
dos command flex core

can i execute some dos like command from flex just like attrib c:\a.txt -h. function available in c exec(), in java Runtime.getRuntime().exec(). but in flex is there any available? ...

SSH Java-library for Android?

I'm trying to create an app for Android that simply sends a command to an SSH server. No response needed, I just need to be able to send a command. I was wondering if there's any java library out there that I could use? No advanced stuff needed, just a pure connection to send the command. ...

Binding to a RoutedUICommand that's not in the codebehind.

I have a static class which contains a RoutedUICommand that I would like to use in binding. public static class CommandLibrary { public static ProjectViewModel Project { get; set; } public static RoutedUICommand AddPage { get; private set; } static CommandLibrary() { AddPage = new RoutedUICommand("AddPage", "Ad...

Where do I change the linking command in MSVC++?

Question title says it all, really. Need to add lalleg to the end of my linking command. ...

How to bind a command in WPF to a double click event handler of a control?

I need to bind the double click event of a textblock (or potentially an image as well - either way, its a user control), to a command in my ViewModel. TextBlock.InputBindings does not seem to bind correctly to my commands, any help? ...

Is there any way to redirect stderr output from a command run with "start" in the Windows command line?

I have a program that I want to automate runs for, since it takes awhile to complete. For some reason it outputs everything to stderr instead of stdout, and I'd like to check on its progress, so I find myself needing to redirect stderr output within a start command. I tried this: start "My_Program" "C:\Users\Me\my_program.exe" --some -...

Josh Smith's MVVM Demo App: Add commands to MainWindowViewModel's command list

I have a question concerning Josh Smith's famous demo app on MVVM. I try building a "real" application around it to learn WPF. He creates this CommandsList in the MainWindowViewModel containing 2 Commands (create new and view all customers). This list is readonly (why? any particular reason?). I thougt it would be nice to add and remo...

MVVM and Stateful commands - Good or bad idea?

Hi, I thought I'd post here in the hope that maybe someone with MVVM expertise would be able to offer opinions on whether the following is a good idea: I'm using Sacha Barber's Cinch MVVM framework, which includes Marlon Grech's SimpleCommand class. One thing this class doesn't have which some other alternatives have is a Text property...

WPF - How to force a Command to re-evaluate 'CanExecute' via its CommandBindings

I have a Menu where each MenuItem in the hierarchy has its Command property set to a RoutedCommand I've defined. The associated CommandBinding provides a callback for the evaluation of CanExecute which controls the enabled state of each MenuItem. This almost works. The menu items initially come up with the correct enabled and disabled...

Is it a good idea to re-use ADO.NET command objects?

I'm working on a .NET program that executes arbitrary scripts against a database. When a colleage started writing the database access code, he simply exposed one command object to the rest of the application which is re-used (setting CommandText/Type, calling ExecuteNonQuery() etc.) for each statement. I imagine this is a big performan...

Passing two command parameters using a WPF binding.

I have a command which I am executing from my XAML file using the following standard syntax: <Button Content="Zoom" Command="{Binding MyViewModel.ZoomCommand}"/> This worked fine until I realized that I needed TWO pieces of information from the view in order to make this operation complete the way users expect (the width and height of...

command substitution but without breaking output into multiple arguments

Is there a way to do command substitution in BASH shell without breaking output into multiple arguments? I copy the path of some directory (from the location bar in a GUI file browser) to clipboard and then issue the following command, where the command xsel returns the clipboard content, which is the path of the directory in this case:...

list elements by activity

Hello, I'm working on automated builds and need to be able to list elements that were worked on under particular activities. I'm new to ClearCase so I apologise for naiivety ... My downstream build process works fine and I now need to populate a 'pre-build' area by identifying the (checked-in) files associated with one or more activiti...

Create shortcut to start menu (not IN start menu)

I have been experimenting with object dock and rocket dock. So far I like object dock better, but it takes FOREVER to start up on my machine (more than a minute). I am running on a good computer (quad core 4 gigs ram ect ect) so I don't understand why this is. Anyway I have been using rocketdock instead because of this, but the problem i...

Linux utility to know command for a particular task

Hi all, In my initial days of using linux I usually had to search google to know the command for doing a particular task. Once I have the command name, i can view its usage using man command-name. Similarly I was thinking of some utility which can tell the command to do a particular task if the task to be done is specified as an argument...

Prism - Commands Not Firing

Hi, I've got a view <UserControl x:Class="Modules.NavigationMenu.Views.NavigationMenuView" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Height="300" Width="300"> <StackPanel> <Button Command="{Binding InspectionCommand}">Inspection</Button> <Button Com...

How to read/redirect output of a dos command to a program variable in C/C++ ?

I want to run a dos command from my program for example "dir" command. I am doing it like, system("dir"); Is there any way to read the output of that command directly into a program variable? We can always redirect the output to a file and then read that file, by doing system("dir > command.out"); And then reading command.out fil...

How can I set a breakpoint and have the code stop on a line inside an AttachedCommand?

In my XAML I have this command (which is an AttachedCommand which I got from <TextBlock Text="Edit Test Customer"> <Commands:CommandBehaviorCollection.Behaviors> <Commands:BehaviorBinding Event="MouseLeftButtonDown" Command="{Binding ClickEditTestCustomer...

Redirecting output to a command-line argument of another command in Windows

How can I, in Windows, use the output of a script/command as an argument for another script? (A pipe | will not work here, since that other script doesn't read from the standard input) Too clarify: I have AnotherScript that needs an argument arg, e.g.: AnotherScript 12 now I want the argument (12 in the example) to come from the outp...

How to turn screensaver on (windows 7) by a code (in cmd)?

How to turn screensaver on (windows 7) by a code (in cmd)? ...