

Define an emacs command that calls another emacs command (preserving interactive stuff)

How can I define an emacs command X that does something and then calls another emacs command Y and also copying the interactive interface of the command Y too? I want to define an altenative version of query-replace with temporarilly toggled value of case-fold-search: (defun alt-query-replace (a b c d e) (interactive) (let ((case-f...

get RibbonCommand Name from sender Object that is executed

How to get the Label of Ribbon command that is executed. Information is present in sender object but how to cast it in RibbonCommand and then I can get that command name private void RibbonCommand_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { RibbonCommand rbnCmd = sender as RibbonCommand; } But in this case rbnBmd remains...

Command in a WPFToolkit DataGridTemplateColumn not working

im using the WPFToolkit's DataGrid and im trying to get an edit button working, here is the column: <my:DataGridTemplateColumn> <my:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock> <Hyperlink Command="{Binding EditVen...

Tortoise svn requires many tries to do anything

I use Tortoise svn along with about 20 others at our site and all have an ongoing issue with it. Whenever you choose any command (update, commit, or ANY item of the right-click menu) there is almost always an initial lack of repsonse from the software. That is, it hourglasses for a few seconds and then does nothing. So you repeat the req...

C# Button Click Events firing after Command

I am having trouble trying to get a click event to fire after the command gets executed. I am trying to follow the MVVM style of development. Here is the scenario: In my application I have a grid of 2 by N buttons, where N is a dynamically loaded set of buttons (sometimes it'll be 2 x 2, sometimes its 5 x 9, I don't know). Initially, a...

How to replace new lines with tab characters

hi i have pattern like below hi hello hallo greetings salutations no more hello for you i am trying to replace all new lines with tab spaces using the following command sed -e "s_/\n_/\t_g" but its not working . could nybody pls help? i need the solution in sed /awk. ...

Connecting Two Bash Commands

I have Ubuntu Linux. I found one command will let me download unread message subjects from Gmail: curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD --silent "" | tr -d '\n' | awk -F '<entry>' '{for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {print $i}}' | sed -n "s/<title>\(.*\)<\/title.*name>\(.*\)<\/name>.*/\2 - \1/p" ...and then another comma...

How To access commands on usercontrol from viewmodel

I have legacy windows forms user control that exposses several public methods. I wrapped this control on a wpf user control and encapsulated the Methods with a relaycommand on the new wpf usercontrol. Now my problem is how to use the mvvm pattern to execute the commands on my user control form the viewmodel that is used with the view...

Selenium.SeleniumException: ERROR: Command execution failure.

Please search the forum at for error details from the log window. The error message is: Permission denied I am getting error when i am trying to execute Selenium.IsElementPresent(ticketLocator) Help me!! ...