
What does the C++ compiler do when coming ambiguous default parameters?

What does the C++ compiler do when coming ambiguous default parameters? For example, let's say there was a function such as: function1(int a = 0, float b = 3.1); function2(int a, float b =1.1, int c = 0); Is the above considered ambiguous? If not, what does the compiler do (how is the function matched exactly) when calling something l...

AS3 to JS compilers

I stumbled accroos the AS3 to JS compiler Jangaroo, which looks like it could be a useful tool since it supports a lot of things I like about AS3. Are there any other such compilers? Is there another language I could learn, that compiles to JS, that is AS3 like? ...

Why is it legal to pass "Me" ByRef in VB.NET?

I was shocked just a moment ago to discover that the following is legal (the C# equivalent is definitely not): Class Assigner ''// Ignore this for now. Public Field As Integer ''// This part is not so weird... take another instance ByRef, ''// assign it to a different instance -- stupid but whatever. ' Sub Assign(By...

How to code C in a x64 bit machine ?

My new PC is Dell Inspiron 580s which is a x64 machine. Before which I used to code in TURBO C++ in my x86 machine. Since I was unable to run TURBO C++ in the new system. I installed NetBeans 6 IDE for which we need to install the compiler (CYGWIN) manually and so I did. But I'm unable to code in NetBeans. After lots of search I heard ...

Coco/R keeps telling me "'COMPILER' expected", even though I have the declaration.

As the title says, I'm having trouble using Coco/R. When I compile my file, Andromeda.atg, it gives me two errors: "-- line 1 col 1: "COMPILER" expected" "-- line 1352 col 5: name does not match grammar name" I have no idea why this is happening. I tried moving my COMPILER Andromeda line to the top, but the same errors pop up. Here's my...

Where can I find a C99 front end with good error message for students

I'm teaching a course in which students get their first experience programming in C. We're using gcc on Linux and (for beginning students) the user experience is terrible. I'm looking for a C front end that will do one or more of the following: If it cannot find a .h file, announce the fact and shut up. Don't spray screenfuls of garb...

Can anyone point me to C# code for an interpreted stack machine?

Hi! I'm looking for a C# implementation of a stack machine, preferably one with accompaning unit tests or at least couple of examples. The code at appears to be the sort of thing that I'm looking for. Unfortunately, it's been more than a decade since I programmed in Pascal and ran into a bun...

Is there any C compiler to show you linked program in asm?

I am searching for a compiler or better IDE for C which could generate completely linked program, including functions from CRT, in assembler form. Is there any? I tried Visual C Express 2008. It has a disassembler, but its somewhat strange. I mean for some reason it shows many "strange" lines of code, such as mov a,#3 in about 100 lines....

PHP to Ruby compiler

Does anyone know of a (preferably open source) PHP to ruby compiler? i.e. a program which parses PHP code and produces semantically equivalent ruby code? ...

ffmpeg: execute with more options.

I installed FFMPEG using apt-get. It comes by default compiled with some options: configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-pp --enable-swscaler --enable-pthreads --enable-libvorbis --enable-libtheora --enable-libogg --enable-libgsm --enable-dc1394 --disable-debug --enable-shared --prefix=/usr How can I execute it and add mo...

How do you stop source file information appearing in a Release?

I am building a web application. Here's what I do. Set the solution Configuration Manager to Release. Thus all projects are building the Release version. Then I clean the solution and build all. Then I "Build Deployment Package". When running the installed code from the deployment package I notice when there is a bug in the compiled so...

does, myval = (someconditon) ? someVal : myval get optimized to not set the value in case it's false

CPath = (CPath == null) ? Request.Path : CPath; First of all I wish CLR would just let me do the ? Request.Path and not bother me with creating a : But I'm asking will it optimize it away? Or still assign. ...

Javascript Compiler in .Net giving errors

I have the following code: Dim compiler As ICodeCompiler = New Microsoft.JScript.JScriptCodeProvider().CreateCompiler Dim params As New CompilerParameters params.GenerateInMemory = True Dim res As CompilerResults = compiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(params, TextBox1.Text.Trim) Dim ass As Assembly = res.Compiled...

Possible to turn off App_Code auto-compile?

Working with Visual Studio (I'm using 2008) I have started to notice that when you save a file in the /App_Code folder, the program will hang for a bit before returning control. After a bit of research, I have learned that there's an auto-compile feature at work, which I assume is what is slowing down my system. So the question is this...

How is LINQ compiled into the CIL?

For example: var query = from c in db.Cars select c; foreach(Car aCar in query) { Console.WriteLine(aCar.Name); } How would this translate once it is compiled? What happens behind the scenes? ...

Are there other languages than Objective-J that get "compiled" to JavaScript in the browser?

Objective-J is compiled/transformed into JavaScript directly on the browser. (This is contrast to doing this on the server, as GWT does for Java.) Has this approach been implemented for any language, other than Objective-J? ...

Steps carried out in case of INTERPRETER and COMPILER

hi, What exactly the difference between interpreted and compiled language.For example I want print the numbers from 1 to 100 .How exactly the sequence of operations takes place in case of interpreter and compiler. Further,If possible please provide me the steps in according to Java language and C language Thx ...

Does GCC create typedefs for arrays passed to functions?

While debugging some C code with gdb I came across something I've not seen nor heard of before! The compiler (gcc -O0) seems to have created a new type for passing an array of vectors to a function... I think! Have a look at the code and gdb information below: /* The Vector type - nothing unusual */ typedef struct { float x,y,z; } V...

How do compilers optimize our code?

Hi, I ran into this question when i was answering another guys question. How do compilers optimize the code? Can keywords like const, ... help? Beside the fact with volatiles and inline functions and how to optimize the code all by your self! ...

Template class using Gold Parser and the Klimstra engine...

I'm using Klimstra's VB.NET template from the "Create skeleton program" of the GOLD parser but the resulting template has methods with the overrides keyword and inherits from "TemplateParser".. that kind of threw me off, am I supposed to create the TemplateParser class or is there a tool to create it? I thought that the "create skeleton"...