
bind() for using member function as STL comparison function

Could someone tell me why the following won't compile? #include "a.h" #include <list> #include <algorithm> #include <tr1/functional> using namespace std; class B { public: B() { list< A* > aList; A* a = new A(); lower_bound( aList.begin(), aList.end(), a, tr1::bind( &B::aComp, tr1::placeholders::_1, tr1::placeh...

compare arrays : one array is contained in the second array (key+value)

i want to check if one array is contained in the second array , but the same key and the same values, (not need to be equal, only check that all the key and value in one array is in the second) the simple thing that i do until now is : function checkSameValues($a, $b){ foreach($a as $k1 => $v1){ ...

Why doesn't this NSPredicate work?

Hey, I have an Array of MKAnnotation objects called arrAnnotations. I want to pick out one of the annotations with the same coordinate as the one stored in a CLLocation object called "newLocation". I'm trying to use an NSPredicate, but it doesn't work. NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(SELF.coordinate == %f)...

How do I compare the contents of two dlls?

I would like to compare several dlls of one install to several dlls of another install of the application I'm working with. I need to ensure they are exact same. How do I compare two dlls to ensure they have the exact same methods, properties, version, etc? I've started to use RedGate .Net Reflector, but the task became tedious so I tho...

How can I know if an "assembly" really did change?

Hi All, I created a simple "Hello World" application in VS2005. It's a straight-forward console application; it only contains the following lines: Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); Console.ReadLine(); When I tried to rebuild the same console application WITHOUT performing any changes (just press the rebuild button), I get a subtly di...

python file copying

Is there any difference in speed of copying files from one location to another betwen python or delphi or c++ ? I guess that all 3 laguages uses same or similar win api calls and that there is not much performance difference. ...

Comparison of Clojure web frameworks

There are a few web frameworks for Clojure Compojure Webjure Conjure Moustache and also some libraries for dealing with certain web development subtasks, such as Enlive for templating Hiccup for templating Ring to handle lower level stuff with requests/responses ClojureQL for persistence (it doesn't seem very active, though) Ther...

Javascript: Comparing two float values

I have this JavaScript function: Contrl.prototype.EvaluateStatement = function(acVal, cfVal) { var cv = parseFloat(cfVal).toFixed(2); var av = parseFloat(acVal).toFixed(2); if( av < cv) // do some thing } When i compare float numbers av=7.00 and cv=12.00 the result of 7.00<12.00 is false! Any ideas why? ...

Mapping of jQuery functionality to YUI 3?

I have a project that is using both jQuery 1.3.2 and YUI 2.6, and it has come time to pick one or the other. I have a lot of developers that love jQuery and can't live without it, but I think some of the features of YUI 3 are a better fit for the project (e.g. the base widget). I was trying to find a mapping of functionality between jQ...

to compare Indian time

I want to find out what will be the time in india when clock tick to 1Am mid night in any other country.. How i will find out that through any means plz help me to find out this this is to fire birthbay mails at 1AM midnight of that resp country... ...

Compare to dates Javascript?

Possible Duplicate: Compare 2 dates with JavaScript Hi, I'm working on form validation for my application and i want to know where i would be to start looking at to find date comparison eg a start date and an end date. The dates inputted in to my application are in the form: DD/MM/YYYY. Thanks in Advance, Dean ...

HTML 4 vs HTML 5

I have been reading a lot about HTML 5 and some of the changes that it offers. It seems though that for most of my needs (LOB apps) it really wouldn't have that big of impact. But recently I had a designer friend of mine tell me that I need to start building everything in HTML 5 because that is what everyone is wanting now. Can someone ...

How to write compiled database and turn to comparison table when requested

I believe every once you'll see website for product provide the product comparison table when click. Maximum comparison is 3 to 5. My work request me to key in client information, their products, product specification, pricing and other information. Currently I am doing in Excel and it don't seen to fix very well. It would be pleas...

Javascript comparison question (null >= 0)

How should I understand these? null>0 > false null==0 > false null>=0 > true ...

Linq query preferences

Hi, Learning a bit about Linq. I have the following code: (Please excuse the pathetic size of the data set) class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var employees = new List<Employee> { new Employee { ...

In non-procedural languages, what specifies how things are to be done?

If you compare C vs SQL, this is the argument: In contrast to procedural languages such as C, which describe how things should be done, SQL is nonprocedural and describes what should be done. So, the how part for languages like SQL is specified by the language itself, is it? What if I want to change the way some query works. ...

Compare array entry if it equals any of the entries of another array

Here's the problem: I have words I entered via a textarea. I put each word in an entry. i.e words are in an array. On the other hand, I got a wordlist, in which words are separated by newline, I put each word in another array, too. Now I want to check if $words_entered[$i] = any (and which) of the array $wordlist. Thanks in advance! ...

.NET runtime vs. Java Hotspot: Is .NET one generation behind?

According to the information I could gather on .NET and Java execution environment, the current state of affairs is follows: Modern Java VM are capable of performing continuous recompilation, which combined with profiling can yield great performance improvements. Older JVMs employed JIT. More information in this article: http://www.i...

How to compare class definitions

Hello, I would like to compare two versions of a class. I have used WinDiff, but it shows a lot of differences because of different commenting etc. Does anyone know of a tool to compare two class definitions (fields, methods etc.) for .NET? Thanks, Martin ...

Why casting to object when comparing to null ?

While browsing the MSDN documentations on Equals overrides, one point grabbed my attention. On the examples of this specific page, some null checks are made, and the objects are casted to the System.Object type when doing the comparison : public override bool Equals(System.Object obj) { // If parameter is null return false. if ...