
Problem creating/calling a DLL

Hello I'm trying to create a DLL that will later be used in Inno Setup. I managed to create a DLL using Pelles as an IDE, with the following code: #include <windows.h> __declspec(dllexport) int sumT(){ return 2; } Then I call map the DLL to a function in Inno Setup, using the following Delphi code: function Hellow() : Integer ; ...

[Java] NullPointerException

After compiling my application in Netbeans and running the application in Netbeans it works just fine. All images load fine. Trying to double click execute the application results in nothing happening. Trying run from command line gives this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at Entity.<init>(Entity...

Problem with "make & make install" software on linux

I have worked on Linux for a year. One thing bothers me is that I am not familar with the process of installing new software with source code(I can't install them from netword due to environment limitations). I was often blocked with different kinds of error, for example: ------------------------ libtool: install: error: relink `Magick...

How to compile code generated by a Java or C++ App

I've been learning compiler theory and assembly and have managed to create a compiler that generates x86 assembly code. How can I take this assembly code and turn it into a .exe? Is there some magical API or tool I have to interact with? Or is it simpler than I think? I'm not really sure what's in a .exe, or how much abstraction lies b...

C++ optimization

Can we see optimized code in c++.............(not assembly)?? ...

Is dynamic class loading possible in delphi

I have a environment and I want to know that if I write code in this environment is it possible to save>compile and use that code? whats is more is that I want the environment to be able to call function in this code and for the code to be able to call function in the environment.. I think there was something called class loaders in ja...

Netbeans creating a dist jar with all images etc included

Hey! I am trying to distribute a netbeans project however the jar it creates and the contents of the dist folder are dependant on some image files which i included into the project - however these images are not in the dist folder and I cannot workout how to make things work so I can export the project in a distributable format includin...

Makefile for compiling a number of .cpp and .h into a lib

I am running Windows 7 with gcc/g++ under Cygwin. What would be the Makefile format (and extension, I think it's .mk?) for compiling a set of .cpp (C++ source) and .h (header) files into a static library (.dll). Say I have a variable set of files: file1.cpp file1.h file2.cpp file2.h file3.cpp file3.h .... What would be the makefile...

C++ SFML "unable to initialize application 0xc000005"

I wrote a wrapper for SFML that would allow me to replace the renderer for my game if I needed to. It worked. Then I refactored and while it still compiles, I now get "unable to initialize application 0xc000005" when running the compiled executable. What would cause such an error? Google was unhelpful. I'm using Windows XP. ...

using Android SDK 2.2 with Rhomobile

I have installed: rhodes 2.0.0 beta 11, ruby 1.8, gem 1.3.7, and OpenSUSE 11.2. The only way i can get the app to compile is by using Android SDK 1.5. when I delete 1.5 and install 2.2 it says: No required platform (API level 3) found, can't proceed. any ideas? I would rather use an updated version of the SDK. ...

How to predict at first look whether it will give a runtime error or will not compile

I am looking at quizzes and tests at various sites (like blackbeltfactory, etc..) about java. I come across with questions which have choices like "doesn't compile" or "throws exception at runtime". Are there any way to guess which will occur, at first look? Or is it a matter of getting familiar with java? I think this is an important p...

Compiling .NET code in .NET 4?

I remember when .NET 4 was in beta there was a video of a developer that made a command-line app that he could type C# code into and it would compile the code on the fly. The idea was that the compiler was now available in the .NET language. Anyone recall where this is? I need to create an application with a small macro language and I ...

[C++] Skipping Incompatible Libraries at compile

When I try to compile a copy of my project on my local machine, I get an error stating that it 's skipping over incompatible libraries. This isn't the case when I'm messing around with the live version hosted on the server at work [it makes perfectly there]. Various other sites have lead me to believe that this might be an environment ...

Compiling Clojure?

I'm feeling slightly silly here, but I can't get Clojure Hello World to compile. Directory structure: hello-world/ clojure-1.1.0.jar build/ classes/ src/ test/ hello.clj hello.clj: (ns test.hello (:gen-class)) (defn -main [& args] (println "Hello" (nth args 0))) Interaction: $ cd hello-world [hello-world]...

Is it possible for Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition to compile C source code?

I wish to learn C so that I can understand the concepts behind many major programming languages without the shortcuts that C++ has, or the garbage collectors that Java has. I plan on learning C and then going to C++, and I am currently studying Computer Science. In anycase, I was wondering if Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition compiler for...

choosing autoconf and automake versions

Hello guys, I see there are many version of autoconf and automake available in my ubuntu linux. If I want create a new project from scratch, what's best choice, latest versions or older versions? ...

Missing little red "x" in Eclipse explorer and problems view for Java source with compile errors?

The little red 'x' on my Java class files in the project explorer (or package explorer) are missing. They were they are gone. This has happened before and usually a project clean, rebuild will do the trick. Also I unchecked the box that says abort build if build path error occurs. Any ideas? Edit: I am using the Maven M...

Build .NET DLLs from Python code?

How do I make a DLL (.NET) written in python code (IronPython)? ...

Java - When is it a compiler error and when is it a runtime exception?

Hello all, I am currently studying for the SCJP certification using the Sierra and Bates Study Guide and in many of the self tests (mock exam questions) I keep running into the same problem - I can't tell whether a particular error will be at runtime (an exception) or at compile (compile error). I know this is a bit of a vague question ...

Compile GTK+ with Cygwin

I have created an application in linux with GTK2 as GUI. It uses some linux-specific headers (e.g. arpa/inet.h) so to run under Windows I have to compile it with Cygwin. I downloaded the latest installer and choose to install GTK2 and its dependencies. My program compiled fine. But it needs X server to be running! I has old-style, ugly g...