
How to do mouse panning on a custom component in Delphi 2009.

I'm using D2009. I have a component derived from TWinControl to which I'd like to add mouse panning. I see that there's a new control style, csPannable, and a new control state, csPanning. I've been looking at the vcl source to try to figure it out, but so far I'm a bit lost. Does anyone know of any documentation for this? Any sugge...

Terminology: Difference between software interface, software component, software unit, software module

I see these terms used quite a lot between various authors, but I can't seem to fix upon definitive definitions. From my POV a software interface is a "type" specifying the way in which a software component may be used by other softare components. But what exactly a software component is I'm not entirely sure (and it seems no-one else...

How to reuse my VB6 application?

First of all, as I am using VB6, please confine your kind suggestions to techniques applied to VB6. I have a set of controls related to each other as the above figure shows. It includes several treeviews, a split bar, a listview, a subform( a usercontrol), and etc. When I click or change the treeview nodes in the left, the right cont...

Windows Server 2003 - Leave running when idle

Hi there, I'm currently moving a website to a new server, whilst doing so i've noticed the option to set com+ application components running when idle. This option is currently set to true on all components, but it sounds to me like there would be some sort of trade off (page load time vs strain on server). Does anybody know what the ...

Exception when extending a flex component

Hi, when extending a flex component and trying to use it, I get a RTE. I.e. I am extending a DataCanvas and am using it like this: <MyComponent dataProvider="{dataProvider}" width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0" id="dc" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0" /> Has anyone seen this? How can I get around it? Thanks! Error: Constr...

Are TopCoder Components or Applications Quality Products?

Does anyone have experience with buying or using any TopCoder components or applications and do they seem like they are useful and worth the money? ...

Is there a central FreePascal/Lazarus Component repository?

I'm looking to find something like Torry but instead of being Delphi centric, it should be Lazarus centric. I'm aware of the Source Forge Project Code and Component Repository but I'm looking for something with more span and a bit more searching features. ...

Is there a generic way to compute component values like year+month+day from days or miles+yards+feet+inches from inches?

I know there must be a generic method but I don't even know the term to search for and I don't want to re-invent the wheel, badly. 'Separate components values' and 'composite values' don't give good results. another example: degrees+minutes+seconds from seconds of arc, or tons+pounds+ounces from ounces. I'm working in C but it shouldn...

Java Component based vs Request based frameworks

I was recently asked in an interview - In java, how do you compare component based frameworks to request based frameworks? I explained EJB as an example of Component based framework and Struts as a request based framework but was not convinced if I did justice to the question. Any ideas on what interviewer meant and what should have bee...

Flex TreeGrid Query

Can anyone tell me the equivalent of osflex:TreeGridCellRenderer for the flexlib package ?? ...

Where to put Application scope components in Winforms?

Where do you store application scoped components in your winforms apps? I see that I can create a descendant of Component in my application. I could then drag and drop the components that I want to share among the forms in my project. Is this the best practice for shared access to components (non-visual controls)? In Delphi, we had a Dat...

Flash AS3 - Button on stage will not hide if I change the label - bug or missing something??

Hi, OK - weird problem which happens each time - and so I'm thinking I must just be missing something very obvious. If in Flash CS3 I drag a Button component to the stage, and in the Document Class I hide that button with visible = false; - it works fine. However, if I change the label of that Button from it's default 'Label' to anythin...

How to Add Smart Tags to my .net component?

look at the following picture, which showing smart tag for DataGridView Now I'm creating new component and I want it to support showing some properties in Smart Tags, how to add the properties to the smart Tag? ...

Free ribbon control for

Hi, I was wondering if there were any free ribbon controls for, and if there are not, how I could go about making my own. I don't want to pay $300 or more for a professional one...and I would really like to add one to my project. What would be the best solution for finding/making one? Here is my google search I tried, I could on...

openID login in cakePHP

I am using cakePHP framework to build a website in which I want to let users signin using openID. and there is no core component in cake to do this. is there any component for openID login that is it differente from cakePHP Auth component ? ...

How do I filter SSIS custom component GUI for Connection Types?

I have developed an SSIS custom task component. It uses a connection manager of the variety to do its database work. I'm in the processes of adding a GUI to the component and I can't find a way to filter/display just connections. I'm using the following code to load the connections into a list box. //Load up C...

How can I bind to global variables inside my component?

I've developed a component which is a combination of a few items (canvas, labels, etc...) but when I try to bind it to a variable such as : {stationXML.getItemAt(1).AAA.@value}, it doesnt work. Before I combined all the items in a component, they were all in the main MXML file at which time they worked. Not sure if it matters, but the ...

Desktop-like UI implementations for Java web applications?

At work we're discussing upgrading our view layer for our web application. We're currently running an old and "modified" version of FreeMarker Classic, which is a pain to work with. One of our developers suggested using a Component UI style architecture similar to desktop style environments. Essentially, this would mean that you would b...

Screenshot picker component for Winforms (.NET)

I'm looking for a tool/control/component that i can use to position over image control of my win form, and it will pick a screen shot from specific region the user will select. The user won't be able to move this "camera" out of the form, and after picking the partial image from the image control, i need the camera will mark the copied ...

Complicated NHibernate component mapping

EDIT: I simplified the problem to leave only what really bothers me. Hello all, I am trying to make the following mapping. In my database, I have a table called "ReportRowValue" containg the following columns: RowNumber ColumnNumber StringValue LongValue DateValue Value In my code I want to get a more usable structure by...