
How Service-oriented architecture and Component-based development relate to each other?

Here is a pretty theoretical and abstract question: How Service-oriented architecture (SOA) differs from Component-based approach? Is the concept of SOA an extension to Component-based approach? What are your thoughts? Maybe you know any good papers that cover this subject? ...

modular development

What would you recommend for modular development in Java. OSGI is great but it's support for JPA is pitiful. I would really like not to have to write yet another framework, but it seems inevitable. ...

How do you define a software component?

How do you define a software component and what kind of relationship is there between OOP and component programming? What are the pros and conns and what is the "golden ratio" of these paradigms? ...

Financial charts in .NET? Best library to display a live streaming 1-min stock chart?

We are using C# .NET. We're looking for a method to display live streaming 1-min financial stock charts. Need: - Candlesticks - Zoom/pan - The chart scrolling in real time as it receives streaming data Woud like: - A method to print metadata on the chart (buy/sell points, etc) We don't mind paying for it, so any recommendation goes! ...

Providing values to components in a dataGrid

I have the follwoing. : mx:DataGridColumn width="125" headerText="Time" editable="false" mx:itemRenderer mx:Component mx:HBox mx:NumericStepper id ="TimeHour" stepSize="1" minimum="0" value="0" maximum="23"/ mx:NumericStepper id ="TimeMinute" stepSize="5" minimum="0" value="0" max...

TApplicationEvents as dynamic component or static for tracing called routine in Delphi.

Hello and good morning! Unfortunately I am not writing this question from my Developing PC so I might do some mistakes. Please sorry about it... So - my question - what approach you use to implement error logging in your application? In web ( ) is nice event handler, but it just copies system error in file, but ...

Major game components

Hi, I am in the process of developping a game, and after two months of work (not full time mind you), I have come to realise that our specs for the game are lacking a lot of details. I am not a professional game developper, this is only a hobby. What I would like to receive help or advices for is this: What are the major components tha...

How does Mercurial handle components or modular development?

Hi. Using CVS at the moment... When creating a new project that references modular components we use aliases to put together a project directory. So, if project1 uses component1 and component2 then we'd use aliases to pull these components into the project1 directory so that cvs co project1 Would give the developer all they need - w...

windows forms and calender field

how can we embed the calendar component in cell of a data grid view. actually my requirement is to catch the date of birth in column of one data grid view. ...

Why shouldn't you extend JFrame and other components?

I've seen this come up here a few times, but in the postings I've seen, no one explained it. Why shouldn't I extend JFrame (or any component)? Are there conditions where I should extend a component, or is this a firm rule that you don't? ...

unresolved external symbol ...QueryInterface


Freeware pivot table component for Delphi?

Is there a pivot table component for Delphi that is opensource or freeware? ...

automapping: IgnoreProperty on Component?

I am automapping measurement classes (that implement interface IMeasurement) as components. This works fine, but I have some attributes in the components I would like to ignore. Apparently I cannot use IgnoreProperty on the measurement classes themselves, i.e.: [ .ForTypesThatDeriveFrom(p => p.IgnoreProperty(x => x._uomSpecified)) ] w...

Video and Audio Editing components

I need to write a video and audio capability in a WPF application. It need to do video and voice capture with basic editing etc. Does anyone know of any components that could get me going. ...

MVC IoC Component Lifestyle PerWebRequest

I was just starting to get comfortable with MVC when somebody mentioned IoC containers to me, and now I feel like I've fallen a few thousand feet and need to climb back up again. I was tempted to just ignore them, but then I read up on the Component Lifestyle. This seems like a big deal to me, as explained, uncommited changes to databa...

Good GIS Software or Components for Windows PC in .NET?

Last week i searched for good free or opensource solutions and component for GIS (Geographical Information Systems) I founded some system but no one fill my requirements SharpMap is very buggy software is very slow MapWindow have a very complex structure and is very buggy. I founded uDIG but is in java, i need a solution i...

NHibernate Component not-null property when being inserted

Components which have no value assigned to any child property will also be set to null when being retrieved from the database. I don't mind this, it's simply an additional check to see if the component is null or not. However when I try to then update or insert that object into the database with the null component I get the error: "no...

Configuring Blackberry Eclipse plugin for 4.70 or 5.0 components

I am looking for help in configuring the Blackberry development environment. In fact, it is quite a frustrating process. The blackberry site is pretty useless. Between links that have been moved, details that are assumed and documents that are out of date it is proving very difficult to get anywhere with blackberry development. Pheww...

Sending binary data from ASP to .net component

The ASP application allows uploading of image files (jpg, gif, tif). These files are sent to a .net component registered in the GAC of the server. In the component file is encoded using System.Text.Unicode to byte[] array. This encoding is done with some data loss. The byte array has values 253 and 255 in consequetive elements. What cou...

Component disabling and enabling at runtime in Delphi 2K9. Weird problem...

Here is code: procedure DisableContrlOL(const cArray : array of string; ReEnable : boolean = False); // can be called from VKP / RAW / Generation clicks var AComponent: TComponent; CompListDis, CompListEna : TStringList; begin CompListDis := TStringList.Create; CompListEna := TStringList.Create; for i := Low(cArray) to High(cA...