
Maven compile mixed Java + Groovy 1.7 project, using gmaven-plugin

Hey all, As per the top two answers here I'm trying to compile a mixed Java 6 + Groovy project with Maven, using the GMaven-plugin from org.codehaus.gmaven. Up untill yesterday we were using the old 1.6.0 version of Groovy (never changed it after we finally got it working), but since 1.7.0 is now stable I thought we'd switch to that. ...

compile lanshark on mac

I am trying to compile lanshark for mac, but do not know how to compile on mac. I am guessing that it is possible to compile linux source code on mac. if not how can i get this program to run? ...

compile SQLite amalgamation for Windows Mobile device

How can I compile the SQLite amalgamation for Windows Mobile device? Then I want to use in a console to run some commands. I've created an empty VS project in C/C++ for Smart Device, then included the existing files into Sources and Headers. When I try to compile I get: Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol wmain referen...

Cygwin gcc compiled fails in IDE complaining about 'exit' undeclared

When I compile a program using just gcc code.c There are no messages, and an output file is generated successfully. The outputted file works. However, when I try to the same cygwin installation's gcc compiler in an IDE (I've tried Netbeans and Dev-C++), I get the following errors main.cpp:27: error: `exit' undeclared (first use this ...

Why can't I use //-style comments in my C code?

I am using gcc (Unbuntu 4.4.1-4unbuntu9) to compile a program that I'm writing, but it seems to vomit whenever it sees a // comment in my code, saying: interface.c :##: error: expected expression before â/â token Does the gcc compile mode I'm using forbid // comments? $ gcc -g -ansi -pedantic interface.c structs.h -c -I. -I/home/me/pr...

Compiling all code parts in Visual Studio

Hi there, I am currently working on a platform indepedent project and we have frenquently come across the following problem: When the Windows guys work on code that is not called by any other part of the code base it will not be compiled and will therefore not trigger compile errors. Once this code is uploaded to a svn server and Linux ...

Doctrine compile error?

In order to improve performance I tried to compile doctrine as per the manual Doctrine improvemnts tips first run : Doctrine::compile('Doctrine.compiled.php', array('mysql')); and later (after file created) require_once (LIBS.'Doctrine.compiled.php'); $manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance(); $conString = $_CONFIG['user'].':'.$...

How do I speed up Nant Builds?

Hello, We have a number of Nant scripts which compile .NET code. These builds are taking 5 - 10 minutes to run, and I would like to find a way to speed them up. Our Nant script looks something like <target name="compile.XYZ" description="Compiles the source code"> <msbuild project="${src.dir}\XYZ.sln" verbosity="${build.verbosi...

Compiling gVim with Python 3 support

Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask this question: I am trying to compile gVim with python 3 support using cygwin under windows: I changed the Make_cyg.mak files Python section to the following: ############################## # DYNAMIC_PYTHON=yes works. # DYNAMIC_PYTHON=no does not (unresolved externals on link). ##############...

Compile Clojure?

I am new to clojure and I have tried to compile it last night but I couldn't seem to do it and I have no idea. I am on windows and don't know much about java. I just want a stand-alone file that I can give to my friends. (I know they need java) Can anyone help? ...

GWT compile - why still 5 permutations after only having one user.agent option?

Trying to speed up gwt compile, did the following: <module rename-to=xxxx> <inherits name='com.yyy.basemodule> <set-property name="user.agent" value="ie6"/> <extend-property name='locale' values='en' /> </module> But when compiling, expecting only permutation, still saying: "Compiling 5 permutations" Any clue? ...

What is the difference between compiling and building?

I always use the terms compile and build interchangeably. What exactly do these terms stand for? ...

Preventing aptitude of upgrading compiled apps

Hi. I've been struggling for quite a time now. Each time I build and install an app, after running aptitude, it wants to upgrade it even if it is on the same version. I tried to build with apt-src and apt-build too, but no luck. Here is my configuration : /etc/apt/preferences Package: * Pin: release o=apt-build Pin-Priority: 510 Ev...

How to start a voice quality PESQ test?

I'm trying to do a voice quality test (pesq), but I don't understand how to start. I trying to compile a public source code ( (p.862)) but can't start a test. Maybe anyone work with this? ...

How does this compile? c#

object obj = new object[] { new object(), new object() }; How does this compile? It seems confusing. Seems it should either be object[] obj = new object[] { new object(), new object() }; or object[] obj = { new object(), new object() }; ...

Is there tool that can port or compile excel VBA code to C#?

Hi, I don't know much about .net, but I am working on a project where a requirement is to port some Excel VBA code embedded in spreadsheets to standalone C# . Are they any tools that could automate (or semi-automate) this port or compile? How well do they work? ...

Compiling Issues For Java 7 In NetBeans

So I have Java 7 (64bit Windows build 84) and NetBeans 6.8. I want to use the new invokedynamic stuff in Java 7 and compile from NetBeans but I can't figure out how to get NetBeans to run the program with the right options except when I build it (run fails, build works). The code needs to be compiled with the option -XDinvokedynamic and...

How can I access a function from FORTRAN which is writen in Python?

Hi, Is there any way to use a python function in FORTRAN? I was given a python script that contains some functions and I need to access this function from a FORTRAN code. I've seen 'f2py' which allows a FORTRAN subroutine to be accessed from Python, and py2exe which will compile python script to an executable. Is there anything out th...

Speeding up PDE edit-compile-debug cycle

Are there any low-hanging fruit regarding some more efficient way to run and test Eclipse-plugins (within the PDE)? Besides slimming down the Eclipse-configuration, which has already been done. Thanks! ...

Prevent ASP.NET Website project from building certain directories by using Web.config?

While programming, the longest part is a build on my ASP.NET Website project is the "Building directory" process seen below. (Note: I don't have the liberty to turn this into a Web Application with a .csproj build file. Wish I did.) The contents of the directories seen below are not changing although there might be some dependencies in ...