
Cant compile uwsgi under centos (fc10) with python2.6

it`s normally build with python 2.5 BUT i need 2.6! 2.6 normally installed in /opt/python26 and successfully run as python2.6 in console. but python2.6 --build give me *** uWSGI linking *** /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpython2.6 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status HELP! ...

Boost Asio Problem :/

Hey i'm trying to make some simple Network programs with Boost.Asio, this is my TCPClient class and i get some errors while compiling. But i don't know what is wrong :/ Thank you for your Help Regards. Code: Error: :) :) ...

VB.NET Application which can compile and run C programs

These days I'm working on a VB.NET application which can be used to edit, compile and run C programs. Can someone tell me how I can call a cl.exe process from within my VB program and also that how do I run the program in the console widow itself. Presently I have only the editor ready. With that one can type in a program and save it wi...

After compiling PHP from source are the devel libraries still needed?

After compiling PHP from source are the devel libraries still needed? For example, I am building a newer version of PHP from source than is on our dev servers. I installed alot of [extension i.e. mysql, postgresql, curl, etc]-devel packages in order for the configure from the dev server setup to work. Do i still need these after php has ...

How to process all #include directives in Visual Studio C++ 2005?

Hi, I want to see how my #include files be processed when Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compile it. As I remember, there is a compile option to inline all #includes and #define lines but I can't find it. I use MSVC 2005 sp1. Thanks. ...

Compiling flex file into dll.

Hi, I've got a lexer created with flex (cygwin). Normally I compile it to an .exe file. For the newest project I need a lexer to use in a bigger C# program running on Windows XP. Of course I can execute a file using System.Diagnostics.Process. But it is not the best solution for me as I want that program to run on several machines. H...

How to create makefile for Lazarus projects?

After doing a light search on the Lazarus site I've come to the conclusion that this question has been asked some times but I haven't found an answer, so I'll ask my SO peers. Is there a a way to create a Makefile to replicate the action of the Lazarus IDE when it compiles a project. If so I really don't mind if it's makefile.fpc or ju...

Compile multiple C files with make

(I am running Linux Ubuntu 9.10, so the extension for an executable is executablefile.out) I am just getting into modular programming (programming with multiple files) in C and I want to know how to compile multiple files in a single makefile. For example, what would be the makefile to compile these files: main.c, dbAdapter.c, dbAdapte...

how to disable specific warning when -Wall is enabled

Hi, I have used -Wall -Werror in my Makefile but I want to disable following specific type of warning : warning: '_wrap_delete_DMXTSFILTER' defined but not used How shoud I do that? ...

Can I make all public variables/methods/classes internal in Visual Studio at compile time?

Hi, I would like to make all my public variables variables/methods/classes internal when compiling my Visual Studio project. The source code would not change but when the compiled library is done, it should only have internal access. Is this possible? I have "InternalsVisibleTo("ClassLibrary") " set inthe Assembly info file for all th...

Deploying a Java application. How?

I am new to Java (and Eclipse) but I have used .NET (and Visual Studio) a fair amount. I also know about compiling C/C++ code and things like that. I know that at the end I get either an EXE or a nice binary file that can be run from the command line. I have been making a Java utility that uses some external libraries. I need to compile...

iPhone 4.0 Beta compile for 3.1.3

I downloaded the iPhone 4.0 Beta. But for my projects I need to compile for 3.1.3 to be able to still submit my projects to the App Store. If I run an old project that isn't a problem I can see all the versions, but when I start a new project I can only pick the 4.0 beta, how can I fix this? ...

Compiling zip component for PHP 5.2.11 in MAMP PRO

Helo I installed MAMP PRO on my Macbook Pro (10.6) some time ago. Now I would like to use zip functions in php. I found that I must add to my extension folder and edited php.ini. On my computer I have two different versions of PHP one in MAMP folder and other in user/lib which was pre-installed on my system. Now I wish to compi...

Compile rt73 driver (serialmonkey) on Ubuntu

Hello. I'm trying to compile some WiFi drivers I downloaded from SerialMonkey: It's about a driver for a Ralink rt73 chipset. I already got the build-essentials and the kernel-headers on my computer. When I try to compile the driver using the "make" command I get this error: roo...

iPhone 4.0 on iPhone but still Ad-Hoc compile for 3.1.3?

Device: Version : 3.1 Build: 3511 Device: iPhone OS: iPhone OS 4.0 xCode 3.2.2 (Old) xCode 3.2.3 (New; For iPhone 4.0 Beta) Background: As you can see I installed 4.0 on my iPhone as I read on this forum it's really hard to near impossible to downgrade back to 3.1.3, but it's my only device I have and use for development. When I ...

Dynamic linking in Visual Studio

I have to link dynamically with OpenSSL libeay32.dll. I'm writing native c++ console application using Visual C++ Express 2008. I'm including a header evp.h from OpenSSL distribution. Building and...: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _EVP_aes_256_cbc error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _EVP_DecryptInit error LNK2001: un...

How to add debug information when compiling with Java's Compiler API

What do I need to do to control whether my classes compiled with a JavaCompiler will include debug information or not? I'm thinking it has something to do with the getTask()-method's options parameter, but I can't find any references on whether that assumption is correct to start with, and if so, what is the correct way to control that?...

Compiling x264 with mp4 support problem

I'm trying to compile x264 with mp4 output support. I download the latest version from their git by typing git clone git:// When I run ./configure it configures and I'm able to make it. But when i try to configure it with ./configure --enable-mp4-output and then try to make it, it returns a strange error...

How to run dos commands from Notepad++ Execute command

I've written a small script in the Notepad++ Execute textarea (hotkey F6) npp_switch cd ..\..\..\ javac -sourcepath src -classpath classes;lib\*.jar src\com\myfirm\*.java -d classes java -classpath classes;lib\*.jar com.myfirm."$(NAME_PART)" It requires a class in the same directory that ends with name. However, it...

Compile Eclipse Project With Ant

I don't have eclipse on my system at all, but I have on my hands an eclipse project (flex) that I would like to compile and I was wondering if there was any way to do it with minimal to no changes having to be made. Is this possible? ...