
Is there a webservice I can use to compare 2 audio clips for similarity?

Just wondering if something like this exists ... or if there is something I can plug into a Rails or ASP.NET webapplication ...

Is it possible compare two excel files, using vba?

I would like to know if using VBA I can compare two similar excel files and shows the differences highlighting the background of cells or rows with different colors. ...

Is there any use for Bash scripting anymore?

I just finished my second year as a university CS student, so my "real-world" knowledge is lacking. I learned Java my first year, continued with Java and picked up C and simple Bash scripting my second. This summer I'm trying to learn Perl (God help me). I've dabbled with Python a bit in the past. My question is, now that we have ve...

How does one do a null check for a Guid in xslt?

I am trying to edit an xslt file. One line reads: <xsl:if test="number(./@LatestAuthor) &gt; 0"> The issue I have is that latest author used to be of type int and is now a nullable Guid. How can I edit the xslt file to check if @LatestAuthor is not null? Thanks. ...

Improve performance of sorting files by extension

With a given array of file names, the most simpliest way to sort it by file extension is like this: Array.Sort(fileNames, (x, y) => Path.GetExtension(x).CompareTo(Path.GetExtension(y))); The problem is that on very long list (~800k) it takes very long to sort, while sorting by the whole file name is faster for a couple of seconds!...

How to compare characters (respecting a culture)

For my answer in this question I have to compare two characters. I thought that the normal char.CompareTo() method would allow me to specify a CultureInfo, but that's not the case. So my question is: How can I compare two characters and specify a CultureInfo for the comparison? ...

SQL Comparison Tools

Which SQL comparison tool would you recommend for SQL server database comparisons. I've been looking at SQL Compare and SQL Delta. I'd like the ability to compare and sync database schema and data. ...

facial comparison software

I have images of my children we all do, but I have found a picture of a toddler that bears great resemblance to 1 of my own sons on the internet, is there any software available that I can perform side-by-side comparison with, or maybe software that can give an X-% probability match ...

varchar comparison in SQL Server

I am looking for some SQL varchar comparison function like C# (we can ignore case for now, should return zero when the character expression are same and a non zero expression when they are different) Basically I have some alphanumeric column in one table which needs to be verified in another table. I cannot do select A...

ADTs in F# and Scala

What are the key differences between ADTs in F# and Scala? Is there anything that F#'s ADTs can do but Scala's ADTs cannot (and vice versa)? ...

Comparing structs in C++

So in C++ There's a lot of times where you need to make an "index" class. For example: class GameID{ public: string name; int regionid; int gameid; bool operator<(const GameID& rhs) const; } Now, if we were to represent GameID as pair<string, pair<int, int> >, the operator comparison just comes with it. Is t...

Scala versus F# question: how do they unify OO and FP paradigms?

What are the key differences between the approaches taken by Scala and F# to unify OO and FP paradigms? EDIT What are the relative merits and demerits of each approach? If, in spite of the support for subtyping, F# can infer the types of function arguments then why can't Scala? ...

Java Garbage Collection

I was wondering about the garbage collection that takes place in Java. Is it really able to handle all objects that aren't used and free up the most possible memory? I also want to know how does the Java garbage collection compare to another language like lets say C#? And then, how does the automatic garbage collection measure up agains...

JavaScript: why `null == 0` is false?

I had to write a routine that increments the value of a variable by 1 if it is a number, or assigns 0 to the variable if it is not a number. The variable can be incremented by the expression, or be assigned null. No other write access to the variable is allowed. So, the variable can be in three states: it is 0, a positive integer, or nul...

c# How to find if two objects are equal

Hi, I'm needing to know the best way to compare two objects and to find out if there equal. I'm overriding both GethashCode and Equals. So a basic class looks like: public class Test { public int Value { get; set; } public string String1 { get; set; } public string String2 { get; set; } public override int GetHashCode(...

Video-codec rater by image comparison algorithm?

Hi, perhaps anyone knows if this is possible. comparing image quality is almost imposible to describe without subjective influences. When someone rates an image quality as good there is at least one person, that doesn't think so. human preferences are always different. So, I would like to know if there is away to "rate" the image quali...

How to detect if a certain range resides (partly) within an other range?

Lets say I've got two squares and I know their positions, a red and blue square: redTopX; redTopY; redBotX; redBotY; blueTopX; blueTopY; blueBotX; blueBotY; Now, I want to check if square blue resides (partly) within (or around) square red. This can happen in a lot of situations, as you can see in this image I created to illustrate my...

Ad hoc queries vs stored procedures vs Dynamic SQL

Ad hoc queries vs stored procedures vs Dynamic SQL. Can anyone say pros and cons? Best regards, Kristaps ...

Python vs all the major professional languages

I've been reading up a lot lately on comparisons between Python and a bunch of the more traditional professional languages - C, C++, Java, etc, mainly trying to find out if its as good as those would be for my own purposes. I can't get this thought out of my head that it isn't good for 'real' programming tasks beyond automation and macro...

Samples of Scala and Java code where Scala code looks simpler/has fewer lines?

I need some code samples (and I also really curious about them) of Scala and Java code which show that Scala code is more simple and concise then code written in Java (of course both samples should solve the same problem). If there is only Scala sample with comment like "this is abstract factory in Scala, in Java it will look much more ...