
Is there a need for a "use strict" Python compiler?

There exist static analysis tools for Python, but compile time checks tend to be diametrically opposed to the run-time binding philosophy that Python embraces. It's possible to wrap the standard Python interpreter with a static analysis tool to enforce some "use strict"-like constraints, but we don't see any widespread adoption of such a...

How to make the Visual Studio compiler ignore a file?

Is anyone aware of a way to make visual studio completely ignore a file when compiling? I have a C# solution that has a foo.config file that isn't really a standard config file - it's just a text file. During compiling VS grabs a hold of the file and bombs. I'd like for it to act as though it's just a text file. I do not have the o...

Online validators, syntax checkers, testing tools

I often need to verify some simple code before posting, and it's great if I have installed IDE, but what if not? It would be nice to have online free tools for SQL, VB.NET, C# code validation, or maybe even testing. EDIT What I actually mean are online live web tools, like JSLint for javascript. Have you seen any? ...

VB6 app vanishes without a trace: will switching between PCode and Native Code make a difference?

Hi Everyone, I know that this subject has been done to death on news groups and there are forum posts for Africa - but I wanted the option of you experts on stack overflow :) Our VB6 app occasionally just vanishes while the user is doing things and doesn't give any sort of error nor is it in the PC's error log! I was wondering if any...

On-the-fly, in-memory java code compilation for Java 5 and Java 6

How can I compile java code from an arbitrary string (in memory) in Java 5 and Java 6, load it and run a specific method on it (predefined)? Before you flame this, I looked over existing implementations: Most rely on Java 6 Compiler API. Those that don't, rely on tricks. Yes, I checked out commons-jci. Either I'm too dense to understa...

Can you find out which compiler was used to compile a program?

Given an executable that is compiled from C to run on Solaris, is it possible to determine which compiler was used to compile the associated incomplete executable? I can't see anything when using either the strings or the file command, and magic doesn't seem to contain anything specific. Do compilers generally put a fingerprint in thei...

Do interpreters actually pre compile in memory?

Ok guys I thought I'd take my old CS notes and look through compiler theory a little more. I have to say I can't for the life in me remember how all this stuff works but I do have a nice sample application from my college days that helps me understand a few things. This sample application takes the made up language and compiles it down...

Why do I have to specify the "out" keyword in C#?

Before I ask my question, please take a look at this example function: DateTime.TryParse("01/01/2000", out oDate) Why do I need to specify the out keyword? Shouldn't the compiler know this from the function's definition? I'm asking this out of pure curiosity in the hope that I will learn something new about the compiler. I should al...

PHP Compilers, do you know of any?

I'm looking at various PHP compilers that turn PHP into native ELF executables. So far, I know of PHC and Roadsend. Do you know of any others? Do you have any experiences to share? Note, I'm interested in any PHP compiler, not just those that are Zend specific. If you are using one of the compilers linked above, I'd greatly appreciate ...

Compilers and argument order of evaluation in C++

Okay, I'm aware that the standard dictates that a C++ implementation may choose in which order arguments of a function are evaluated, but are there any implementations that actually 'take advantage' of this in a scenario where it would actually affect the program? Classic Example: int i = 0; foo(i++, i++); Thanks. Note: I'm not look...

What is the purpose of "remove unused references"

I have read that removing unused references makes no difference to the compiler as it ignores assemblies that are not being referenced in the code itself. But I find it hard to believe because then, what is the real purpose of Removing unused references? It doesn't have any noticeable effect on the size of the generated assembly or othe...

Which is the best, standard (and hopefully free) C++ compiler?

Saludos a todos en!! So... I'm a C++ newbie currently taking the subject of Data Structures, and I want to consult something with you guys: Since I started studying Systems Engineering, I've been using the last version of Dev-C++ for all my programming projects. It has done it's job well so far, but it has a FATAL fla...

What is the difference between Flex/Lex and Yacc/Bison ?

What is the difference between Flex & Lex and Yacc & Bison. I searched the Internet wildly and I didn't find any solid answer. Can I install pure Lex and Yacc on Ubuntu, or I can install only flex and bison. I am confused. Is Lex or Yacc still being maintained by someone ? Are all of them free ? If Lex is not free why do I have it in...

how does array[100] = {0} set the entire array to 0?

How does the compiler fill values in char array[100] = {0};? What's the magic behind it? I wanted to know how internally compiler initializes. Thanks in advances. Looking more such sorts of tricks. ...

Was C# compiler written in C++?

Was C# compiler written in C++? ...

How do I turn specific Delphi warnings and hints off?

In CodeGear Delphi 2007, how can I turn specific warnings and hints off? I am attempting to turn off H2077 - Value assigned to 'varname' never used. ...

Does C# compiler set version or platform constants?

Are there any predefined constants in the C# compiler to detect what version of the platform is being targeted? I can set a platform in Project options but how can I write single source for .NET 2 and .NET 3.5 ? Edit: I really want to write some code once and be able to switch behavior with something like #if CLR_VERSION35 and then rn...

How to Increment Visual Studio build number using C++?

I have a Visual Studio 2008 project that produces a file called: "Game-Release.exe". This was configured under Project Properties -> C/C++ -> Linker -> General: $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName)-Release.exe I would like to take this a bit further by have an incrementing build number so I would have something which says: Game-Release-Build-10...

How can I force csc / mcs to use a specific version of an assembly reference?

I need to reference a specific version of a signed assembly. Because it is present in GAC, compiler picks up the 'vendor' version instead of the one I provide (the GAC version number is higher, even though it's an older API). Is there some kind of extension to the basic /reference=Library.dll compiler option that allows specyfing a stron...

Compile error using cl.exe (Visual Studio 2008) for this cpp code

I'm getting compile error in this code #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<string> using namespace std; void main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int i; for(i = 0;i<10;i++) fprintf(cout,"%d\n",i); fprintf(cout,"abc:\n"); string s; cin>>s; if(s == "resum...