
Building vs. Compiling (Java)

Thinking that the answer to this is pretty obvious but here it goes: When I am working on a small project for school (in java) I "compile" it. On my coop we are using ant to "build" our project. I think that compiling is a subset of building. Is this correct? What is the difference between building and compiling? Related: ...

audio feedback for compile errors

So in my build system, I have g++ -fsyntax-only running continuously. Now, I know of text -> speech systems like festival, but I'm wondering, is there any project where it focuses on reading back compile errors back to you? (So I can be hacking away in vim, and get n audio feeback of errors as I go along). Bonus points if the software ...

Help System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager find a type in a non-referenced assembly

I'm trying to write a plug-in system where assemblies can be dropped in a folder that ASP.NET has no knowledge about. This plug-in system works fine for ASP.NET MVC based assemblies, but for old-school WebForm assemblies (where the .aspx files Inherits the System.Web.UI.Page derived classes) System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager is respons...

Create Custom Builds of an Xcode Project

I am going to build a Mac application written in Obj-C with Xcode. For argument's sake let's say it will have 10 optional features. I need a way to enable or disable those features to create custom builds of the application. These builds would be automated (most likely through the Mac OS X Terminal) so I would need a way to state which o...

How to compile ocaml to native code

i'm really interested learning ocaml, it fast (they said it could be compiled to native code) and it's functional. So i tried to code something easy like enabling mysql event scheduler. #load "unix.cma";; #directory "+mysql";; #load "mysql.cma";; let db = Mysql.quick_connect ~user:"username" ~password:"userpassword" ~database:"dat...

How to stop Visual Studio 2010 on compilation error

At work we have a solution with over 90 projects. I want to know if there is a way to stop visual studio from compiling as soon as it encounters an error. Normally it will compile as far as it can and show a list of errors in the error window. Any ideas? ...

MOC adding namespace to class names

I have this very strange problem while compiling the project. MOC seems to be adding a namespace to the class name being moc'ed, although it's not mentioned anywhere in the file/class. The namespace, however, exists in a library which I use, but it's hidden far away in the header files and I don't use it in the UI files. This is what ...

g++ compiler complains about conversions between related types (from int to enum, from void* to class*...)

g++ compiler complains about conversions between related types (from int to enum, from void* to class*, from const char* to unsigned char*, etc.). Compiler handles such convertions as errors and won't compile furthermore. It occurs only when I compile using Dev-C++ IDE, but when I compile the same code (using the compiler which Dev-C++ u...

c# Lambda Expression built with LinqKit does not compile

This lambda does not compile, but I do not understand why. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Linq.Expressions; using LinqKit; namespace ConsoleApplication2 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var barModel = new BarModel(); ...

compile C program to MS-DOS environment

i have a small program that uses 32bit object file, and i wish to run it under dos operating system. now, after searching i found DJGPP. is there a way to use DJGPP to compile my program to 16Bit dos executable format? thanks in advance ...

xcode compile options

I am compiling from the command line with gcc -o output-file $(mysql_config --cflags) main.c $(mysql_config --libs) How can I add the extra params to xcode compiling options? gcc -o output-file $(mysql_config --cflags) main.c $(mysql_config --libs) ...

compile c for fastcgi

I downloaded the developerkit from The kit has an examples folder that has a few source files their final, runnable, compiled files. If I put these compiled files in a cgi-bin folder on my apache server (my macbook pro), add the extension fcgi, and go to the url that they are located, they run perfect. I have a test c soru...

Remove never-run call to templated function, get allocation error on run-time

I have a piece of templated code that is never run, but is compiled. When I remove it, another part of my program breaks. First off, I'm a bit at a loss as to how to ask this question. So I'm going to try throwing lots of information at the problem. Ok, so, I went to completely redesign my test project for my experimental core librar...

what is value of x for load and store

This is some challenge On a single processor system, in which load and store are assumed to be atomic, what are all the possible values for x after both threads have completed in the following execution, assuming that x is initialised to O? Hint: you need to consider how this code might be compiled into machine language. for (int i = 0...

Learning to compile in xcode

I have started using c++ extensively in school and now my programs are getting to the point where have more than 1 file (i.e. header, driver, implementation file). I don't know enough about software development to understand or get a grasp of how to setup the build process by looking at apple's guides. Could someone walk me through how t...

compiling openss7

hello, i got an error while compiling openss7. Do you know what happen ? Thanks.... gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -DLFS=1 -imacros ./config.h -imacros ./include/sys/config.h -I. -I./include -I./include -nostdinc -iwithprefix include -DLINUX -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-headers-lbm-2.6.28-11-generic -I/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-gener...

Trying to set up iPhone-gcc compiler

So I've installed iPhone-gcc, make and ldid from cydia, i can't compile yet though because I don't have the headers setup. I've looked around and there's not really much info on setting up the headers, librarys and frameworks. I just need to know where to extract them from the sdk and where to place them on my iPhone. I've been trying t...

Silverlight project fails to compile

I have a Silverlight 3 project in VS2008. Today, for whatever reason, I get an error when compiling. Configuration system failed to initialize It reports the error on Line 1, Column 1 for every .xaml file in the project. I did a repair on VS2008, reinstalled all the Silverlight 3 bits (e.g. SDK, VS2008 tools and the Controls Toolkit)...

'Generating code' and stop in building release mode (Visual Studio 2005 )

Hi! I have a problem about release build I'm using Visual Studio 2005. The project is worked on MFC When I build the project what I working in debug mode, It builds done successfully. but in release mode, Output window shows next 1>Compiling resources... 1>Linking... 1>Generating code and then.. it doesn't pass. It seems like be stop...

compile wxWidget on Snow Leopard

I just downloaded wxWidget source code on my snow leopard machine. The source code is the multiplatform one, so it contains windows and GTK components of wxWidget as well. I'd like to compile the wxWidget source code, but haven't found a good guide yet. This is my first step to create a multiplatform project, hopefully I would be able t...