
Creating a new module in Sitefinity

I'm trying to create a new module for Sitefinity. I'm basing my module off the sample module linked to from the documentation. What I want is a list of videos. On the left-hand side - the CommandPanel - there should be 3 buttons - "Videos", "Artists"...

In Perforce, what is the command to connect to a different port when switching client user?

What is the command-line equivalent of "Switch Port Client User" as found in the p4win gui client? I am already logged under one port but now I am attempting to connect to a different port on the same server in order to access a separate source control file depot. I assume it would involve using: p4 login However, reading the 'help'...

WPF CommandParameter is NULL first time CanExecute is called

I have run into an issue with WPF and Commands that are bound to a Button inside the DataTemplate of an ItemsControl. The scenario is quite straight forward. The ItemsControl is bound to a list of objects, and I want to be able to remove each object in the list by clicking a Button. The Button executes a Command, and the Command takes ca...

How do you only build a file's project using Visual Studio's Command Window?

I have a .NET solution with multiple projects. Once I finish editing a file, my preference would be to only build the project that the file belongs to but not build any of the other projects. From the menu, the following option does exactly what I want: Build -> Build [MY PROJECT NAME] However, I would like to call that action from V...

WPF Routed Commands and ShowDialog Windows

Hello, I was wondering how a window opened through ShowDialog is treated in the Visual Tree. For example, Window A opens Window B through a ShowDialog. When firing a routed command on Window B, Window A does not receieve the command (even though it is listening for it). Is there any way to make this work? Thanks! Jon ...

Passing an enum value as command parameter from xaml

Hi, I want to pass an enum value as command parameter in WPF, something like this - <Button x:Name="uxSearchButton" Command="{Binding Path=SearchMembersCommand}" CommandParameter="SearchPageType.First" Content="Search"></Button> SearchPageType is an enum and this is to know from which button search command is invoked. Is th...

Problem with starting OpenOffice service (soffice) from Java (command working in commandline, but not from Java)

I want to exceute a simple command which works from the shell but doesn't work from Java. This is the command I want to execute, which works fine: soffice -headless "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;" This is the code I am excecuting from Java trying to run this command: String[] commands = new String[] {"soffice","-headl...

Systray context menu - why are my commands not enabled?

I'm creating a WPF app and have a system tray icon with a context menu. For the menu items I want to use WPF commands but when I assign them they are always greyed out even though the (same) commands are enabled in other places. MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(); menuItem.Header = "Exit"; menuItem.Command = CustomCommands.ExitApplicati...

Emacs M-x commands for invoking "GUI-style" menus

Question: How could I find out the M-x equivalent commands for doing GUI-based operations in Emacs, in those cases where my Emacs-variant uses OS-specific desktop functionality? Background: Conventional understanding states that everything in Emacs is a command, and that commands can be invoked via M-x, as long as you know the name of t...

PHP IRC Robot, Send Command, but now I need the bot to read the command.

Hello, I have a PHP IRC Robot that I use in my channel and I need it to make OPs to specific set users in the script by me. Anyways I want the robot to check if the user is logged into NickServ to prevent any sort of fraud or anything. Anyways, here is my connect and DO things code, followed by what I really need help with below it. All...

How to execute a command in a remote computer?

I have a shared folder in a server and I need to remotely execute a command on some files. How do I do that? What services need to be running on the server to make that work? Some details: Only C# can be used. Nothing can be installed in the server. ...

Run a command in a shell and keep running the command when you close the session

Hello, I am using Putty to connect to a remote server. What I want to know is if there is any way to write my commands and allow them to keep running after I close the session with Putty. The reason for this is that I do not want to keep the computer ON all the time. Is there any way to do this?. Update with the solution For my questio...

Telnet / Terminal commands

Got a problem with a proxy telnet server that I am trying to debug, it appears that a set of characters being sent are causing it a problem .... does anybody know where I can get a list of teminal commands (Along the lines of [40m)? ...

Simple unix command, what is the {} and \; for

With this set of commands, what are the {} and \; characters for? find . -name '*.clj' -exec grep -r resources {} \; ...

How to find the process which is cosuming the most i/o in linux?

When I use top the iowait on the host is really high. iostat tells me which disk is utilized more but I want to find out which process is the culprit? I am trying to find this out on a red hat linux host. Any suggestions. EDIT: My linux flavor does not either have atop or ntop and since building kernel is not an option for me don't ...

Pass path with spaces as parameter to bat file

I have a simple bat script that copies files from an known directory to a directory given by the user. How can I pass the path (it might contain spaces) to my script and use it with the xcopy command? ...

Implementing and using the ICommand interface, MVVM

Although I deeply fell in love with the MVVM pattern there seem to be a lot of problems I cannot (yet) figure out for myself. I wonder what the parameters of the methods of the IComamnd interface are good for e.g. void Execute(object parameter); I tie my view to the view model like this <Button Command="{Binding SomeCommand}" ... /> ...

Comand Line Zipping with Windows

I'm trying to Zip a file through the command line for an SSIS package. I know 7-Zip is a great open source tool to use, but the server I will be deploying too does not have 7-Zip. The only tools I have are the Windows Compress.exe and Compact.exe. However when trying this it seems to create invalid/corrupt zip files. This is what I hav...

Insert Command into Bash Shell

Is there any way to inject a command into a bash prompt in Linux? I am working on a command history app - like the Ctrl+R lookup but different. I am using python for this. I will show a list of commands from history based on the user's search term - if the user presses enter, the app will execute the command and print the results. So fa...

What is the best way to write a rakefile to run commands in windows?

As an example i want to run the following command under a rake. robocopy C:\Media \\other\Media /mir The rakefile i was able to get working was def sh(str)!('|', '\\') IO.popen(str) do |pipe| pipe.each do |line| puts line end end end task :default do sh 'robocopy C:|Media ||other|Media /mir' end Howeve...