
String Compare "Logic"

Can anybody please tell me why the string comparisons below deliver these results? >>"1040"<="12000" True >> "1040"<="10000" False I've tried the string comparison in both C and Python, the result is obviously correct, I just can't figure out how the result is calculated... P.S.: I know that comparing strings of different lengt...

GridView vs DataList vs Repeater vs ListView

Hello all, I have read some articles about this matter... and it seems that the Repeater is the one with best performance as explained in this other question: I know that the GridView is the heaviest of them all, and that it weights a lot in the ViewState. So the DataList has been the "best" option for some situations. But how about D...

How can you compare sets of numbers and get the most relevant results using MySQL and PHP?

Consider this: set A: 1 2 3 4 set B: 3 4 5 6 set C: 4 5 6 7 set D: 1 I want to compare D with the rest and get as a result a set of numbers as most relevant. The result should be in this order: 4 (as D has a common number with A and 4 is in A and also in B and C), 3 (as D has a common number with A and 3 is in A and B), 2 (...

How do I compare two Integers?

This sounds like a stupid question, but I'm kinda stuck here. I have to compare two Integer (not int). How do I compare them? Integer x = ... Integer y = ... I can think of this: if (x == y) The == operator only compares references, so this will only work for lower integer values. But perhaps auto-boxing kicks in...? if (x.equals...

C++/CLI : Advantages over C#

Is there any major advantage of managed C++/CLI over C#. Definitely not the syntax I suppose as the following code in C++/CLI is real ugly, C++/CLI code: [Out]List<SomeObject^>^% someVariable Compare above with C# Code: out List<SomeObject> someVariable Just out of curiosity, is there an even uglier syntax in C++/CLI as compared t...

get NSDate today, yesterday, this Week, last Week, this Month, last Month... variables

what i am trying to do is to get NSDate today, yesterday, this Week, last Week, this Month, last Month variables ready for comparison for headers to be added on UITableView's titleForHeaderInSection what i want is done manually in the code below for date 2009-12-11 NSDate *today = [NSDate dateWithString:@"2009-12-11 00:00:00 +0000"];...

Preferred implementation of '<' for multi-variable structures

Initially this may seem overly abstract or philosophical, but I am genuinely interested to see if someone has a convincing argument in favor of one implementation over the other. Given operator< for std::pair<T1, T2>, which would be the better implementation: return x.first < y.first || x.first == y.first && x.second < y.second;...

What is the difference between SSCLI 2.0 (ROTOR) and .NET?

Is there a large difference between the SSCLI 2.0 and .NET, I know that Microsoft wouldn't release their garbage collector or JIT compiler and simpler implementations are used, but as far as the rest is concerned is there much difference? ...

Odd comparison problem in checking for anagram

I'm sorry, the title's awful; however, I couldn't think of any better way to summarize my plight. In trying to solve a problem involving checking to see if one string is an anagram of another, I implemented a solution that involved removing all whitespace from both strings, converting them both to character arrays, sorting them and then...

Comparing window.parent/opener with NULL or 'undefined'

If I have this method: this.getForm = function () { try { var frmIndex = arguments[0]; if (isNaN(frmIndex)) frmIndex = 1; if (window !== null) { if (window.opener !== null) { return window.parent; } else if (window.parent !== null) { if (window.parent.frames !== null) { if (window.parent.frames(...

Eclipse PDT vs. NetBeans for PHP development

How does Eclipse PDT compare to NetBeans for PHP development? I just bought a new computer with Windows 7 and I'm starting to set up a development environment for PHP. Has anyone used both IDEs lately and could make a quick comparison? If you know what major frameworks are supported, that would be great too. ...

how to compare two arrays of objects

i have an object called Person. It has properties First, Last, Age, etc . . . I have two arrays of Person objects. I want to have some function to take two arrays Person[] firstlist = . . Person[] secondList = . . and have it spit out two new arrays Person[] peopleinFirstListandNotSecond Person[] peopleinSecondListandNotFirst ...

Difference between these two API ActionScript implementations?

I'm new to Flex and wondering what the difference is between these two ActionScript implementations of the API: One thing I noticed is that one comes in .as files and the other's an .swc file. Is one better than the other for learning Flex? Thanks. ...

Which is fast comparison: Convert.ToInt32(stringValue)==intValue or stringValue==intValue.ToString()

Hi, While developing my application i came across some comparison stuff here was it: string str = "12345"; int j = 12345; if (str == j.ToString()) { //do my logic } I was thinking that the above stuff can also be done with: string str = "12345"; int j = 12345; if (Convert.ToInt32(str) == j) ...

how do we compare 2 class names of an object

Is there a way to get compare class name betweeen 2 objects? Like: NSString *bla = [[NSString alloc] init]; if([bla class] isEqual: NSString]) NSLog(@"success"); unsure if my syntax is correct. ...

For real-time application, which is better C or C++?

I’m electronic engineer with experience with both language C and C++ (I wrote with C for micro-controller and with C++ I wrote for Windows with Borland C++ Builder) My company develops motor control products, and we are working with STM32 and IAR compiler. I recognize the technical differences between the languages, I interest in the d...

How can I compare mtimes returned by Perl's stat?

Hello. I found some sample scripts "stat" usage below. $source_mtime = (stat($source_file))[9]; $dest_file_mtime = (stat($dest_file))[9]; $script_mtime = (stat($this_file))[9]; if (-e $dest_xml_file) { if ($dest_file_mtime gt $source_mtime) // gt used { printf "No $this_file Scan Needed\n"; exit(0); } ...

ASP.NET - 3rd Party Libraries - Anyone know of a good side-by-side comparison?

I'm looking to invest in a 3rd party suite of controls and I've been searching, without much luck, for a nice tabular view that presents the various vendors offerings in an easy to compare side-by-side manner. Does anyone know of such a link? Thanks, Steve. PS: In particular I am considering the DevExpress and ComponentArt off...

Using combination of File Size and Hash value of only first 20KB of a file to detect duplicates?

A project I'm working on requires detection of duplicate files. Under normal circumstances I would simply compare the file bytes in blocks or hash value of the entire file contents. However, the system does not have access to the entire file - only the first 50KB or so. It also knows the total file size of the original file. I was think...

R accessing DB query results by column and row number

Hi, I am new to R language. I have successfully loaded a query's resultset into a variable. Now I want to access the resultset data by column name and row number. And I need to verify if it is Null (it is shown as < NA > in result) then send a mail by bat file with php. My sample code is below. library(RODBC) newconn = odbcConnect("db...