
Creating a ToolBox component with design-time support using a UserControl

I have a UserControl for Windows Forms. How can I convert it to a component? What I want to do is, to add it to the VS toolbox, add it to form with drag and drop at design-time and change its Location and Dock properties using the Properties window. What should I look for to do this? I've created something similar before but it was a Co...

Estimating a Spring/Hibernate project.

Hi, I am new to Spring framework. I was recently part of a Task where an estimation for a Spring/Hibernate based web application was being prepared. We had Functional & Business requirements and detailed Use Cases. I was asked to prepare a list of the inventory or Work Item types (Controllers, Entities, DAOs, ServiceClasses, Application...

When to add a Component Class vs User Control?

I have a general idea, and there are some obvious cases, but there are also some gray areas for me - when is it best to use to extend from a component and when is it best to create a user control ? This pertains to a specific work problem I am trying to solve, but the specifics of that are not important - a general answer to this questi...

Mashup a logo on product image - which flex image component to use?

Hi there, We need to build a webtool which displays an uploaded logo on multiple product images after upload. Basicly we need a tool similar like this: I want to build this in Flex, does any one know some good component for this? I prefer open source but commercial is also ok. Thx! Richa...

How do I use the service locator implementation in System.ComponentModel for dependency injection in a WinForms application?

I'm trying to allow my business logic components to query for services when they are added to one of my form/control classes. For example, I might have a ClientManager class in my library, which encapsulates some business logic. It requires an ILoginManager instance to query for some data that it needs to operate. The concrete ILoginMan...

Flex textbox, how to make a function to select all?

Hello, I'm trying to create a simple "smart" textbox component in Flex, and I want a function inside it that I can use outside of the component to force itself to select all text inside of it. Inside my SmartTextbox.mxml public function selectAll():void { this.setSelection(0, this.length); } I also use this function when the tex...

Auto login in CakePHP

Hi. I am using the registration form for different users? After a new user logs in, the registered users should redirect to an after-login page. We are using Auth component for the authentication. How do I do this? ...

Joomla Components, Modules, Extensions, and PlugIns

What is the difference between Joomla components, modules, extensions, and plugins? ...

Reuse component in projection (NHibernate)

Is it possible to reuse a component mapping in a projection? Here is the mapping for the Vendor entity: <class name="Vendor" table="vendor"> ... <property name="Name" column="Name" /> <component name="Address" class="MyProject.Address, MyAssembly" > <property name="Street" column="street" /> <property na...

owner drawn grid - .NET

I would like advice on whether or not I should program the following from scratch myself or use a 3rd party component. If there is a 3rd party component that fits the bill without too much baggage I'd appreciate recommendations. I would like to have a component that is a matrix of cells, like a grid control. I need no editing, no select...

how to get jsf clientid of a component in datatable ?

hi there, i am trying to get the client id of a component in a datatable. the problem is that jsf puts row index before the component id automatically, i.e. <a id="mappedidentifier_table:1:mappedidentifier_Update" href="#">Update</a> for a link in the second row (index=1). i am using the following methods to get the clientId ...

Good open-source Swing/Java component for doing MSN-like popup notifications

Hi there, I am looking for a good open-source Java component for implementing popup notifications in a Swing desktop application. The component should be able to function like the ones commonly seen in instant messaging applications such as MSN Messenger, so that just as someone sends you a message, a little ontop window slides up from...

C# .net OCR library/components

What are the best paid for OCR libraries for .net c#? We are looking for something reasonable that is backed with good support. ...

Flex Newbee pondering workflow and best practice

I'm a seasoned PHP developer and have spent quite a few years building AS2 and timeline Flash projects as well. And, I'm extremely anxious to start working in Flex as well. - I have the perfect project for it too. However, while reviewing the tutorials and example Flex projects, they seem to focus mainly on form elements and data grids, ...

How can I make a component disappear in the form designer?

I'm creating a custom control that contains other controls, including two scroll bars, one horizontal, one vertical. There's a property to set one or both scroll bars invisible, which works fine at runtime, but at design-time it doesn't disappear from the form designer when I set the property. Now, I can understand how this could be a ...

Flex style name conflict

Hi, I am building custom as3 flex component with Flex3. My component has a style: [Style(name="rollOverColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="no")] Everything works fine until I include both my component and a LinkButton into MXML application. Flex builder tells that there is an error in the application when I try to compile it...

How to get the parameter value of the currently active component in Joomla

I'm creating a custom template, and i have added a parameter 'headerpic' to various views. <param name="headerpic" type="filelist" default="" label="Header Image" description="Select the image for the header" directory="images/headers" filter="\.jpg" /> The client can then change the header image for each page from a drop down list. ...

What's the most elegant way to swap out events when setting a property?

Doing component-based development, I find myself doing this fairly often: public class SomeClass { SomeOtherClass foo; public SomeOtherClass Foo { get { return foo; } set { if (value != foo) { if (value != null) { // subscribe to some events ...

Cloning a TStringGrid Component

Dear all, I am starting to learn Delphi. So I decided to write an application like MS Excel from scratch. In a new Form1, I did put a TPageControl component containing only 1 page. In that page, I did put a TAdvStringGrid and a TPanel with some buttons (button1, button2) and a Popup1 menu for defining some actions on the grid, like copy...

Component screen error in Expression blend?

Hi I have this error in Blend. I'm a designer so don't have a wide knowledge of the code. I've created a component screen in Blend. This is the code on the main page - I also get this Invalid attribute value with an everlasting line of numbers in the results panel. And the component screen on the main page states Cannot create an in...