
Creating components at runtime - Delphi

Hi, how can I create a component at runtime and then work with it (changing properties, etc.)? ...

.NET Query Builder component

Can anyone reccomend a free .NET libary which allows you to expose a SQL Query builder to your users in a windows form app? I'd like my users to be able to run relatively straight forward SELECT statements, including some JOINS and other multi-table operations without getting into the real nitty-gritty of SQL. Thanks, sweeney ...

Flex: What OpenSource Container Component should I use?

Hello everyone. Please help me what container component I will use. Here is my problem, I have advance data grid with full of data about 300 by 300 row-column(data can be picture). Now I need a container that can zoom in/out, fit to screen capability and can drag around the component inside so that my data grid will be zoomable and draga...

Interactive chart with timeline for WinForms .NET

Hi, I'm looking for WinForms .NET interactive chart control that will support timeline. By interactive I mean - something that will allow user to grab a top of a bar and change the value just by dragging it up and down. In some way the bar will behave like a horizontal slider By timeline I mean something that will allow user to scro...

Using AXSLT Components in Spring MVC

I while ago I wrote a Java application that processes XML with XSLT using Xalan. Now I'm trying to move towards Spring. I've been having trouble accessing components. As far as I can tell my XML, XSLT and Java objects are correct, but Spring cannot seem to find and reference the components I want to access. ... <axslt:component prefix=...

How do you skin Delphi components using graphic files?

Just like using CSS for Web applications, can we use graphics from clip art to skin buttons, edits, and form components without dealing with TCanvas or developing new components? Are there any fully free libraries to work with existing components? (No 3rd-party TSkinnedEdit etc.) ...

Joomla - Component - Form not posting to itself!

I am learning Joomla and doing examples out of books. Im working on an example that does not throw any errors but doesnt do what I want. The example is to create a suggestion form that posts the data to itself which is then put into a database. The form does not return to itself tho! When the submit button is pressed it takes you to h...

is it possible to put the template of a component in an other folder then the template folder in Symfony

I have a component that calls a template from the template folder as it should be done. But as there are a lot of files in the template folder i would rather have them split up in different sub folders. Is it possible to call a template in a specific folder for a component? And how is this done? now i have public function executeTest(){...

In a software project, how would you differentiate a Component from a Module?

In a software, how would you differentiate a Component from a Module? ...

Are there any 3rd party components that let you read/create/edit PDF/Word/Excel documents in ASP.NET?

Are there any 3rd party components that let you read/create/edit PDF/Word/Excel documents in ASP.NET? ...

Good or Bad experiences with CryptoLicensing?

I'm planning to buy CryptoLicensing but before buying it I'd like to get some feedbacks if anyone tried it before. Also it'd be interesting if anyone cracked it or spotted an easy hack against it. I've seen some other SO questions regarding the choosing a .NET licensing component but if you currently happy with another component it'd be...

How to Intercept last Opened/expanded node of a Flex Tree

I have a partially populated Tree component and I have to invoke a remote service when User expand (not when he select) a node to retrieve it's leafs. How I know witch node have bee selected. I'm using Flex 3.3. ...

Access the project file structure within the Visual Studio Properties property grid?

I'm making a Component that will be used in a VS drag and drop designer. One of the properties on this component needs to be the pack URI of a file within the project. I'd like to make things a little easy and, from within the property editor the PropertyGrid uses for my type's property, examine the solution, construct the Uris and pre...

How to combine designable components with dependency injection

When creating a designable .NET component, you are required to provide a default constructor. From the IComponent documentation: To be a component, a class must implement the IComponent interface and provide a basic constructor that requires no parameters or a single parameter of type IContainer. This makes it impossible to...

how to distribute a Flash component for use with MTASC?

I have a Flash component that's just a library of compiled code with some exposed API calls. Normally we distribute this as a SWC or MXP, and it works just fine. Recently I had a client express interest in using my component, but they do all their development in MTASC only. MTASC doesn't support SWC files, so ss there a good way to send ...

WYSIWYG data driven graph generator

I'm creating quite a few SSIS packages to drive document composition (e.g. utility bills, statements, etc). These require complex graphs in some cases, mostly bar or line graphs (some with bars and lines) Is there any charting program or library you can build a graph in a WYSIWYG environment (preferably selecting sample data to work off...

Lazarus component for Multimedia manipulation and WinCE compatible

Hi! I would just like to know if there are Multimedia components for Lazarus and is compatible with WinCE platform. I tried the ACS(Audio Component Suite)but it gives an error when I compiled it. Plus, it doesn't support video manipulation.I would really appreciate your help. ...

Visual Studio 2008 - Add Component from Source Code

I want to add a component to the toolbox so that I can drag and drop it onto my windows form. I know I can add items to the toolbox by right-clicking and going to "Choose items", but what if I only have the source code for the component? How do I add it? ...

Flex HSlider tooltip array population

I want to be able to populate the tool tip array for a HSlider via a web service. Below is my code and all I'm doing here is populating anotherArray in the init() function from the arrayValues array just to test that much. However when I launch the application anotherArray contains only "null" and not the rest of the data. Any ideas? ...

Pulling data/notes from the IPhone notes app into a Delphi application

I have developed a few Delphi Win32 (currently using D2007) applications, which revolve around note-taking and idea development. I'd like to be able to pull the notes written on the iPhone's little "notes" app into these apps (which store their data in a database). One-way importing would be fine for now. Is this possible? If so, what ...