
How do i compile and run a program in java on my mac?

How do i compile and run a program in java on my mac? i'm new. also i downloaded a program that was sugested to me on here called text wrangler if that has any baring on the situation. ...

compile error- user defined type not defined - ADODB.Connection

i am try to create an uploader in excel using vb (macro) to store data in an access database. i believe in terms of the script everything is ok. its just that when i run the upload it gives me the error Compile error - User-Defined type not defined and once i click on OK it highlights the part where it finds the error which is: Private S...

Creating an LUT in C# at compile time or run time

I feel like this is a stupid question, but I can't think of a good way to do it. What I want to do is create a sine wave LUT at compile time or run time. Ideally compile time, but run time is fine if it is much easier to code. However, I want this static object to be accessible by everything that includes its library (I don't want to ...

Setting up Linux to use a certain version of python for compile.

I'm running Ubuntu to compile a set of code which requires python 2.4. How can I setup a terminal launcher so that when I open that launcher all python related commands will use python 2.4 instead of the python 2.6 that is defaulted in Ubuntu? ...

Compile e text editor on Linux

Final Edit: show me how to compile e text editor on Ubuntu (32 bit Karmic) and you get the bounty ...

Maven2 not compiling source

Hi, I am new to Maven2 and have been having an issue with the compiling of the source for a RAR. Maven currently copies all the information located at my sourceDirectory instead of compiling it even though the console states that the source is being compiled. If I navigate to the sourceDirectory I find all my source files with no compile...

flex open source sdk compile error of samples on linux

I downloaded lastest version of flex open source sdk. I wanted to compile some samples specifically explorer example. At first gave me weird error and with little search I nailed it by converting all bash files and mxml files with dos2unix. It is file type error. However now I get this error ./ Error: Could not resolve...

Q4M MySql message queue compilation fails with dozen of errors

Hi all. I'm trying to compile Q4M ( for MySql 5.1.44 since there is not a precompiled package available for this release. The installation instructions seem straightforward ( but I did have to put the files in others dirs than mentioned - maybe because I'm using Ubuntu. Here's ...

Easy command line Java compile

So I have to send a java project to someone outside our company who has no experience with java and they need to compile it. Is there an easy way to do it on the windows command line that does not require writing out lists of the files? Personally I think javac should be smart enough to handle javac * when in the folder just under t...

Compiling a C++ Win32 project as a .exe file under Visual Studio 2008

Hi, I have a C++ application that works and compile perfectly. I can execute and debug it via Visual Studio. I would like to know how to compile to an .exe file. Actually under the debug dir there are only .obj file. How to tell VS to compile it to a single .exe file ? Thanks. ...

Compile redeclaration error of global variable in C++, but not in C.

Suppose that I have those three files: a.h //a.h header #include <stdio.h> int int_variable; void a_f() { printf("int_variable: %d\n", int_variable) int_variable++; } b.h //b.h header #include <stdio.h> int int_variable; void b_f() { printf("int_variable: %d\n", int_variable) int_variable++; } main.c //main.c #inclu...

how do sites like toufee or mouvee work ?

Hi, Was just wondering how do these sites (and many other softwares that generate flash movies from audio clips,images , docs) work ? how do they compile the media files(audio/image/vid) into a flv movie on the server ? Can the same be done using some open source tech. Any info or hint or some direction where i'd get more info regardin...

Xcode -> Build starting with a specific class

When I build with Xcode (I am porting a large project with tons of errors at this point), is there a way to have it start with the CPP file that contains my main class (I obviously know this file) so I can correct errors there first? I mean we have about 400,000 errors moving from CW to Xcode. ...

SqlCipher Compile to Win Executable

How to compile SqlCipher on windows to get exe file? ...

how to run/compile java code from JTextArea at Runtime? ----urgent!!! college project

I have a JInternalFrame painted with a BufferedImage and contained in the JDesktopPane of a JFrame.I also have a JTextArea where i want to write some java code (function) that takes the current JInternalFrame's painted BufferedImage as an input and after doing some manipulation on this input it returns another manipulated BufferedImage t...

compiling numpy with sunperf atlas libraries

I would like to use the sunperf libraries when compiling scipy and numpy. I tried using which seems to check from SUNPERF libraries, but it didnt recognize where mine are: here is a listing of /pkg/linux/SS12/sunstudio12.1 (thats where the sunperf library lives): wkerzend@mosura:/home/wkerzend>ls /pkg/linux/SS12/sunstudio1...

How often will a programmer be asked to write a makefile file?

Is makefile an advanced problem or a general problem for a programmer? For a C++ programmer, how often will he be asked to write a makefile file? ...

Can this package be recompiled

Hello I asked this question to superuser but I did not get a good question there and i really need the answer. I know some of you here can answer this question. I have installed nginx via yum. Now I want to add a module, but I have to compile the source again and include the the new module. But i can't find the source. Does someone kno...

Compiling a bunch of stuff in the folder (java, on a mac)

two questions: how do i compile a .java file that isn't on my username (like something in documents or some other sub folder) if i have multiple .java files and i compile one that contains method that are contained in the others does the compiler compile those other files. heres an example of the second question. ...

Expected Class-name before { token

Hi All, I am trying to figure out whey I get an error: expected class-name before { token Here is the relative source to the error: #pragma once #ifndef H_FXACTION #define H_FXACTION #include "CP_M_RefCounted.h" #include "FxTypes.h" #include "string" #include "FxString.h" #include "FxPixels.h" #include "CP_Rect.h" #include "FxStreama...