
How to compare two xml schemas

We generate xml schema for our web services. Amongst other details these schema contain the defintion of the complex types consumers of our services pass in. Those complex types can change if our third party suppliers decide they want to add more details but as can be imagined that's something that shouldn't happen on the whim of a d...

Android vs iPhone

I know iPhone development fairly well. From personal experience, how hard would it be for me to get into Android. I am concerned less about code than I am about distribution of my software, given the fragmentation of the Android OS on compatible devices. EDIT: Thanks for all the great input so far. I just have one more point to clarif...

How to get the uncommon elements of two linked list?

Given two linked lists of integers. I was asked to return a linked list which contains the non-common elements. I know how to do it in O(n^2), any way to do it in O(n)? ...

Searching for a song while using multiple API's

I'm going to attempt to create an open project which compares the most common MP3 download providers. This will require a user to enter a track/album/artist name i.e. Deadmau5 this will then pull the relevant prices from the API's. I have a few questions that some of you may have encountered before: Should I have one server side page...

What types of projects is Mathematica good for?

I once saw a dismal comparison of Matlab vs Mathematica. As you can see Matlab achieves the same with very little code. It looks highly efficient to an untrained eye, so I ask, what types of projects is Mathematica good for? Are there any scientific research problems that are easier solved with it? or is Matlab better for almost every co...

Comparing arrays in vala.

I just tried the following in vala, and the assertion fails. int[] x = {1,2}; int[] y = {1,2}; assert( x == y ); I suppose Vala compares the memory locations of x and y instead of the content of the arrays. Is there an easy way to compare two arrays without having to loop though them in vala? ...

Difference when sorting an array of strings and array of numbers, in php

I have two arrays in php $arrNum = array(1.7, 1.52, 0.01, 0.11); $arrStr = array('1.7', '1.52', '0.01', '0.11'); Note that the second array is the same as the first one, except it has the values as strings. Is it possible for a sorting or max/min operation to return a different result for the second array just because they are strin...

Memory comparison, which is faster?

I have a 3D vector class. The private variables are defined: union { struct { double x; double y; double z; }; double data[3]; }; In implementing operator==, which is faster? return this->x == v.x OR return memcmp(this->data, == 0; ...

Compare two times

hi everyone, i want to compare between two times the first one is getting by the resultset of an sql query like the following: res = req.executeQuery("SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(timespent))) FROM dailytimesheet where trackingdate=CURRENT_DATE and matricule=36;"); res.first(); { retour.append("<td><label style=\"backgro...

Javascript If Statement not Evaluating True

I am attempting to catch the last case in a forEach loop, but all cases seem to evaluate to false instead of the last one being true. My code: for(var i in networks){ if (i == (networks.length - 1)){ //do stuff } } What is going wrong? ...

Efficient way to compare for a NULL or value for a column in SQL

What's the efficient way to check for a null or value for a column in SQL query. Consider a sql table table with integer column column which has an index. @value can be some integer or null ex: 16 or null. Query 1: Note sure, but it seems one should not rely on the short-circuit in SQL. However, below query always works correctly when ...

C# Comparing strings with different case

I'm reading a username and then checking to see if exists in another database table, the problem is whilst the username is the same the case maybe different and is preventing it from finding a match example jsmith and JSmith or JSMITH. How can I fix this? Should I lower the case when writing to the first database or can I alter my code ...

mysql list comparison problem with query logic

Hello, I am comparing two lists of email addresses in mysql - listA and listB (both of which are views). Originally, I wanted to find all of the email addresses in listA that are not in listB. I successfully accomplished that with: $comparison_query = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT email_addresses FROM listA WHERE email_addresses NOT IN ...

How to lessen this comparing loop

I need to find which id numbers are missing inside compared to users. Is there a better(smaller code) way to compare? Thanks ;) if(users.length != undefined) { for(y=0;y<users.length;y++) { var left = true; for(y2=0;y2<;y2++) { if(users[y][y2].client_i...

Determining different rows between two data sets in R

I have two data files in tab separated CSV format. The files are in the following format: EP Code EP Name Address Region ... 101654 Alpha York Street Northwest ... 103628 Beta 5th Avenue South ... EP codes are unique. What I want to do is to compare two files with respect to EP codes, determine the...

Compare text strings to see if they match (allow slight differences)

I'm trying to compare data from two sources. ORIG Kick-Ass: Music From The Motion Picture ALT Kick-A*s (Music from the Motion Picture) ALT Kick-Ass: (Music from the Motion Picture)[Explicit] ALT Kick-Ass: A dedication ALT 1 ALT 2 and ORIG are the same match. ALT 3 is a dummy result. I need to verify that these have a match, is there ...

Ruby comparison operators? == vs. ===

What's the difference between == and ===? Which one should you use when? ...

Why isn't this DirectoryInfo comparison working?

var dirUserSelected = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName("SOME PATH")); var dirWorkingFolder = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName("SAME PATH AS ABOVE")); if (dirUserSelected == dirWorkingFolder) { //this is skipped } if (dirUserSelected.Equals(dirWorkingFolder)) { //this is skipped } Whilst debugging, I can examin...

Is there a table comparing SQL commands with R commands ?

Or a list of how to do in R things you do in SQL (or vise versa) ? Thanks, Tal ...

How to check for back slash in input?

I have to check for character sequences like \chapter{Introduction} from the strings read from a file. To do this I have to first check for the occurence of backslash. This is what I did final char[] chars = strLine.toCharArray(); char c; for(int i = 0; i<chars.length; i++ ){ c = chars[i]; if(...