
Two strange efficiency problems in Mathematica

FIRST PROBLEM I have timed how long it takes to compute the following statements (where V[x] is a time-intensive function call): Alice = Table[V[i],{i,1,300},{1000}]; Bob = Table[Table[V[i],{i,1,300}],{1000}]^tr; Chris_pre = Table[V[i],{i,1,300}]; Chris = Table[Chris_pre,{1000}]^tr; Alice, Bob, and Chris are identical m...

Compile PHP Error with freetype

Hey Guys, I configured PHP myself, included all of the libraries I needed... but then realized I forgot the freetype library. So I went back to my php-5.3.2 directory and ran ./configure '--with-free-type=/usr/local/lib' PHP did the configure fine, no errors. But when I run make: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [sapi/c...

what does this mvc compile time error states?

I have a repository class and it has this, using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using CrMVC.BusinessObjects; namespace CrMVC.Models { public class ConstructionRepository { private CRDataContext db = new CRDataContext(); public IQueryable<Mate...

Delphi 6 - Bugs disappear when I compile multiple times.

My Delphi installation has been going downhill for the past few months. It seems though that every so often when I build a release it has strange errors in it which are resolved if I build, then compile, then build, compile, etc. I've talked to another developer who thinks that this is a compiler error. This sort of degrading perfor...

Consolidating files in a single directory before you link them into the final executable

I am working on Solaris 10, Sun Studio 11. I am refactoring some old code, and trying to write unit tests for them. My make file looks like: CC -c -I/../../include -library=stlport4 -instances=extern unit_test: unit_test.o my_model.o symbol_dictionary.o CC -o unit_test unit_test.o my_model.o...

c++ vector.push_back error: request for member 'push_back'..., which is of non-class type 'vector(char, allocator(char)) ()()'

I'm using Cygwin with GCC, and ultimately I want to read in a file of characters into a vector of characters, and using this code #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int main (int argc, char *argv[] ) { vector<char> string1(); string1.push_back('a'); return 0; } generates this c...

Compiler installation which is simple.

Is there any compiler for C++ that works under W7 and is easy to install, except VC++? I never get these scripts and linux emulations to work, and really just want to try another compiler. ...

Visual Studio (2005 & 2008) Compile Completed Alert?

Does anyone know of any kind of plugin or alert system which will let me know when my compiles are completed? Some of the solutions I work with are gigantic and sometimes the compiles can take 5-20 minutes (depending on the PC). Thus I would like to do something else in the meantime, but I don't want to keep checking back to see if the c...

Pre-compile .h files

I have a really short program written in boost::xpressive #include <iostream> #include <boost/xpressive/xpressive.hpp> using namespace boost::xpressive; int main() { std::string hello( "hello world!" ); sregex rex = sregex::compile( "(\\w+) (\\w+)!" ); smatch what; if( regex_match( hello, what, rex ) ) { ...

Eclipse CDT Settings

Hey Guy, I'm trying to compile one single cpp file with Eclipse CDT and MinGW. On command line, c++ Test.cpp does the job. If I try to compile the file with Eclipse, I get errors telling me that I don't have included string.h in my lib files. How do I setup Eclipse just to perform "g++ Test.cpp" without considering my lib files as ind...

C++ MTL Library dimension.h bug?

I've installed MTL on my Fedora Core 12 x64 system, but when building an application I get the following error: In file included from /usr/local/include/mtl/matrix.h:41, from /usr/local/include/mtl/mtl.h:40, from ltiSystem.hxx:4, from strTools.hxx:4, from ff.cxx:3: /usr...

Compiling ruby1.9.1 hangs and fills swap!

I'm compiling Ruby 1.9.1-p376 under Ubuntu 8.04 server LTS (64-bit), by doing the following: $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install ./configure works without complaints. make hangs indefinitely until all my RAM and swap is gone. It get stuck after the following output: compiling ripper make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/ruby1.9.1/r...

Oh no, not another Undefined Reference question!

Unfortunately yes. I have my shared library compiled, the linker doesn't complain about not finding it but still I get undefined reference error. Thinking that I might be doing something wrong I did a little research and found this nice, simple walkthrough: which I've followed to the lett...

Makefile to compile both C and Java programs at the same time

I have three programs that need to be compiled at the same time, 2 written in C and 1 in java. I had all three working with the Makefile when they were in C, but then switched one of them to java... is there a way to compile all 3 at once with the same makefile? Here is my current Makefile: CC=gcc JC=javac JFLAGS= -g CFLAGS= -Wall -...

Eclipse RCP standalone export problem with Groovy scripts

I am trying to export a standalone RCP app using Eclipse 3.5.2. The app has a main pure Java plug-in, and a Java / Groovy plug-in that is used by the main plug-in. When I export the main RCP plug-in using the "Export Wizard", I get compiler errors saying that the Groovy classes cannot be found, e.g ERROR in C:\mysrc\src\ch\calcs\provi...

iPhone SDK Objective-C __DATE__ (compile date) can't be converted to an NSDate

//NSString *compileDate = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s", __DATE__]; NSString *compileDate = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__DATE__]; NSDateFormatter *df = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; [df setDateFormat:@"MMM d yyyy"]; //[df setDateFormat:@"MMM dd yyyy"]; NSDate *aDate = [df dateFromString:compileDate]; ...

Build config file into executable?

I am currently working on a little graphics demo (using DirectX) which is primarily based around an HLSL shader I am working on. Using the D3DX10CreateEffectFromFile I am loading (and compiling the shader) at runtime as I find it easier for tweaking. However, once I am done I'd like to do some combination of the following: Pre-compil...

What does the PHP configuration option "--prefix=PREFIX" do?

I have heard that setting the --prefix=PREFIX option when compiling PHP on linux will allow you to have more than one install of PHP at a time without them clashing. (I think the default if this isn't set is /usr/local). However, I'm not sure what exactly it does or what a good setting to use is. Furthermore, I've also heard that setting...

Problems compiling peazip on OSX

I'm having some problems with compiling Peazip on OSX (10.6). I emailed the Peazip developer and he said he probably couldn't help me too much as the error seems to be OSX specific and he doesn't have access to an OSX machine any more. The compiler I'm using is Lazarus as the source is in Pascal. The actual compile process seems to go ...

Compiling code when only the comments change

Do you compile your code before committing it to the repository, even when you only change a few comments? I know comments are typically ignored by compilers, but I find myself doing this often out of habit. ...