
how to access the datagrid in one mxml in another component?

I have a datagrid in my mxml file, say, samp.mxml. <mx:DataGrid id="taskDataGrid" dataProvider="{initDG}" variableRowHeight="true" editable="true" width="100%" paddingBottom="1" paddingTop="1" height="55" > <mx:columns> <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="Select" editable="true" rendererIsEdito...

how to use UIComponent/Flash in Flex

Hi, I am new to Flash/Flex. I would like to use a Component I created in Flash extending fl.core.UIComponent. How do I use this in Flex? Do I just export it as a swc or do I have to use the Flash Flex 3 kit which will convert it to a UIMovieClip. That does not sound right. I would appreciate a few simple steps describing the proc...

NHibernate: HasMany components and Where/Contains clause

Hi, I'm trying to work out how to create a query using Linq to NHibernate. I have two classes like this: public class Foo { private ISet<Bar> _bars = new HashedSet<Bar>(); public virtual ISet<Bar> Bars { get { return _bars; } set { _bars = value; } } } public class Bar { public string Name { get; se...

Using CakePHP's Email component

Hi! I try to send a simple Email via CakePHP's Email Component. I'm using following code from the cookbook documentation: $this->Email->from = 'Irgendjemand <[email protected]>'; $this->Email->to = 'Irgendjemand Anderes <[email protected]>'; $this->Email->subject = 'Test'; $this->Email->send('Dies ist der ...

How can I write portable Windows applications?

Sometimes, I want to write an simple application which will works on any Windows machine, without installing any programs or components (ex. .NET Framework), in a C# or Java like programming language. How can I do this? Thanks. EDIT: Added the 'like', sorry... ...

Why do components in Flash CS3 fail so hard when loaded with a Loader.

The ComboBox shows up fine when I run a SWF by itself. The rowCount property set in the property inspector works just fine; the dataProvider property populates the box just fine; everything works fine. HOWEVER, when I load that SWF into a parent SWF with the Loader class, everything goes to hell. The ComboBox shows up empty. All the ...

How can I protect and license a flash component

What is the easiest way I could license a flash component? I would like to be able to sell it, and use some sort of license key or similar. I don't nee demo functionality, but am interested in being able to track my component in terms of usage or install. I am also interested in being able to place a limitation on how many times it is u...

Convert COM object to .Net Object

public int Set(int newValue,Object obj) { //System.Windows.Forms.Control ctrl = (System.Windows.FormsControl)Object; } The Object here is COM object. Now I want to convert it to some .Net object and get hold of it's properties. What is the easiest way to do it? ...

.Net Powerpoint Component

I am looking for a .Net component to allow reading and generation of powerpoint files. So far the only thing that I have been able to find is the component by Aspose. Can anyone recommend other possible tools to use for this? ...

Free Windows Forms Components Similar to jQuery UI Draggables

EDIT: So, I ended up making my own basic solution to this problem, and it can be found in my own answer to the question below. Or, here's a link. Original Post I'm doing some UI programming for a small .NET application. The application has some collections of items that need to be displayed in a grid sort of format (X columns by Y row...

flex 3 component using x y as center, not topleft

Hi, How can I extend components like buttons to use x and y value as the center of the component, not the top left? Thanks, Jean ...

How to call a mxml component from another mxml component in flex-edited

I need to call a component named "defectTracker.mxml" by clicking a link in another mxml component called "reviewComponent.mxml". How do I achieve that? This is my reviewComponent.mxml code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="" width="100%" height="100%" hori...

Java TokenField like Cocoa's?

Does anyone know of an existing Java component that implements a TokenField, similar to Cocoa's NSTokenField? An overview of the Cocoa control is at: Suggestions for implementation? Thanks! ...

Flash Cs4 components skinning / themes ?

is there a way to apply custom skin / theme on components in flash Cs4. I remembeer I could edit them in flash 8 as2, but in flash cs4 they just an objects. without option to edit "content" of them. ...

Where can you release eensy weensy helpful little .NET classes?

I find myself writing a lot of reusable code because I couldn't find reusable code that other people wrote. Tiny stuff, like little winforms components, among other things. I am looking for a website where I could release this sort of stuff to the public with licensing on it. I don't need something like Google Code/Sourceforge/Codeplex,...

Adding Delphi 6 third party component to Delphi 2010?

Hi, I have a few Delphi 6 third party components which I need to add to Delphi 2010 to begin my migration. Is it possible? The interface seem a lot different and I can't seem to find a way to do this? This help... My components: DBGridEasy, TSerial, Varian Async32. Thanks a lot. ...

Component-based architecture vs. Distributed system

Can we describe a component-based architecture as a distributed system for an example EJB is a component based architecture as well as it has qualities to become a distributed system? So how can these two concepts combine together, or to differentiate. Thanks. ...

.NET component in DELPHI 2009

Hi, Could you please tell me if .NET component can be used with Delphi 2009 and, if so, could you please send me some example code. Thanks in advance. ...

Using components outside of controllers in CakePHP

Is it possible to use the built-in CakePHP components (eg: EmailComponent) as standalone classes? I know this probably shows a design flaw, and that I'm not doing it the Cake way or something, but I have a class which is not tied to any Model/Controller and I want that to be able to send emails. Importing the EmailComponent doesn't work...

.NET Component for Floor Plan Designer application

My next project is a kitchen designer application (CAD). Something like MS Visio or Home Suite app. I am looking for a component that I can use as a design editor. Front view is a must, view from the top and 3D are desired. I want to be able to: Drag'n'drop components on the floor plan. Select and change size and color of the compon...