
Compiling Microsoft's LoginAdmin.dll code without Visual Studio

I'm trying to use some impersonation functions in a classic ASP page. I found a MS KB article at which explains how to do this, but it requires compiling a DLL. Unfortunately, they expect the developer to have Visual Studio, which I do not have access to (nor do I want to). Could anyone tell me how ... compile error 'abc' is ambiguous in the namespace 'xyz'.

I have a VB.Net solution that another developer created and I'm trying to compile it on our build machine (it compiles on their machine) but with one of the projects I get an error saying something along the lines of: Imyinterface is ambiguous in the namespace anamespaceassembly. I have tried with no success: examined the refere...

find dependencies in target/classes instead of local repository?

Summary: I'm looking for a way to instruct maven to search for dependencies in target/classes instead of jar in the local repository Say I have 2 modules, A and B where A depends on B. Both are listed in a module S. Normally I need to run 'mvn install' in S. I'm looking for a way to run 'mvn compile' so that when A is compiled its class...

Make Xcode skip nib compilation

Hi, I'm creating an application which must be 'hacker compatible', so that people can edit nibs and stuff. However, when I show package contents, the nibs are compiled so I can't open them in IB. Is there a way I can make Xcode don't compile the nibs? Thanks ...

help running SWF To Image on 64bit windows

I had been using SWFToImage for a specifc client, but have recently migrated to 64bit Windows Server 2008 As this dll was compiled for 32bit managed code, it will not run in my new 64bit environment. I've tried to follow the instructions the developer has presented here with no luck: How to run and use SWF To Image on x64 Windows Alas,...

How to protect Python source code?

Is it possible to distribute only the bytecode version (.pyc file) of a Python script instead of the original .py file? My app embeds the Python interpreter and calls PyImport_Import to load a script. How can I tell it to look for a .pyc file and import that? ...

It is possible (and normal practice) to byte-compile files other than .emacs?

I'm using some plugins and I byte-compiled my .emacs but the start up still slow. Do I hava to byte-compile my prlugins too? (for instance, yasnippet.el -> yasnippet.elc)? ...

Compile string of C code

Really off the wall question here, but is there a way to compile a string of C code in GCC without any medium to hold that string (eg. a source file)? Something along the lines of: $ gcc "#include <stdio.h> int main( void ){ printf('hello world'); return 0;}" -o test Feels really dirty, but it would be really nice if there was some s...

Confusing errors with opencv cvLoadImage and netbeans

Hi, I found that handy opencv library and tried to program a simple imagemodifier with it using C. When I started to compile my code I got some errors, that are a bit confusing as they doesn't seem to make sense. This is my first time when programming with netbeans and first time I'm trying to make something else than those basic calcul...

Post sharp IL level interaction

So I'm looking at PostSharp and I noticed that this isn't using runtime generated proxies but it is actually giving hints to the compilation process to include the aspects within the IL. So my initial thought were wow, how the heck is this done. Any pointers where I should be looking? ...

How can I compile C code that has already been C pre-processed with GCC?

I'm performing some source processing between C preprocessing and C compilation. At the moment I: gcc -E file.c > preprocessed_file.c. Do more stuff to preprocessed_file.c. Continue the compilation with preprocessed_file.c. If you attempt to compile preprocessed_file.c as you would if it was normal C (step 3) you get lots of the foll...

How to compile erlang code loaded into a string?

I have a generated string that contains the code for an erlang module. Is there a way to compile the generated module straight from the string? Or is there a way to convert the string into the format needed for compile:forms/1? Or will I have to save it to a temp file first and then compile it with compile:file/1? Alternatively, I ...

Compiling OpenCV for Visual C++ 9.0

I looked at many places but could not find anything telling me how to buld the lib files. I know how to link them, but openCV install folder only contains .a files. I cant find an sln file or dsp. How can I make the lib files? Right now all the samples get linker problems because the lib files dont exist. Thanks ...

ada95 have 3 files .ali, .adb and .o - can I compile

Hi, I've found some old college work, with my final Ada95 project on it. Sadly, the disc was corrupted, and I have only managed to recover 3 files (the source and executable couldnt be recovered): project.adb, project.ali and project.o Are these 3 files enough to compile a new exe? I'm downloading the gnat compiler now, but have to ...

Need to generate EDMX files and compile them

Hi All, My question might be little bit different or basic for advanced users here. I have a web application which is customizable by administrators. This means, the admin can add new table schema or edit table columns, add new table columns etc. These changes are mapped to our logical objects (much similar to EDMX) which is publishe...

Use MSBuild to build Entity Framework Model without using the Project File?

I am in the process of build a script for a fairly big project. One of the projects require an Entity Framework Model to be compiled into a library. Due to the way the build server works, all builds are hand crafted to manage the various deployment scenarios without affecting the developers and the project files. Is there anyway to gene...

qt application 64 bit windows

Hi, Is it possible to compile a 64 bit executable in qt windows. Is it the same process as with 32 bit or any different. Brgds, kNish ...

Java 1.4, compile java class from source file like ToolProvider class of the jdk 1.6

There is a standard way to compile a java class from a .java file like do the ToolProvider class of the jdk 1.6 but with Java 1.4: JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); int result =, null, null, ""); ?? Anyone have some idea. Many thanks. ...

Is there an easier way to type and compile C on Mac OS X?

I've just started learning C on Mac OS X. I have downloaded Xcode too. So far, I have been typing my apps into TextEdit, and then using the Terminal to locate my apps and compile them using gcc hello.c etc. Is there an easier way (using Xcode perhaps?) to type my code into some form of IDE, and then automate the compiling with a 'compi...

Make computes wildcard too early?

I have a make file of, more or less, the following structure that compiles C++ source code: .PHONY: all all: compile_obj_files my_binary # This rule generates the object files. It works fine afaik. .PHONY: compile_obj_files compile_obj_files: $(MAKE) --file=child.makefile # my_binary is a real binary file that I wish to build. my_...