
how can i host activex control to web form (

I have an activeX control and i need to work with it in web form in ...

Documenting components effectively by Doxygen

How can you document components of your code such as the following effectively when the source codes of the components are in different locations? Example of my components in my first database project homepage - user_bar, check_login_status ask_question - form_ask_question login - form_login question_id - (form_login), form...

Setting a value of an object's child property problem

Hi, I get child properties of an object with this code, PropertyDescriptorCollection childProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(theObject)[childNode.Name].GetChildProperties(); think that "theObject" variable is a TextBox and I try to set TextBox.Font.Bold = true; I use this code for main properties and it works when I customize ...

call() of function with arguments

I have a component that I hand over a function public var func : Function; Now the function is a function that has parameters in its signature public function myFunction(s : String) : void { doSomething(s); } from my component I can call the function with; Can someone tell me how to invoke the function with its p...

flex 3 play effect removedFromStage

Hi, I'm removing a component from the WindowedApplication, using removeChildAt(), and want to play an effect (defined within the component, say mx:Resize) which reduces the height of the component (an hbox) to 0 before it is removed. I was using the removedFromStage event within the component, but it just disappears (without playing th...

"Hello, world!" example for DevExpress QuantumGrid?

Hello I successfully installed the latest QuantumGrid from DevExpress, but I've never worked with this grid before, and I don't know how to get started. I find that the HLP file isn't really a tutorial, and the demos are so rich to the point where I can't get started quickly and see if QuantumGrid fits my needs. Would someone happen to...

How flexible is subsonic

I currently use nhibernate but a guy at work has recently gotten me interested in subsonic again. I really prefer a Poco, domain-driven style approach to development and worry about the database later. It looks like this is partially supported using simplerepository. My question is, how flexible is subsonic in how it generates your da...

Silverlight component vendors

I’m looking for Silverlight component libraries (preferably commercial). So far I’ve found these: ComponentOne Telerik DevExpress Vectorlight Infragistics Xceed Am I missing any? I previously posted this question, I’m (still) searching for a Silverlight Image Editor. As part of my exploration I have to document that I at least che...

own component... functions wont work

hi, i tryed to create a own GUI component with cocos 2d... i haved written a class (extends Sprite) ... this class initialize with graphics and a lable... if I create an instance of my class .. i can see my component but i can user any functions... i wrote a setLabel function .. but the lable change... i create a instance with this cod...

'Check for update' component freely available?

Do you know of a freely available (preferable FOSS) implementation of the ubiquitous 'Check (online) for a new version' functionality? .NET is preferred. What would be even more interesting, would be a mechanism to allow the download and install of the update(s) in case they are available. ...

Is there an open source .Net SQL Editor component available?

I would like a text editor component that color codes SQL Statements like you would see in SQL Server Management Studio. I want to drop it on a form so I can write sql statements and send the queries to my database. It is not necessary to have intellisense but it would be a plus. Is there something like that out there? ...

ASP.NET: What is the best chat room component out there?

What are all the best / most popular ASP.NET AJAX chat room components out there and how do they weigh in terms of robustness, flexibility, portability? ...

Container.remove(int i) throws unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

I'm trying to remove all but the first child component from a Java Container. The following code logs "There are 3" and throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 2 int componentCount = cardPanel.getComponentCount();"There are " + componentCount); for (int i = 1; i < componentCount; i++) { card...

Class Has Changed into Component class in VS2008

Hi, I have implemented a class that extends System.Timers.Timer object. When I then save the class, VS changes it into component class. This is quite disturbing because opening that class makes VS open some Component Designer show up instead of the source code. Is there a way to prevent VS2008 to change my class into a component??? Re...

Is there a good Flex (3) date / time chooser component?

I need a time chooser for a flex app, and as far as I can tell there is no UI component to manipulate Date objects at a resolution finer than per-day (the DateChooser component). What's a good time chooser for Flex? I strongly prefer a Free as in Libre and/or Free as in Beer component. ...

Flex Custom Component Communication

Hi All, What is the best practice in terms of communication (variable usage ann method calls) between custom components developed using mxml. ...

Virus scanning component

I need to scan uploaded files on the server side. I have application. The application is hosted on Windows server. Can you point to some component or even commercial product with SDK or API, that can do the scan? ...

A good PDF view component for .net

Hello: My application incorporates the manual as a PDF file and I want that the user can read the manual without exit and with a minimun overload. Do you know any free (as in beer) component for .net that can just read pdf files? (I don't need editing). Thank you. P.D.: Yes, I did Googled, but I can't find a free one. P.D.2.: If I ...

Preventing callback during validation in ComponentArt grid

I have to validate a couple of fields in the CA grid every time a record is updated/added. The grid is used in the callback mode. What i cannot figure out how to do is cancel the callback if a cell is invalid. I am trying to do this 'onBeforeUpdate' event of the grid. I can call set_cancel(true) to cancel the update. But this will change...

Recommendations for visualising a directed graph in a Web UI

I need to visualise a directed graph that represents the flow of data in a web application. Can anyone recommend any JavaScript or Flash solutions for this please. It must support hooking a node click event because I need to fire off an AJAX call when this happens. Can be free or commercial. The server-side technology is Java if this mak...