
WPF : InputBindings on a StackPanel

I want to put a command on a ListBoxItem. The ListBoxItem use a DataTemplate composed of a StackPanel (containing an Image and a TextBlock, both using Binding). I want that the doubleclick on that ListBoxItem fire the command. I have tried this : <DataTemplate> <StackPanel> <StackPanel.Resources> <CommonUI:Comma...

Stack overflow when opening menu with ApplicationCommands in C#

When I add an ApplicationCommands command to a MenuItem in my file menu, no matter via XAML or via code, when I open the menu the application crashes in a stack overflow, with absolutely no details about the problem. When I remove the Command, the problem also disappears. It doesn't matter which ApplicationCommand I use. Part of the cal...

Does Prism (CAL) provide any way to bind a command to for example a MouseClick event?

Hi girls and guys! I recently looked into Prism (aka the Composite Application Library for WPF) and really like the way I can structure my apps with it. However there is one downside that I just couldn't resolve. Is it possible to bind a command (from a ViewModel for instance) to an Event (for example: RightMouseButtonDown) via Prism?...

BASH Variables with multiple commands and reentrant

I have a bash script that sources contents from another file. The contents of the other file are commands I would like to execute and compare the return value. Some of the commands are have multiple commands separated by either a semicolon (;) or by ampersands (&&) and I can't seem to make this work. To work on this, I created some te...

Can you use R terminal commands on a Mac computer?

Hi, I wrote some code in school to basically bring up different graphs from R and I had wanted to use it on a mac computer. Is there are way to use R terminal commands on a mac computer and is there a place where I could get more information about these mac R Terminal commands? Thanks so much! ...

WPF - CanExecute dosn't fire when raising Commands from a UserControl

Hi, I've got a button strip usercontrol that I want to have on most of my forms. I've added the commands as follows ... public ICommand Create { get { return buttonCreate.Command; } set { buttonCreate.Command = value; } } I've set these as dependency...

command pattern returning status

Once I had a discussion about design, relative to the command pattern. My peer stated that a command object should not return the status (successful, unsuccessful, and why) after the .execute() method is called. The reason is that you should not be concerned if the command gets executed or not, because the command must contain no state. ...

ADO+Running a Stored procedure via recordset or command, any difference?

Hi Sometimes we run a SP in client application (vb6.0) using recordset and sometimes, by a command object . So, what is the benefit of using command object instead of a recordet? ...

How to add a Command to the items in a databound TreeView

How can I add WPF DelegateCommands to the items in a TreeView bound to an XmlDataProvider? I'm using the MVVM pattern and Composite WPF and I want the command to be called when the user double-clicks on an item in the TreeView. I have a TreeView defined in XAML whose DataContext is set to the XmlDataProvider: <TreeView xmlns="htt...

Void value as return parameter

I have this interface: public interface Command<T> { T execute(String... args); } it works fine for most uses. But when I try to model a command that have only side effects (e.g. without return value) I'm tempted to write: public class SideEffectCommand implements Command<Void> { @Override public Void execute(String... a...

How can i change table adapter's command time out.

Hi there. I'm using v.s 2008 with c#. I have a .xsd file and it has a table adapter. I want to change table adapter's command time. out. Thanks for your helps.. ...

Dynamic commands without code compiles and re-deployment

Situation: Currently we have type safe static code that represents commands we can send to units out in the field. In addition we have another development team who does development on the units, they implement commands on a different release cycle then us and management is asking for our side to be more flexible as in create code that wi...

Send commands to other command-line programs

Hey, Is there a way, to send commands to another command-line program? 'Cause i have a special command-line program, but I can't send commands to it using syntax like program.exe something_to_do the program executes something like this: ("here syntax" is where i want to input text to and also enter to start) TheWhateverCommandLinePro...

"fatal error encountered during command execution" when trying to add a view from MySQL DB

I'm trying to add some tables and views from a MySQL database to a project in VS2005. After a lot of looking around I ended using the ADO.NET connector, which works pretty fine, except when trying to add a View with the Data source configuration wizard, where I get the "fatal error encountered during command execution" error message, and...

what is wrong with find . | xargs grep '...'?

When i use the command above, i get wrong matches.....can someone explain me, what is wrong? I'm trying to search for the string "..." in all files in the current folder. ...

Binding to Command from outside a UserControl

Hello. I have a simple UserControl containing Label, ComboBox and Button. In brief, it is to be used throughout almost all of my Views many times, each time supplied with different ItemsSource and CreateItemCommand using Bindings to my ViewModel properties. The Label and ComboBox are part of another UserControl (LabeledComboBox) which ...

How to start a new process in a new window in an existing GNU screen session, from outside the session

I asked a similar question here and got pretty close to what I'm looking for ...but, this doesn't quite get to what I'm after, which is starting a process in a new window (not an existing window) in an existing sc...

two folders in sync - one is updated with the CVS

I have copied a folder say "folder" which is maintained in CVS as folder_backup. $cp -af folder folder_backup Frequently I cvs update "folder" and I want folder_backup to be in sync with folder. Is there a automatic way to sync both folder and folder_backup whenever folder is cvs updated. Both are in the same machine. ...

Portable command execution syntax implemented in Python

Python is not a pretty good language in defining a set of commands to run. Bash is. But Bash does not run naively on Windows. Background: I am trying to build a set of programs - with established dependency relationships between them - on mac/win/linux. Something like macports but should work on all the three platforms listed. This beg...

UserControl with Exposable Command on WPF

Hi, I'm creating a Toolbar with some buttons, and I want each button to execute an different command according to the ViewModel attached to it's DataContext, so I created if like this: public readonly DependencyProperty NewCommandProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "NewCommand", typeof(ICommand), typeof(VirtueGridToolbar)); ...